Interrogation and cleaning

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~Micheles' P.O.V.~

I heard a groan from behind me. Whipping my head around to face the said noise I saw Leo sit up...well my salad is more important so yeah I'll handle that later. He can go die in a hole for all I care; I haven't finished my food...maybe when I'm done I'll take that glass of water from the back of the fridge and dump it on his head...yeah that sounds fun. Maybe he'll squeal like a girl?!

I hope the water is cold enough. There's even ice in it. So, it should be cold enough. Hmmm...

~Andys' P.O.V.~

Ugh, this couch is killing my neck. Why cruel world?! Why do you have rock hard couches?! I groaned while sitting up.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Michele turn to look at me. Then, go quickly back to whatever she's doing. What is she doing? Curiosity killed a cat, but I don't see any cats. So, I think it's safe to look. Strolling over to the said person I looked over her shoulder to see an almost all the way eaten salad...Oh right she really likes salads.

She seems like such a kid. What could be so heartless and cold about her? Sure she tried to shoot us for a minute there, but she was scared. Plus the panic attack thing. She just seems like a scared little kid...I should totally adopt her. I don't even know why, but I can imagine myself pushing her in a buggy at the market. Haha that's a weird thought.

I studied her face to see if somehow telepathy was a real thing with me. She looks kinda deep in thought...she looked at me from the corner of her eye and stiffened some with a flushed face. She refuses to look at me now.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT YOU FREAK OF NATURE," she shrieked with a blush.

"Aw, is my little Michele uncomfortable with little ole me staring at her," I teased with a smirk.

"YES!!! ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU LOOK LIKE A PEDOPHILE WHEN YOU'RE DOING IT," she yelled and pointed an accusing finger.

"How do you know what a pedophile looks like," I asked incredulously. How dare she accuse me of being a pedo.

"Pedophiles have no hair and/or not alot of hair. Wide eyes from being sprayed with pepper spray too many times. Clean nerdy looking clothes and they fidget alot," she stated proudly like it was a real thing.

I sweat dropped,"How do you know that?"

She stiffened with a dark look on her face,"That's besides the point. It's the pretty ones you really wanna look out for like you sir."

"Oh so you think I look pretty," I smirked.

"Of course, you could be easily mistakened for a woman with your long hair and angel-like baby face," she stated bluntly.

Damn not the reaction I was looking for...what do I say back? Dammit what do I say?!

She smirked,"It seems I have won this little quarrel."

"Why you little mother fuc-angel. You little angel," I quickly replied with a calm fake smile after seeing the smirk on her when I realized this is the reaction she was trying to get out of me. She was not going to win.

"Don't call me angel," she glared.

Huh not the reaction I wanted again, but she seems genuinely pissed. I'll ask Lila what it means. Hopefully she won't make up some bull shit story about a sixth drummer this time.

"Fine I won't," I surrendered.

"Thank you," she smiled fakely.

Hopping off the counter that she was sitting on this time she went to the sink and turned the faucet on to rinse her bowl out that somehow magically emptied it's self. She probably ate it while I talked, but I was too oblivious to noticed it.

"Go take a shower. You smell," Michele demanded.

"Ouch way to hurt my feelings," I exaggerated and fell out clutching my heart.

"You're gonna get my floor dirty get up," she whined and stomped her foot like a child.

"Haha ok, ok, I'll get up, but I don't have any of my shampoo and stuff," I said.

"I have hygienic products under the sink like shampoo and conditioner for men. Body wash is under there too...for men and some brand new sponges in a basket under there also. So, I think you're good," she replied as if by heart.

"Why. If I may ask do you have all of these 'men' products under your sink? You don't have a boyfriend do you," I cried like a father would his child if they started growing up too fast.

"No, I don't have time for stupid idea of following the rules required for a relationship and I don't like rules. Makes me feel trapped," she replied. "Besides it's all under there because, my good aquantiance or best friend Mitch likes to come touring with us sometimes."

" do you like him," I questioned. Please say no. Please say no.

"He's gay."

"Oh. That's great- I mean cool. That's cool," I covered up my excitement quickly.

"You're retarded. Go take a shower."

"Wait. What about clothes?"

"Top bunk on the left."


Finally going to take a shower. I grab some clothes from the said bunk. A bargainers tee and some basketball shorts. Leaving for my destination I shut the bathroom door and did my business.

~Micheles' P.O.V.~

I swear to god with him it's like an interrogation every five minutes and I barely talk to the fucker. Going to the couch I collected my sleeping items and put them on my bunk so I could straighten it.

Maybe I should clean the bus again. Yeah lets do that. Then, I can make some tea. Dashing to the kitchen I took out all my cleaning suppies from inside the closet. First, you clean the counters and vacuum the living quarters. Then, you sweep and mop. Next, is sanitation. Then, you're done. Seeing as I clean every three days it wasn't very dirty. So, it didn't take long. Once completed I sat on the couch to think of other things I could do.

I still have to throw that ice water on Leo so that's something. I gotta clean the bunk alley. It got dirty from my last hangover. I also need to fold some clothes and wash some too. Have to go to the laundry mat then.

When Leo gets out I'll clean the bathroom because, I haven't done that in a while. Last time I did it was last, last sunday, but today's tuesday. So, yeah.

Going to the back room I swep, made the bed, sanitised and febreezed. Ahh...beautiful cleanliness. Smells good. Ooh I have a new pumpkin candle I want to light. I'll do that too.

Walking back through the bunk alley I picked up all my dirty clothes and Lilas' in two separate baskets because, we both don't like washing our clothes together. We like different washing detergents. So, washing them together would be a problem.

I swep the bunk alley. So, that's finished. Now I just gotta wait for Leo to get out the shower goodness he takes so long.

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