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Message from Kookie Monster:

Wednesday, 13 August

This person has shared their current location with you.
Seoul General Hospital.
03:15 AM

03:16 AM



3rd Person's P.O.V.

Found him? Found who? No... Could it... Jimin? Nah, but.... Could it be their Jiminnie? Their own sweetheart? Maybe... Maybe it could be. It might be - Kookie wouldn't send him such an obscure message otherwise.

Kanghyun couldn't believe that Jeongguk had found Jimin. 'Where? When? How? Wait, hospital!? What's wrong with Jimin? What's wrong with Jeongguk?' Their tight knit group had been looking for Jimin for over a year; Jimin moved in with his girlfriend two years before, but he'd dropped all contact six months after that and nobody hadn't seen or heard from him since, much to everyone's dismay. 

Jimin's past friends' group were all very worried about him, it'd almost killed 'Myeong when Jimin left because he doted on the tiny sweetheart who'd stolen all their hearts, he'd fallen fast and hard for the smaller blond boy. Dongmyeong's heart had left with Jimin and shattered when he had simply vanished. Kanghyun looked up at the three people gathered around him, dazedly, but staring as best he could through his tears at Dongju, he stuttered three words that would cause chaos to re-enter their lives.

"Kookie found Jimin."

"WHAT!?" "WHAT?!" "Who?" Came the chorus of three voices. 

Kanghyun showed his co-workers the sms he'd received less than a minute ago from Jeongguk showing the maknae's location and *I FOUND HIM* text that followed. Dongju leaned on the nearest table and blew out a huge breath, as if he'd been holding it in and didn't know it. "Holy shit," Dongju breathed as Harin sat on the floor next to Kanghyun, wrapping an arm around him. "Holy shit is right. 'Myeong's gonna flip." Alex remained standing, unsure what was going on with her work friends this morning, so, she asked the question on her mind.

"Uh, who's this Jimin person? Is she important to you guys?" Alex was confused because she didn't remember the name Jimin coming up in their conversations before - though the way she had just seen them react to Kanghyun's news showed her that this Jimin person must be pretty damn important to them. Dongju snorted a laugh, taking the lead in the conversation knowing that Kanghyun would probably not be able to stop crying long enough to give even a short version of what had happened.

"He. Park Jimin is my brother's Jimin. It almost killed Dongmyeong when he went M.I.A. nineteen months ago. The shortest version of this story? Kanghyunnie saved Jimin's life. After he brought Jimin home from the hospital to recover we found out what Kang already knew. Jimin is such an amazing and precious person, definitely one of a kind, and the sweetest kind of someone who should never ever be treated the way he was. Our group all looked after each other for the next few years but my twin, Dongmyeong, he fell head over heels in love with Jimin. We all thought Jimin felt the same about Myeong, but Jimin announced he was moving out with this girl friend he knew.

"I dunno if they were together romantically or whatever, I don't think they were but I know Jimin was wrecked by some fucking nasty shit that happened to him. About half a year after he moved out, he ghosted us. He dropped all contact and blocked all eleven of us, but because of his past which I won't go into, we were all really worried about our sweetheart, but don't get me wrong, when I call him sweetheart, I mean it because he is a total sweetheart and would go out of his way to make others happy even when it makes him unhappy. We always made sure to treat him just as well as he treated us and we would never have taken advantage of his beautiful and loving nature. After he disappeared, we searched for him every day but we could never find him.

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