The Fall of Union

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Jackdaw:"this is it fellas...we've come to far on the shadow war between us against the "infamous" heroes of multiverse."

Crow:"this is it, no turning back..."

Caboose was checking his mags of his two weapons making sure they are really prepared for this big day..

Director:"are the operatives ready, Wren?"

Wren:"yes sir, they're lock and loaded. ready to kill."

Director:"and the Project:DoomHarbinger?"

Wren:"ready to let it loose sir. Benjamin got too excited on killing union."

Director:"the servers are hacked thanks to our hacker division and Crow,they'll be blind,its other friends can hear them screaming for backup other than atlas,Union will fall no matter what."

Jackdaw:"the rest of the operatives will hold the students off, Caboose,Crow and Finch. push through the academy, acquire the secrets they hold, and then Crow expose em to the public making the hero agency of union getting rioted by their own people. Phase 2:Initiate Phantom Sunrise style by planting explosives and burn the whole place down. do the killing honors...End your former headmaster to fufill what you have came for took a long time and came far."

Caboose:"understood sir"

Crow:"got it old man!"

Finch smirked as he gets to kill Ozpin by himself...

>=End of Briefing=<


a normal day at union..until a missile hit the academy's entrance...a three gunships piloted by Navigator,Falcon and Sparrow..the academy was alerted by this and most of the students come out with their weapons ready..they tried to shoot the gunship but ended up getting sniped from the far distance by someone's CH-A,gunned down by their gunship's machine guns or shot clean by the basic operatives.

Finch:"Helloooooo Union! Missed me?"

Operative#39:"DoomHarbinger has been deployed."


with his weapons free he goes on a killstreak rampage against Union heroes that tried to stop him.


Ozpin:"we're under attack! by who?"

Ozpin looked at the screen to see many operatives pushing thought union..and the three freelancers..and he saw the Project DoomHarbinger fighting against Union.

Ozpin:"No! DoomHarbinger is on their hands."

Ironwood(Screen):"Ozpin, we're under attacked by Halcyon and Phoenix Organization! we need your students her-"

Ozpin:"theres no hope James...they got the DoomHarbinger on their the freelancer operatives."

Ironwood:"Then we must call the others!"

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