반박불가 [No Diggity]

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In the hospital - Recovery Ward
Jeon Jeongguk's P.O.V.

Jimin and I had been talking for a couple of minutes when he slapped me, I looked at him only to see him gesturing for me to look down. When I did I saw blood seeping through the hospital gown. "Oh. Fuck." Jimin rolled his still glossy eyes and gestured for my arm again. 

_  .  ._..  ._..    _.  ___    ___  .    ..  __   ....  .  ._.  .
[tell no one im here]

.__.  ._..  .  ._  ...  .

I sighed, "Not even Dongmyeong?" His eyes widened in surprise, I guess he didn't know we still talk, he shook his head 'no' as his eyes teared up again. "Damn you and your puppy eyes! You know they always work on me. Can I tell Tae at least?" After the longest pause he nodded once, barely.

I stood up to go and he squeezed my arm then used sign language to tell me he loved me. "Love you too, Park, you're safe with me. I'll see you soon." I could see the relief reflected in his eyes before he closed them. I pulled up the blankets before pulling the curtains closed quietly and managed to press the Call Nurse button near my bed, I couldn't make it on to the bed so I just sat on the floor and leaned against the bed with one hand on my wound.

I wondered what had happened to Jimin in the year I hadn't seen him. I mean, we still texted and caught up on social media but he'd been less active and I wasn't able to track the location on his phone. Thoughts buzzed through my mind as I heard footsteps rapidly approaching. The nurse opened the door and looked horrified they couldn't see me. "What?! Where did he go? Shit!" " 'M here," I mumbled and raised my hand enough the nurse could see it over the bed, though it had blood on it he looked relieved. 

"There you are." I nodded groggily, I guess I was worn out from the five minutes I'd been awake. He lifted me back on the bed and got me settled, he lifted the bloodied top and rolled his eyes playfully, "I guess you're a troublemaker, yeah?" I aimed to smile, "Yeaah. I s'pose so." I looked at him and decided to press my luck again. "Hey, nurse dude," "Yes?" "What happened to the dude in that bed?" I gestured vaguely to where the curtains were now closed. He frowned, "I'm not allowe-" "I know him. He's my friend from high school, man. What happen to 'im?" I was slurring my words as if I was drunk. The pain levels were escalating really quickly and it was taking all I had in me to not collapse, but I just had to know what happened to my friend in the time after he ghosted me.

I hear a sigh from the nurse, and a subtle few taps on the bed. "He's Park Jimin, he's 3 years older than me and I loved him like my brother. I want to know what happen'd to my friend." I asked and gave him the same big doe eyes that always worked on my brother and Tae. The nurse smiled a little as he gave me a pain pills to swallow with a cup of water. "I'll tell you only if you sit still while I fix you up. Deal?" I nodded eagerly.

"Male patient was brought in around three hours after you. Found on a half finished building worksite on Switchback Road and brought in by an off-duty ambulance paramedic, one of our best. Patient was announced deceased on arrival but was able to be revived, he was without oxygen for two minutes though CPR was performed consistently, his shoulder was dislocated, suffering from mild hypothermia and low blood pressure which has been stabilized. Patient has been diagnosed as considerably undernourished, suspected anorexia or bulimia nervosa, uh, we won't know until he wakes and further tests are run and results come back. Doctors had to drain fluid from one of his lungs and put him on oxygen to help him breathe. Park's pretty bruised up." 

"Hey," the nurse patted my shoulder to get my attention and I looked at him with tears in my own eyes, "don't worry too much okay? Your friend is expected to fully recover if he wakes up in the next 48 hours. You know Min's a fighter."

That put a cheesy grin on my face and my eyes shifted to the curtain, I looked at the nurse and back at the curtain. "Really?" I asked, the cute nurse nodded and I awkwardly pulled him into a hug. "Thank you," the sincere words fell from my lips without a thought, then I realized I wanted to know who brought him in, like, who found Jimin? "Who brought him in?" I ask curiously. "A tall red head, he's still here, um, Jiang? Jong? Something like that." A small frown creased his forehead as he searched for the name. "Jung?" I asked, dread floating in my guts.

He smiled, "Yeah, Jung Hos-" I slapped my hand on his mouth. "Don't! Don't say that name. Not around me and not around Jimin. Not ever in his hearing! That fucking asshole caused enough damage to my Jiminnie in the first place." My eyes bored into his as I begged the bluenette, "You can't tell him Jimin's here - and don't tell him Jimin's awake! You can't tell him ANYTHING." The nurse raised his eyebrows in shock and pulled my hand from his mouth. "What?"

I slapped my head again, suddenly focused and properly alert, realizing what I'd just said. "Nothing! You heard nothing from me. Jimin's not awake and listening to us right now I promise!" The nurse quickly pulled back the curtain to check and my Jiminnie was staring at him with tears in his eyes. "Hey!" I got the nurses attention again. "You have to keep this a secret. Please! Please, Jimin is under protection and until I can talk to his handler you can't say anything to anyone - not that he's here and not that he's awake. Please?" I struggled to sit up but the nurse came back over and pushed me down. "You. Stay lying down or you'll reopen your stitches."

"I'll do anything you want, I promise! I'll be a model patient, anything, but just - please. You can't tell that person ANYTHING. We'll all be in shit if they find out he's even here. Please don't say anything to anyone who doesn't have to know. Tell the guy Jimin was transferred somewhere else or tell him Jimin's dead and give him another name or anything. I don't care! We have to protect Jimin. PLEASE." I begged, shoving my ego and pride aside because my friend was all that mattered. I couldn't let Jung Hoseok destroy Park Jimin again. I wouldn't.

The uniformed nurse looked a little confused and tired from my explanation, rubbing his hands over his face. "Look. I'll see what I can do but I won't make you any promises. Do you want me to send your family in?" My eyes brightened, as did the chocolate orbs in the bed opposite me. "As long as that skanky toe-rag of a bastard doesn't come in as well I'm happy to have my family come in. Can you pull the curtain shut though please? Nobody can know he's here, not even my brother." 

"You owe me Kid. You better be a model patient your whole stay, you understand?" The nurse chided, "and my name's Min Yoongi but call me Yoongi. I'll be your personal assistant during your totally relaxing stay in our totally luxurious beachside apartments here at Lotus Lakes General Hospital." I grinned at his sarcasm and grabbed his hand with both of mine. 

"Thank you Min Yoongi, for being a good human bean." His eyebrows creased for a minute. Then he got the joke. The corner of his lips curling up in a tiny smile he reached out and ruffled my hair. "You too kid, for looking out for your friend." He turned and looked at Jimin who motioned with fingers to his chin then moved them away [thank you in Australian Sign Language]. "Ji says 'thank you'." 

"I know." The nurse replied before he turned and walked out the door.

SONG/ARTIST: Parting by Onewe

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