Broken Me

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*** REWIND 2 HOURS ***

Kim Seokjin's P.O.V.

I sat in the waiting room with someone I hadn't seen in a good few years, Jung Hoseok, and to take his mind off the person he'd come in with I talked to him about things that had been going on in our lives since we'd seen each other last which was during his last year of high school. This lead to Hoseok bawling his eyes out about how he knew Jimin and what he'd done to his best friend, the person who had trusted him the most, and how he'd turned against him in order to protect himself but it'd only left deeper scars because he had believed Park Jimin was dead... Right up until he recognized the boy last night.

After Jung Hoseok had worn himself out and fell asleep across the hard plastic seats I saw a very beautiful lilac haired man walk in, looking around for someone. Our gazes locked and I swear my heart stopped. He kept looking around but when he started walking in my direction I waved, his step faltering a little but he continued my way. Stopping in front of Hoseok he looked relieved. I held out a hand and introduced myself, "Hi, I'm Kim Seokjin, if you want you can call me later." I slapped my hand over my mouth as I felt my face flame up with embarrassment. He laughed and as I stared in wonder at the melodious sound, I noticed he had dimples on both cheeks. "You're beautiful."

It was his turn to blush. "Uh, thanks? I guess." He responded to my thought. "Did I say that out loud?" I asked him, my mouth had no filter it seemed. He grasped my hand in a firm handshake, "Hi later, I'm Kim Namjoon. If you want you can call me yours." He winked with a grin that displayed his dimples again and I felt my mouth go dry. "Is this guy for real? He's going to kill me with that smile of his, I think I need to sit down." Namjoon smiled at me again and indicated to the seat. "Have a seat, Seokjin. You look like you could use a glass of water? Would you like me to get you some water, or will my phone number be alright?" My face flamed up and I thought I was going to die. "Oh my god. Are you for real? I'm not imagining you am I? Maybe this is-" Namjoon's laughter interrupted my train of thoughts and I heard a familiar laughter join him.

"Hi, I'm Kim Taehyung, you can just call me Tae, I'm Jin's almost brother-in-law. You are?" Taehyung introduced himself to Namjoon. He'd brought a box with him that contained a huge fresh breakfast for all of us to share, 2 large vanilla lattes and a few bottles of water. Tae invited Namjoon to share our breakfast (which he accepted) and so we ate and chatted, getting to know Namjoon and he getting to know us. The sleeping male on the seats to the side of us roused with the smell of food. Taehyung giggled and poked Hoseok a few times. "Who are you, Mister sleepy head? Joonie says you're his friend so I guess you can't be so bad." The red head rubbed his puffy eyes slowly, his brain reminding him he is in the hospital. "I'm Hose-" His introduction was interrupted by a blue haired nurse calling into the waiting room. 

"Family for Jeon Jeongguk?" Jin and I stood up abruptly, moving toward the nurse. "How is he? Is he awake? Can we see him now? How is he?" The nurse held up a hand to stop Jin. "My name's Min Yoongi. I'm his nurse and I'll answer your questions in a moment but first I need to speak to his boyfriend, Kim Taehyung," he looked at the ball of energy next to me. "That's you, yes?"

Taehyung nodded urgently and blurted, "What's up Doc?" Min Yoongi snickered at the reference to his favourite Warner Bros character, Bugs Bunny. The male nurse whispered something in Taehyung's ear and his eyes went as round as saucers, watering up as he shoved a fist in his mouth. "A-a-are y-you-..? For real? Like f-for real? Seriously?" "Floor three. Room 316." Called Min Yoongi before the younger took off like a bat out of hell. "No running!" He shouted at Taehyung as he vanished around the corner.

"What did you say that set his pants on fire?" I asked the blue haired nurse who motioned for me to follow him. "Let's walk and talk, I'll tell you on the way," he started. I looked at Namjoon, hesitating to walk away, I really wanted to get his number. "Hold on just a moment, uh, do you have a pen I can borrow?" The short nurse looked behind me and smirked knowingly, pulling a pen from his breast pocket and handed it to me. 

"Sure. Why don't you give him a smooch as well?" I laughed, thinking that it wouldn't be a terrible idea if I could get the courage to do so because Namjoon was, in my eyes, absolutely gorgeous and I don't just mean his looks. I walked back to Namjoon and motioned for him to hold out his hand. I took his hand in mine, enjoying the feel of his work roughened hands as I pulled up his sleeve a little and wrote my number on his arm along with 6 words; 

Hey Mine, call me later ;) Jin <3 

Scrounging every ounce of courage I could find, I leaned over and swiftly kissed his cheek before fleeing towards the blue haired nurse who looked like his face would split with the cheshire cat-like grin plastered on his face, and dragged him towards the hall that'd take me to my younger brother. Setting a brisk and steady pace Min Yoongi started towards the room where Jeongguk had been settled, updating me on how Jeongguk was doing after his surgery. 

Min Yoongi also told me we must keep our volume down when we visited because there was a patient occupying the second bed in Jeongguk's room who needed a lot of peace and quiet to recover. He apologized that while my brother wasn't going to be in a single room like I'd asked but there would only be one other patient and my brother had already given permission as long as he could have his boyfriend come and visit whenever he wanted. The other patient had agreed to the bargain. 

 I rolled my eyes, "Kookie only wants peace to make out with his boyfriend and not to have others complain about it." I complained and Min Yoongi laughed with me. "Yeah," he agreed, "that was pretty much why I got Taehyung to go ahead so I could talk to you alone. I have instructions to let you know that if you see or meet your brothers room-mate, you are not to mention anything about him to anyone. We are under very strict orders from the Hospital's Management to keep the patients identity confidential. My job and the other person's life is at stake so it's vital this information does not leave the room. You won't be permitted to visit your brother without supervision if you don't agree." The nurses grey eyes pleading with me to understand his position. "I understand. I won't say a word." I readily agreed.

We were almost at room 316 we heard loud, rambunctious laughter from the younger boys currently occupying the room. I looked at the nurse and frowned, my steps hurrying up and as I walked in I shouted at them, "HEY! You're supposed to be being quiet so your roommate can recover without your noise." They both jumped and looked at me guiltily. "Sorry Seokjin!" "Sorry Jin!" I heard the pair chorus at me. I huffed, "Sure you are. It's not me you ought to apologize to though, it's your roommate." Min Yoongi interrupted me with a hand on my arm, speaking quietly but firmly to all of us. 

"The other patient is still in an induced coma for now, but he may be able to hear you. The hospital will appreciate if you can keep your voices down. Jeongguk, we spoke about this less than an hour ago, so you know to keep the volume down and if you can't I'll have to transfer you out of here and put someone else in." Jeongguk looked.. worried? ''Why?' I wondered. "About the other matter, I'll let you know what the Hospital Director says. If you break the agreement we have I'll move you out of here in two seconds flat. Understand?" He looked sternly at my brother who looked down to hide his red face. 

"Sorry. Please... Please don't move me out," Jeongguk mumbled, "I'll be more quiet, I'll do better." Min Yoongi nodded in satisfaction. Looking at me he said, "You have a good brother, Seokjin." I smiled, relieved and confused at the half conversation Tae and I just heard, "yeah most of the time. Except, you know, when he goes to a party and gets stabbed..." My eyebrow quirking up while pointedly staring at him.

SONG/ARTIST: Permission To Dance by BTS (Butter Single / B-side track)

Stream this song because it's so damn awesome!!!

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