The Potion

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Akil awakened from his slumber with a wave of euphoria. He'd finally did it. After many months of shy interaction and failed attempts to make conversation, he finally worked up the courage to ask the million dollar question. "May I have the honor of bedding you, my Queen Cleopatra?' It was a rather odd question seeing that he was just a peasant that worked hours a day. However upon seeing the way that the Queen looked at him as he worked not even 10 yards away from her house, he knew that he had a foot in the so called "door". Cleopatra looked him over and smirked. "How old are you boy?'' She asked making sure not to take her eyes away from his nervous body. "Twenty three," he said just above a whisper then he cleared his throat and loudly stated "twenty three". "Have you ever been with a woman?" She inquired and he smirked. "I've been with plenty of women," he answered. No, no, no you didn't let me finish boy. Have you ever been with women, like me?" She stood up from her throne and climbed down to meet his gaze. Looking deep into his eyes, she smiled seductively. Akil swallowed and struggled to keep his eyes from dancing across her body. "I've been with women that are probably better than you," he blurted out. The woman's eyes grew wide and he panicked a little. "With all due respect of course,'' he said quickly. Now frowning, Cleopatra looked him up and down. She stopped to focus on his crotch area which now had began to swell. "Is that right?" Akil nodded reluctantly. "Do you wish to put this theory to a test?" She asked as she walked behind him. "That is what I'm here for, my Queen," he reposted. "That's what you're here for hmmm...and you have no fear of the repercussions? The punishment that is given to you for bedding me?" Akil shook his head. "No punishment is great enough to thwart the happiness that I will feel after I'm through ravishing your luxurious body. My Queen." She smiled to herself and nodded. Leaning in just enough to where he could feel her breath on his ears she whispered "follow me" to Akil and took him by the hand. Leading him to the confines of her home she looked at the two guards that secured her house. "You two can have the night off. I want to see how long he will last until he cowers out and runs back home." Bowing their heads, the two men took off. In a matter of seconds there was no one else there, except the two of them. Akil and his prize. Opening the door to her palace, Cleopatra walked in and invited Akil to follow. Making his way in he looked the house over. Polished ceramics and countless rock structures showered the immaculate housing. It was beautiful and elegant, two words that can also be used to describe his partner for the night. "This- this is beautiful" he said as he glanced but when he turned around to face her, he saw something that made him stop mid sentence. Cleopatra had stripped herself of all the clothing she had on and left them in a heap on the floor. She was now fully naked and she had began to glare intensely at her prey. "I did not bring you here to marvel at the china on my walls," she said in a low voice. Akil stood there in amazement, he had not expected her to go full out as quick as she did and now he began to wonder if she were right about him cowering out. Locking her gaze with his, Cleopatra swayed over to the bedroom. "Are you going to join me boy? I have things that are far more beautiful than those ceramic plates over there. That is if you would like to find out.'' Akil nodded and frantically began to strip off his own clothing. Once he was finished he quickly walked over to grab Cleopatra but she stopped him, placing her hand on his chest. "Not so fast child. It would seem that these so called women would've taught you that. Lie down on the bed." Akil started to protest but as he opened his mouth, Cleopatra grabbed his hand and slid one of his fingers in her mouth. She sucked on it for a couple of seconds and looked him in the eyes. Releasing it, she looked at him more sternly. "Lie down on the bed now," she said. Akil obediently obliged and he waltzed over to the bed. Closing the door behind her, Cleopatra sashayed towards the bed watching Akil devour every inch of her naked curvaceous body. She straddled his body and leaned down to kiss him but pulled back. "Are you sure this is what you want?" She asked. Akil nodded. "Tell me," she said. "Tell me what you want." "I want you," he answered. Cleopatra giggled and grabbed him by his manhood. "Is that the best you can do boy? Tell me that you want me and mean it." She began stroking his body with her hand and rocked back and forth on his body. Akil began to breathe a little bit harder and he bit his lip. "I want- you my Queen." She nodded and began to go a little faster with the stroking and rocking. "Yes and how bad do you want me boy?'' Akil strained and leaned up into her body but Cleopatra pushed him back down. "Very badly," he answered struggling to keep his concentration. She laughed more heartily this time and began to stroke his chest. Taking her hands off of his manhood she leaned down and kissed him hard on the lips and stared into his eyes. The surprise in his mannerisms amused her. "Then penetrate me," she said. Everything after that was a blur. Passionate caressing, strict but racy orders and screams of ecstasy rang out the Egyptian night skies. The whole fiasco culminated Cleopatra falling asleep in Akil's arms. Which thus leads us to where we are now. Looking over at her naked body, he