Chapter Forty- One

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Auria's POV

Two weeks later

"Should I pack some Advil?" Zaiden asks and I shook my head at him, He's all over the place with excitement I really thought I was gonna be the one freaking out as I've never flew before but how wrong am I? He's here talking about packing the entire house just for what is almost a twelve hour flight.

We ought to get to the airport in the next two hour so we have just 60 minutes to idle around before we have to leave the house. I had made Zaiden coffee earlier maybe that's why he has that much energy to be running around, I on the other hand is tired all this packing and everything I've done in this past two weeks have wore me out completely I couldn't have been more happy to go on this vacation at least I could rest for the most part.

"Have we got everything?" I ask looking around at all the suitcases which was only just five, I mean I say just five but it's a lot I still don't know how long we're planning to stay there but I packed just enough for any how long our vacation will be. "I think so, I'm gonna get these in the car you can see if there's anything else you'll need..." he says trailing off and checking his watch "we have less than 30 minutes " he informs me and I nod at him before he grabs two suitcases and pulling them along behind him as he walks out.

As he left I decided on getting my Louis Vuitton Jersey tote that Alianna got me because I would have never bought something this expensive for myself clothes is a maybe but a $2300 bag not never. After I got hold of it I rushed downstairs and to the kitchen getting some snacks in their and some cookies and other sweets, I've heard a lot of things about airplane foods and I don't want to experience it I'd rather be on the safe side of not starving for that twelve hours.

He got everything in the car and I got my snacks that he checked and I had to put some back since he said I wouldn't be able to take it with me which I frowned on but okay. Once that was settled we both got in the back of the car where Elijah was driving us and I don't know why but Sawyer was driving behind us. I wanted him to come with us so bad but Zaiden said we'll have different bodyguards when we get there but still I'm used to going places and having Sawyer with me but he refused to come along.

The drive to the airport was shorter than I anticipated which I was super greatful for as I was becoming uneasy driving for that long of a time. Once we were at the airport Zaiden left me with Sawyer to go speak to some security or something. This whole experience is so rare and weird for me, I know why he would want bodyguards to follow us everywhere all the time because people can be crazy like damn even girls looking at him desperately it was freaking insane.

Once he return I had to say good bye to Sawyer which I was still not pleased about but I still did it anyways so we could be on our way to the gate that leads outside I assume. There was a lot of different air planes everywhere and the place was super busy there wasn't a lot of people but there was someone everywhere doing something.

I got all the more confused when he wasn't walking towards any of the planes that people was walking towards instead he was leading us to a navy blue one that looks to have gold on it making it shiny and pretty. I gently pull on his arm that is wrapped around mind to get his attention as he looks down at me I decided to voice my questions "what are we doing and where is our things?" I ask and he smiles at my confused state. "Well this is my jet and our things are on it" he tells me and I'm sure my eye balls would just drop to the floor along with my jaws any second now.

"Well if you want to go on a flight on one of those I could have that arranged " he says laughing and referring to the other airplanes. I gather myself as he takes hold of my hand once more and let me walk in front of him up the stairs and into the plane which let me just say I fucking froze at how beautiful the inside was and I thought the outside was shiny.

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