Sibling Day: Heeseung Pt. 2

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The picture in the media is your reaction when you say "what?!" 😂
As promised, part 2 of Heeseung sibling day

~Y/n's POV~

I wake up and it takes me a minute to realize where I am. Then I remember what happened yesterday and everything makes sense.

Once I've fully waken up, I realize that the reason I woke up is because someone's pounding on my door.

I slowly get out of bed and walk over to the door before looking through the peep hole and seeing Heeseung standing there.

Opening the door, I come face to face with his bright smile and a cup of coffee.

"Thanks" I grumble, taking the cup from him.

"You're welcome!" He chirps.

Commence the awkward silence

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" Heeseung questions me.

"Heeseung, you shouldn't-" I cut myself off with a yawn, "Shouldn't be here. I'm sure they have eyes on all corners of this place." I reply, concerned for his well-being. What if someone follows him home?

He pretends to think for a moment before replying, "I mean, if that's the case I can't just leave you alone now can I? And I believe I was promised a 2nd peaceful sibling day in your apartment." He playfully smirks, knowing that I have no way around this.

"Fine. Come in" Annoyed, I open the door wider and step back to give him room to walk in. Even though I still stand by this not being a good idea, I am the tiniest bit excited about hanging out with Heeseung. It will be nice to catch up with him.

He makes himself comfortable on my couch before looking over at me expectantly.

"What?" I snap at him. He puts his hands up in surrender before replying,

"Dang princess. Who peed in your coffee that has a lid therefore it would be impossible to pee in since it was with me the whole time?"

I blankly stared at him, at a lost of word.

"What?!" Heeseung starts giggling and eventually is in a full on state of cackling because of the look of confusion on my face.

Once he calms down he states, "I meant, why are you in such-" He interrupts himself with another giggle, "such a bad mood." He finally finishes.

"I don't know" I lowly grumble as I make my way over to the couch and tackle him in a hug.

"Whoa someone's clingy."

"I think I may be starting that time of the month." I mumble into shirt.

"What? No no, you can't be. I distinctly remember you having it 2 months ago." Heeseung states confidently. (No, Y/n isn't pregnant or anything. Heeseung just said 2 months cause that's the last time he saw her)

I give him an incredulous look before replying, "Yeah, that's how that works. It's kind of a monthly thing y'know"

He makes a "Ohhh" face before looking back down at me.

"Stay here. I should go to the bathroom just in case." I inform him.

"Okay, I'll be right here if you need anything"


Turns out, it did indeed turn out to be what I thought it was. Yay! How fun!

We're both laying on the couch in the same position as earlier when Heeseung looks down at me again.

"Do you need me to get anything?"

"Nooooo," I whine, "Just stay hereeee. You're comfortable" I finish, lightly pouting.

"Okay, what do you wanna do then?"

"Can we just talk or watch TV? Anything that we can do without moving." Heeseung chuckles at my words.

"Sure, princess" He replies, kissing the top of my head.

"Thank youu" I reply childishly.

"What should we talk about?" Heeseung questions. I re-adjust to see him better before relying,

"Tell me about you. This whole trip has been about me and my drama. What's going on in your life? Any girls~?" I tease him, wiggling my eyebrows. He blushes profusely before shaking his head no.


"What? N-no you're reading into this to much. I d-don't have a girlfriend."

"THEN WHAT'S WITH THE BLUSHING AND STUTTERING HMM?" I continue, adding fuel to the flame.

"Nothing!" He defends, "You just caught me off guard is all!"

"Mhhmm okay then" I say, deciding to back off for now. I look up at him with a knowing smile before adding, "You'll tell me someday."

"There's nothing to tell!" He yells and throws his hands up as we both collapse into fits of giggles.

After we've had our fair share of laughter I continue talking,

"For real though, how's life? How are you handling being the only parental figure?"

"Well, Ni-ki is frustrating sometimes but I wouldn't trade this for anything in the world..." He starts.

I truly listen to him for a good 15 mins before I start to feel drowsy but I fight it, really wanting to hear how he's doing. But when he starts playing with my hair it gets harder and harder to stay conscious.

After 10 more minutes I feel myself slowly starting to drift away, sleep drawing me in closer and closer.

~3rd Person POV~

"So yeah, Jungwon got really mad about that but I'm sure he'll get over it eventually, right?" Heeseung asks, looking down when he gets no response.

"Y/n-ah? Princess? Are you sleeping?" He says gently pushing the hair out of Y/n's face.

After he realizes the girl in fact did fall asleep, he gently finds a more comfortable position on the couch and sighs contently.

Deciding he'd also catch up on some much needed rest, he kisses Y/n's head before saying,

"Sleep well Princess. I love you."

This is the last thing Y/n hears before finally letting sleep tug her away from reality.

Am I the only one that acts childish at that time of the month? 😭😭
Like I have two moods, childish & clingy or blunt & rude. There is no middle 😭
Also before I forget, TYSM FOR 600 READS ❤️❤️❤️
When I first started this book I really didn't think it'd make it pass 50 reads tbh so this means so much.
I appreciate every single person who thought this book was worth their time 💕
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