stroked one of her arms which caused her to stir but not wake. Taking one last look at her, he turned over to fall asleep himself but was interrupted by the sounds of pebbles hitting the side of the house. Raising up from the bed to look out of one of the windows he saw his best friend Abasi calling him over. Slipping out of the bed ever so silently, Akil pulled a robe over his body and made his way to the window. "Here to congratulate me?" He said with a smirk to the man. "I came here to warn you but it seems like I was a little late in my quest,' he answered. Abasi glanced over at Cleopatra's body through the window and turned back to face Akil. "Warn me about what exactly?" Abasi gave his friend an annoyed look ad sighed. "Warn you about the repercussions for sleeping with this woman," he answered. Akil chuckled and waved a hand in front of his friend as if he wasn't worried. "I'm sure the punishment for this sweet offense is nothing more than a couple of months of exile which judging from tonight, I'm sure I can get appealed." Abasi rolled his eyes and sighed. "The punishment is death you fool," he said with a frown. "Your "prize" even said it herself when she came to look upon the village workers. Maybe if some of that blood were rushing to your head instead of your loins, you would've heard her." Akil looked at his friend with a little more nervous gaze. "Well if that's the case I'll just run off then," he replied with a tone of uneasiness. Abasi shook his head again and folded his arms. "You know those guards that were here? They're bounty hunters and from what I hear, they're pretty good bounty hunters." Akil put his hands on his hips and began to think of other options. "Then I'll just visit Mother Kaziah." His friend displayed a puzzled look on his face. "The practitioner? The woman who is always casting spells on people?'' Akil nodded and quickly walked out of the room and out of the house to meet his comrade. They began to walk over the Egyptian sands as they made an effort to stay quiet. "It's the best option I have right now," he answered. "So you're going to rely on a spell to escape death?" Abasi queried. Akil nodded in response and urgently waved for his friend to join him. The two men treaded their way though the night looking frantically behind their shoulders to make sure they weren't followed. After about twenty minutes they found themselves in a small space that looked like it inhabited about thirty five villagers. Akil glanced the village over until he saw a small hut with a clay roof. He motioned for his friend to accompany him to the little house. "Are you sure this is the place?" Abasi questioned. "I'm positive," Akil answered "i used to come here with my mother when I was an adolescence." He quietly knocked on the door until a short woman answered. She had to at least be 75 years old but you couldn't tell from the way she looked. Almost as if she'd used one of her anti-aging spells on herself. "Hello boys, it's quite late for you two to be out isn't it?" Abasi looked over at Akil, who sighed and stretched out his hand to Mother Kaziah. "I suppose so Mother Kaziah, may we please come in?" The woman looked the two men over and gestured for them to come in. As they scurried inside of the house, Akil glanced out of the window making sure that the guards hadn't come looking for him. "So what seems to be the problem boys?" Akil looked down at the floor and sighed. "Mother Kaziah I need a potion or a spell or something," he started, "to make me unrecognizable to the Queen." The practitioner glanced at him and sat down at her table. "Why?" She asked as she clasped both of her hands together. Akil gave her an uneasy look and began to frown a little. "Uhmmm......because I slept with Cleopatra, and I kind of didn't know the consequences before hand." Mother Kaziah chuckled and looked over at Abasi. "What are the so called "consequences"? Death? Is the Queen going to kill you or something?" She said with a laugh. Akil sat there with a blank expression on his face and Mother Kaziah stopped laughing. "Oh, I see your situation. Very well then, I will perform your spell but I have to warn you; you wont like the outcome." Akil gave a small smile and nodded. "Yes I can understand that whole-heartedly. I would rather deal with an unwanted outcome than to get killed." She nodded and stood up for the chair she was in. "Here, sit," she instructed and Akil walked over and sat down in the chair she was previously in. Going over to her small kitchen space, Mother Kaziah pulled out a wooden bowl. Inside the.bowl was an orange liquid that seemed to glow when she sat it down. She looked inside one of her cabinets and gathered three green tea leaves, a cream colored flower, ginger roots, and a handful of salt. As she dumped all of that into the bowl of glowing juice, Mother Kaziah looked at Akil and told him to hold out his hand. "Why?" He asked and she pulled out a knife from one of her drawers. "Do you want to die or not?" Mother Kaziah asked while glaring at him with a frown. Reluctantly, Akil placed his hand on the table and waited as she mixed everything in the bowl. "Look over there," she said and while Akil frantically looked over his shoulder he felt a sharp pain go through the palm of his hand. "What in the world Mother Kaziah?!?" He shrieked as she let the blood from his hand rush into the bowl of liquid. "You're okay, just a little cut." She plucked something off of his robe and threw it into the bowl. "Now, shake that together and drink while I find something for your