Lost Boy

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Hospital Room
Jeon Jeongguk's P.O.V.

I pressed the red [NURSE] call button again and hoped that the cute blue haired nurse would come to see us but I'm pretty sure he'd've finished his shift ages ago. Probably. I wanted to let the nurses know two friends were coming and it was important to Jimin's mental health, even though it was so early in the morning and stuff but I wanted for Kanghyun and Dongmyeong put on a visitors register or something, people who I would let visit our precious smol bean.

Jimin's nightmares have eased off, I guess, though tear tracks are still obvious on his face. I gotta admit his snuffles were cute as he rubbed his face on my sleeve (I will SO need to get that cleaned 'cuz I'm pretty sure it's gonna be covered in snot in the morning) but there's no way I'm gonna complain since I'd been reunited with one of my best friends and my boyfriends soulmate. Fluke meeting or not, I wasn't going to let anything happen to Jimin and I wasn't going to let him ghost us again. 


The door to our private room was opened quietly and the nurse looked at my bed which was empty, before looking at Jimin's bed where both of us were lying. The nurse looked over to us and I gasped quietly when I recognized him. "Yeon? Lee Yeon!" I exclaimed as quiet as I could, for sure I wasn't expecting to see him working as MY nurse! I knew he'd gone into the medical field after his friends had taken in Jimin all those years back but I didn't know he'd chosen nursing as his field. 

"Jeon? What've you done this time dude? Also, I'm pretty sure this isn't your bed, according to the chart hanging on the end of the bed you're leaning on." Lee Hoseok, also known as 'Yeon', grinned as he picked up the chart at the end of the bed but when he read the name on the chart, his grin fell, his grip on the chart slacked, and he looked at me incredulously. Quietly padding to the head of the bed he looked closer at the other person using my arm and shoulder as their pillow.

"Oh my God," he breathed, clutching my shoulder, "It's... it's really Minnie?" I nodded and watched as the salt-water filled his eyes, which he quickly swiped away with the back of his hand. "Call him anything but that because he's not Min anymore- he hasn't been since.... you know... that shit with Jung. My brother said the douche-bag, toe-rag mother-fucker that almost killed Jimin is also the bitch who brought him in." I spoke softly, trying not to wake the sleeping man using me as his pillow, I'd been in pain for a while now and it was getting bad enough I couldn't handle it without some help.

"Ah. Yeon? My stitches are really hurting again, can I have something for the pain, please?" I asked softly, keeping my voice down as not to wake the sleeping angel next to me. Holding his hand hadn't been enough so I'd ended up climbing in bed with him which helped him a lot, Jimin was now sort of wrapped around me like a baby koala and he'd just settled back down a few minutes ago from his night terrors. 

Yeon was all nurse-y business when I complained of my stitches hurting. He gently rolled me away from Jimin's body, trying not to jostle Jimin too much so Jimin he wouldn't be disturbed, as he checked the surgery site. He got out a penlight from his pocket to look closer at it and quietly swore. 

"How long have they been sore? Ugh, Kookie, you're not supposed to do anything for at least a week. Are you still with Taehu- of course you are. Shit. You've pulled a couple of the stitches at the edges so I'll have to get a doctor to check it before I can fix you up. You need to get back on your bed when the doctor comes to check you out." Lee Yeon was as blunt as ever with his words but I knew he only had my best interests at heart. I was only a little embarrassed at being caught out. He narrowed his eyes at me, considering his next procedure. 

"You can stay with Jimin until I bring back someone to help me move you but then you have to get back on your bed while we repair the stitches. You need to move as little as possible for at least 24 hours after you're fixed up, Jeon Jeongguk, you have to behave or you'll end up getting an infection that could lead to complications. I'm talking about the kind of consequences that lead to death. I don't screw around when it comes to my patients' health." 

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