Car For Pussies

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~Michele's P.O.V.~
Damn man, this is taking forever. I'm sitting at the Starbucks waiting for Miranda to finish my fucking frap and the wait is killing me. I wonder what Anthony is doing...Anthony? I mean Andy, I wonder what Andy is doing. I already know what Anthony is doing.
I sighed in irritation. Thinking about the past will solve nothing Brittny...he's dead, get over it. I laughed pitifully with tears brimming at the edge of my eyes. Staring at the ceiling I close my thoughts off and focused on something else.
"Hey, Brit here's your frap."
"Thanks," I sighed not bothering to see who gave it to me. "How come I'm the only costumer that you give the drink to? Any other person you make them get it from the counter?"
Turning to the person who saved my frap craving sanity I saw Jack...again.
"Huh, oh uh...I don't know. You're our favorite customer. You come by everyday, literally. Me and Isaac love you. You're our little sister and we care," he replied awkwardly with a blush present on his face. Scratching the back of his neck he look up at the ceiling also and sighed.
"Why do you come everyday," he asked after a moment of silence.
I gave a weak chuckle and thought about it. "This is the same Starbucks that Anthony always talked about when he visited his grandparents," I replied softly.
Jack tensed up some and ran a hand threw his hair making his beanie fall off in the process. Blinking he turned around in his chair to pick it back up.
"You can't dwell on the past too much," he said with his head in his hands muffling his voice a little bit.
"I don't and you know it," I grumbled.
"You don't do it enough," he laughed with a strangled sigh. "You ignore it until it consumes you. You're such a Eccedentesiast. Except during warped tour. It's like you hate playing on the stage, when you're so good at it. I know you hate being the center of attention, but you gotta accept it. Kids look to you when they're sad...and being emo."
"Oh trying to crack jokes about emos," I smirked.
"Maybe," he retorted with a smile. "I remember when you thought a scene kid was one of those kids that look like they got barfed on by a rainbow?"
"Oh my god," I laughed. "That was last week. I went my whole life believing that."
We both cracked up laughing til we calmed down some.
"We're such terrible people," Jack said with a fake pout. "We're making stereotypes about kids who dress a certain way."
I blinked then hung my head in agreement.
"I feel like such a terrible person."
We looked at each other for a little but then snorted and started laughing all over again.
"No you don't," Jack sighed in our post laughter fest.
"I know," I grinned. "Besides they shouldn't care about what we say. It's just a word, if we beat the shit out of them for being emo. Then they can care, but I haven't been the shit out of someone in a while. So, it really shouldn't bother them."
"I love how we talk about them like they're a different species," Jack smirked.
"Me too," I agreed.
My stomach growled and I groaned at the feeling. I'm so hungry. Jack sweat dropped.
"Didn't you just come from Dennys? And you're still hungry?"
"It's the weekend," I groaned again. "You know I eat a lot on the weekend."
"I know you do," he patted me on the back. "Come on my shift already ended. So, I'll take you to Panera Bread because, I know how much of a cliché white girl you are."
"Ouch, rude much," I faked being stabbed.
"Shut up and lets go," he rolled his eyes playfully.
"Can we stop at my place first cause, I need to change cause, warped is over."
Standing up me and Jack made our way out the door into the parking lot to his...silver punch buggy.
"Fuck no man this is the pussy-est car I have ever seen," I stepped back and started walking away. "I am not riding in this"
"Hey don't diss the bug he has feelings and besides how you gonna get to your house then? It's a five minute drive and I know you don't like to walk," Jack said in irritation. "Duck in the back seat if you're chicken enough."
My feet screeched to a stop on the gravel. Turning around I glared at Jack. How dare he and he's smirking. Stomping to the passenger door I yanked it open just to slam it shut as I got in. Smirking Jack got in the driver seat and cranked it up and backed out.
"Now was that so hard," he teased.
"Fuck you," I hissed.
"Language Brittny."
"English, French, and Japanese."
"You are too dipshit."
"I win," I grinned. It was silent after that on the way to my house. I lived three blocks from the warped tour grounds and Starbucks. So, I really could've walked there, but I don't like yeah.
It's kinda weird because, I live with Anthony's family house, but the whole place looks like shit. The woods beside warped tour is part of the old slave quarters and greenhouse of the plantation. Right on the outskirts of LA and the whole place looks haunted...I like it. On the inside it has a homey feeling to it.
Taking a right we turned down the familiar gravel road that lend to the house. Sighing I braced myself for Madame Red; she's Anthonys moms aunt.....she's a cunt that's all I know, always harassing me about my sex life and if I'm a closet whore or not. It's fucking annoying. Who cares if I haven't seriously dated anyone since him, that doesn't make me a closet pervert.
"Stop that. If you frown too much you'll get wrinkles," Jack muttered.
My face heated up and I pouted, "shut up."
Sinking lower in my seat I gazed out the window and waited.

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