Chapter Twenty-Three

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Zaiden's POV

*two months later*

I wanted to be home so badly I miss being with Auria and I just want to lay in bed and cuddle her all night long. I was almost home and I'm dreading to be there.

These past months have been the best few I've had in over five years and I'm really happy I decided on what I did that day when I met her. She's been my absolute rock and I don't know what I'd do without her.

Even though I almost got her hurt by this crazy one night stand I had back sometime fucking threatening her but who knew my Auria was a total bad ass, she really just needed the chance to find herself, she dealt with the situation perfectly getting all possessive over me and that kinda did something to me I'll have you know.

I'm not sorry for the poor girl though Auria literally stuffed her face in I'm sure she'll need medical help from a plastic surgeon. I swear I wanted to stop her but my instinct said no.

I agree she should have known her place, and I also agree that I'm hers from the speech I got afterwards I couldn't less than agree with her I didn't want to wake up in an hospital or worst on the side of the road like she said.

I should just let her tag along with me when I need to do business. She's very intimidating when she's angry and the way she gets all protective I love it. I bet she'll do well in the mafia right beside me, I mean with girls I'm sure she could take them if they got her mad enough, as for men they would probably look at her like a little cute squishy teddy bear, of course I wouldn't give them the chance to look at her, fuck that I don't even know what I'm thinking I would never allow that to happen ever.

I turn on the road that leads to the gate and drove down as the gate opened and I drove through parking and getting out eagerly. It was already getting dark so I assume it's probably late. I got into the house laying my case down and shrugging off my jacket walking to the living room.

"Auria!?" I called out but no answer making me frown I decided to go check the one place where I know she might be so I headed to the kitchen. I got there and she was standing at the counter with her back towards me so I walked forward to her and place my hand on her hips making her jump.

I wrap my arms around her pulling her back into my chest and buried my face into her neck. "What are you doing?" she asks and I shook my head saying nothing. "I missed you" I say turning her around so I could look at her, "yeah? you call me too hours ago" she states and I frown "so... It's not like I was holding you all day" I complain pouting at her and she went on her toes to kiss me making me smile at her now.

"How was work today?" she asks and I sigh "boring I wanted to leave so bad" I tell her truthfully and she laughs at my childishness. "Okay you go freshen up, I'll get dinner set up " she says and I kissed her once more before walking out heading upstairs to our room.

I got a quick shower washing my hair and leaving it to air dry and getting dressed in a simple sweat pants and a grey t-shirt with socks heading downstairs and to the dinning room.

Auria was just walking in with Edith following behind her holding a dish with garlic bread. This all looks so good she's literally a master chef and I freaking love her cooking. There was braised short ribs, chicken piccata, garden salad, mashed potatoes and garlic bread with red wine and champagne.

I really like the fact that she takes practice in cooking at home and I'm glad she does because I love when she cooks plus I love eating and she loves cooking kinda match made in heaven.... right....

I took my seat at the table just as she walks in looking at her phone. She takes her seat and look at me with a frustrated look on her face and I just had to "what's wrong baby?" I ask looking straight at her "I wanted that rustic brown paint for the outside walls of the main restaurant where the office is but apparently I'm not gonna be able to get it" she says in a mocking annoyed tone making me chuckle a bit. She looks at me and I swear if looks could kill just start planning my funeral right now.

"I'm sorry baby, but can't you get something else or at least wait for sometime see if they'll get the one you want" I say trying to convince her otherwise, "no...I want that one" she says with a pout "fine did you check any other place?" I ask because I know she's not gonna change her mind "I'll do that tomorrow, now eat I need your opinion on the chicken" she says and immediately her mood changes.

I know this all was stressful for her trying to get the place running again but she stresses about the smallest things. She has to have the perfect paint, the chairs has to be the perfect shape so does the tables, the floor has to be the perfect shade the glass at the window has to be perfectly shine. I don't know what to do at this point, Genevieve is helping her out along with Jace who I didn't even know was an interior designer and he has a whole company I think it's super fun unlike my boring ass job.

I took a piece of the chicken first as she wanted and as I did a burst of juicy cheesiness of the chicken fills my taste buds. I moaned out in satisfaction making her smile at me "this is absolutely...amazing my love" I say once I'm finished chewing "thank you " she says proudly as we both dug in.

Afterwards she helped Edith cleaned up and I went upstairs I go brush my teeth. I got in bed feeling content just waiting for her. Some minutes have passed and I was now staring at my phone going through my spam email checking if I had missed anything earlier today.

She soon walks in the room and I immediately put my phone down and await her to join me. She went to the bathroom and I frown a little desperate to hold her in my arms.

She walks out and was gonna head to the closet but I had to stop her "baby... please come to bed" I say pouting at her because I know she's doing all this on purpose. "Fine" she sighs and walks over to me and got in, I wasted no time in pulling her towards me and under the covers cuddling her like a stuffed animal.

"You're such a baby " she say turning in my grip so now instead of my face being in her neck I was laying on her breast which is quite comfortable. "I missed you, and I'm not going to work tomorrow I'm working from home so I can stay with you" I tell her seriously while she runs her fingers through my hair.

"Fine but I'll have things to do in the morning so promise to let me work until lunch at least " she say and I smirk "no promises little one I don't think I wanna do that" I say playfully as she smacks my head. "Ouch! what was that for?" I ask "you'll let me work won't you?" she ask and I nod and bury my face in her chest as her hand returns to my hair.

"You feel so comfy" I say snuggling closer "and you are 2 years old" she says and I roll my eyes "you know you like it when I cuddle you" I say in a teasing tone "no I don't " she says and I know she's lying. I look up at her and she's smiling "say you like when I cuddle you or I'm tickling you" I threatened and she shakes her head so I sat up and started tickling her sides, "say it you know it's true" I say stopping for her to catch her breath "never" she states and I got to tickling her once more "fine... Fine.. I-I like it w-when you c-cuddle me!" she yells in between laughs.

I stop laying back in my position on her once more as she calms down "don't ever say you don't like my cuddles " I say making her laugh as she snuggled in and her fingers returned to my hair "got it" she say "hmm" I hummed as I was getting sleepy "good night " she says kissing my head with the sweetest kiss sounding sleepy also "I love you" I whisper out before I let darkness consume my being.



Okay finally we getting somewhere, this took a while don't you think?

Hope you enjoyed💛💙

I love you butterflies 🦋🦋😇


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