The Manual

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~Andys' P.O.V.~

Ok....ok manual, manual...where did she say it was at?-oh right the counter.

Walking to the counter.....I saw nothing....-oh the fridge!!! Who left the door open?...that was me nevermind. Closing the fridge door I grab the manual from the top. Ok...hmm I flipped a couple more pages and a couple more...nothing...THERE'S NOTHING IN IT!!! I grew very frustrated because, there was nothing in the book. Michele came in and sat on the counter she had recently laid on. Rubbing her eyed lazily she looked up at my distressed state. She blinked and looked at the book in my hands. Then, she looked at something behind me and back at the book. Awkward silence flowed throughout the room. She smirked...then she laughed.

"Haha you moron I can't believe you fell for that," she laughed.

"WHAT!?!?! FELL FOR WHAT!?!?!," I cried incredulously. She stopped laughing.

"Read the last page," she replied bluntly.

I quickly flipped to the last page bending some of the others in the process. Once I found the last page I read what it said; 'Ha you're an idiot. Who makes a manual for taking care of someone. She's twenty-one you moron. She can survive on her own. Just don't let her near the WD-40 and the stove at the same time. Love, Lila.'

"I'm gonna kill her," I growled. How dare she trick me...and to think I believed her.

I sighed and placed the book back on the refrigerator top.

"So Mickey, what do you want to do today-huh Mickey-where'd you go?!"

She's gone.

~Michelles' P.O.V.~

I left the kitchen to go get dressed because,-NO-I need a shower!!! Shower first. Okay detour. Instead of stopping by my bunk I Went passed it to the bathroom. Closing the curtain I turned the water to cold because, I'm a weirdo- not too cold though- just cool I guess.

First on my list is to wash my hair. Then, I'll rinse the shampoo out and put in conditioner. Without rinsing out the conditioner I'll start bathing my self and rinse the soap suds off my body, but not the conditioner still. Then, I will wash my face with my acne scrub because, we all know that everyone has it and you can't not wash your face or you'll breakout and look like pimple man. Washing off my face I will finally rinse the conditioner. Completing that task I get out of the shower and put my black sports bra on with my army cargo pants and some my little pony socks.

Walking out of the bathroom to the living room I got my phone off the coffee table that some how magically got there. Checking my messages I saw how I had none...what am I kidding who'd want to talk to me anyways.

Sighing I turned around to come face to face with a red Andy...I think he's turning purple.

~Andys' P.O.V.~

Michele just walked in half-naked...oh my goodness why. She's so small. Muscular, but small.

"I'm just g-gonna SLEEP. I'm gonna take a nap. Don't tell Lila I value my testicles," I choked out with a blush on my face.

~Micheles' P.O.V.~




Okayyy...some how everything he said was who cares.

My stomach growled.

"UGH, so hungry."

Going to the kitchen I raided the fridge to find some whiskey.


Author's note:

So like um I don't know if you want me to continue this story because, no one really likes it. Like five people have read all the chapters so far and yeah. That's low makes me feel like less of a person. Comment and stuff. My first story so yeah. Chow.

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