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PREVIOUSLY: The unknown female snickered cruelly. She was spying on Park Jimin from the doorway, giggling when she saw the male noticeably shiver and look around with wide, startled eyes. The kind you see on an animal that knows it's being watched, stalked... hunted. The female pulled up the mask she was wearing, straightened the stolen Doctors jacket, and moved away from her prey. For now.


3rd Person's P.O.V.

Jimin tossed and turned in the hospital sheets. In his sleeping state he was feeling like he was being tied down, restrained, trapped. He whimpered in his sleep and continued to twist restlessly; the nightmares plaguing his sleeping hours weren't uncommon but since he didn't have any of his prescriptions with him (and he didn't want to admit he took Targin and Valium to help him sleep) they'd gotten worse again, vividly reliving being bullied by his best friend and his ex.

Jimin's whimpers became soft cries, mumbled pleading, begging and it got louder until he woke with a scream, sitting bolt upright. He was terrified and there was still a strong grip around his hand and wrist, he screamed again, his whole body trembling like he was being shaken in a mixer. Jimin looked at the person with blurry tear-filled eyes and as he tried to yank his limb from the person, he stilled when he saw who it was, and squeezed their hand tightly instead.


Jeongguk had woken about an hour before Jimin's terrified scream. He couldn't work out what had woken him, he lay there for a while before deciding to get up and go to the toilet before washing his hands and making his way back to the hard and uncomfortable bed. He poured himself a glass of water from the jug on the singular table in the room, between the single beds. Once he got back in, pulling up one of the warm blankets his brother had brought in for him and Jimin to use, he lay down and grabbed his mobile phone hoping to either find something interesting on YouTube or to be able to make himself fall asleep by reading a trash novel on his favourite site, Webnovel. 

Jeongguk heard a soft sniffle from the bed to his right, looking over he couldn't see anything unusual, so he shrugged it off assuming it was Jimin just moving around, and went back to his phone. The soft sniffle turned into whimpers, whimpers into muttered words and Jeongguk couldn't work out most of them so he didn't move much. He really was hoping it wouldn't be a night terror like the ones his sweet friend had used to suffer but the sounds from his friend were getting louder and he knew that this was going to be more than just a bad dream. Jeongguk didn't know (he couldn't) that Jimin was pleading for his life in the terrifying, never-ending nightmare he was trapped in.

When his friend began crying the younger moved from his bed to the chair next to his friends bed, knowing he couldn't wake Jimin up or it would become more real to his friend and he wouldn't be able to work his way out of it for a few hours. Jeongguk wouldn't wish that on his sweet friend again ao he took the older males hand and held on to it like he was holding on to life itself, clear liquid unknowingly welling and overflowing from his chocolate orbs and tracking down his face and dripping onto his nightshirt. Jeongguk jumped when Jimin screamed and sat upright but he didn't let go of the elders hand, if anything, he gripped it tighter and he tried to stay quiet, knowing that he couldn't wake his terrified friend from whatever terror was haunting him tonight. It seemed they had only gotten worse over time, instead of lessening.

Without thinking the youngest sent his location to an old friend, then a second message containing only three words. 


Jeongguk really, really hoped Jimin wouldn't be too angry with him when he found out what he'd done.


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