FRAXUS!!! Catch The Thunder by WildRhov

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I highly recommend reading Catch The Thunder by WildRhov - this is a hugely intricate book featuring Freed/Fried Justine and Laxus Dreyar (Fraxus) of Fairytail. Also with guest appearances from Evergreen & Elfman, Grandpa Dreyar, Bixslow & Lisanna (such a wonderful pairing!), Sting & Rogue (Stingue), Gray & Natsu (Gratsu), Rufus Lore & more...

This is an ongoing book and currently has 74 chapters! I'm in love with the writer and the descriptions of the clubs, the outfits, the people and places that are included. The feelings that both Freed and Laxus deal with are presented realistically.

WildRhov has exceeded any expectations I may have had for this book when I started reading it.

Please read and support this author - they're AMAZING!!!

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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