Chapter Six

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Auria's POV

Today was such a shitty day it was saturday morning and this whole house was under heat. Harvey was on his toe point with worry apparently someone important is coming over at noon which was just some minutes away and he was way past stressed I was trying really hard not to cross his path because I really didn't feel like getting hit today.

He asked me to prepare tea and set it out then get lost so that's what I did. After I got everything set up both him and Olivia sat in the living room and waited anxiously while I went back to what is my room.

I think quite sometime had passed before my door burst open and in walked Harvey and I was terrified that he was about to hit me so I got up from my bed walking backwards until I hit the wall.

"Look slut, I'm not here to play games with you" he spat at me and I looked down not wanting to see his dirty face "I owe the man downstairs some money and I won't be able to pay back so Olivia and I thought that you would be a great offer to him" he says and I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me whole "p-please I d-don't wanna g-go" I begged tears building in my eyes "so you think you have a choice?" he asks in a laughing tone and my tears finally run free.

I know he hates me but why would he sell me out to a total stranger, what if he's a murderer this is human trafficking but what say do I have in this matter anyways. "He's waiting I need you to come with me" he says before laying out what rules he has for me.

Keep your head down

Do not make eye contact with anyone

Remember your place

Speak when you're spoken to

Agree to whatever I say

Dry your tears

I mean I had to obey him after all he did literally own my life I knew the day would come where he wouldn't want me here anymore but I've never once thought he would've sent me away to a stranger.

He turns to walk out of my room and I wipe the tears from my face and followed suite. Going down the stairs I've never felt more nervous in my life something about who I'm about to face scared me or more like everything.

"This is my daughter Auria she's the one I was telling you about" Harvey says once we entered the living room taking me by surprise, he must really want to impress this guy.

I still didn't know what the person looked like but I could tell there was more than one people in the room. I didn't want to disobey Harvey's rules so I stood there with my head down focusing on my fingers.

"And how long will you need?" a voice came that held power and respect, so deep and husky making me shiver in fear. "I thought we could settle this since I'm letting you have her" Harvey tells him and I was trying hard not to cry how can he just let me go with some random ass man that sound like jesus himself.

God, if this is my fate make it quick I'd rather be with you than move from one hell hole to another. "Look at me" the deep voice spoke once again and I was terrified because I knew he was talking to me but I didn't want to be punished for disobeying Harvey.

I stood frozen I didn't know what to do I felt like a turtle in it's shell that's afraid of humans. There were a pair of leather shoes in front of me and the close proximity of a radiating large body hovering over my small frame making me cower.

He took hold of my face forcing my head upward to look at him and god damn me, the man was not jesus but god himself. I stood wide eyed looking at his sharp jawline and his perfectly shaped lips his beautiful mesmerizing grey eyes that I could get lost in, and holy Mary mother of jesus was his muscles trying to break free from the material of his shirt. I'm sorry did you say handsome? Who? This man is gorgeous. I bet he has woman dropping as his feet-

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