hand.' Akil scoffed and shook his head. "You must be out of your mind if you think I'm drinking that." The woman turned to look back at him with a smile. "I guess I'll have a good seat for your execution then." Akil scowled at her and picked up the bowl. He shook it around a little to mix in the fresh blood of his hand with the other "spirits" in the bowl. Then without hesitation he tilted the bowl to his head and drank the mixture in one gulp. Once finished, he set the bowl back on the table and yawned. "Ugh, when is this stuff supposed to start working?" Mother Kaziah chuckled and walked back over to the table with a wet rag and a wad of thick white cloth. "Don't worry, it will work. Just give it a couple of hours,'' she said as she began to tend to his hand. "Well after you finish his hand, we can leave right?" Abasi asked with a tone of annoyance in his voice. "No, you boys will have to wait here because there's no telling when the change will happen." Abasi sighed and looked over at Akil. "This better be worth it, because I told you not to get involved with that wretch from the start," he stated angrily. Mother Kaziah frowned and glanced over at him as she finished up on Akil's hand. "That's no way to talk about a woman. I agree that your friend's primal instincts probably showed up for the wrong person but its not the woman's fault, nor is it his." She tightly wrapped the cloth around Akil's hand and tapped it lightly. "There, all done. Now you boys get some sleep, you look like you need it." Akil tried to speak up to ask her more questions about the potion he had taken but she put her hand up to silence him. "I don't want to hear anymore questions. You boys need to get some sleep," she said as she walked to her bedroom. "Sleep wherever you please, as long as you don't make a mess," she yelled out from her room and then she closed the door. Abasi scoffed and walked over to a little chair in the small living room of the hut. As he plopped his body on the medium chair, he gave one last glare to Akil and fell asleep. Akil sighed and began to think about what kind of spell Mother Kaziah could have given him. Maybe one that turned him into an old man overnight, or maybe a spell that changed his appearance completely. He would find out soon enough because in just a couple of hours it would be sunrise. He glanced over at Abasi, who had now began snoring, and chuckled. "Men," he thought as he laid his head down on the table. Within seconds, he fell into a deep sleep. Akil awakened the next morning to something softly tapping his face. As he became more alert, he began to push the unknown object away. "Stop sweetie, I have to put this on your face before your friend wakes up," Mother Kaziah said. "Put what on my face?" Akil asked groggily. "This makeup sweetie, now hold still so I don't make a mess out of it," she said as she tapped on his face again. "Mother Kaziah please," he said with a groan and then he sat up. Akil looked at the woman, who had began to fetch a comb from her room and yawned. "What're you getting a comb for-," he paused and felt his throat. Something about his voice was different; almost as if it were vaguely feminine. "I'd love to stay and play beautician, but I really have to go Mother Kaziah," he said while yawning again. Mother Kaziah chuckled and began to rub something pointy around his eyes. "I know, but this malachite will look bad if I rush through it. Just a little bit more and I'll be done okay?" Akil sat up from the table causing Mother Kaziah to frown. "Sweetie, I told you just a little bit more and I'll be finished." He gave her a puzzled look and looked in her hands. "Malachite, why do I need malachite on my face?" He asked. Mother Kaziah signed and picked up a glass shard off of the table. She held it up for him to look at himself and what he saw was enough to make him scream in horror. The face that was staring back at him was the face of a woman. She had ear length black hair and thin lips that were curved downwards. She wore malachite around her eyes and big gold earrings in each ear. When he touched his face, she touched hers. When she blinked, so did he. When he gasped in realization, she did the same. "Mother Kaziah, what have you done?" She whispered. "You- you made me a girl!! You have to change me back!!" Mother Kaziah sighed and began rubbing Akil's hands. "Sweetie, I can't. You asked for a potion and I gave you one. I can't change it back." Akil grabbed her by the hands. "Mother Kaziah PLEASE, please you have to do something. I can't go out looking like this," he said looking down at his or "her" new body. "There's nothing I can do sweetie, its not even that bad-," she was interrupted by a loud groan coming from the living room. Abasi was beginning to awake. "Mother Kaziah he can not see me like this," Akil pleaded with her. "Okay um, there's a robe in my room take off all your clothes and put it on. Oh and here take this and wrap it around your head,'' she said as she handed her a long strip of silk cloth. "Make sure you leave an opening for your eyes," she told Akil as she hurriedly walked into her bedroom. Just as she shut the door, Abasi walked into the kitchen. "Akil come on! Let's go before the guards come looking for us," he said while looking at Mother Kaziah "where is he?" He asked. "Uhm he's.....gone. He um left out last night I believe," she answered nervously. Abasi sighed and shook his head. "Well why would he do that, he'll get slaughtered if the guards find him. I have to go find him," he said as he turned and began to leave. "WAIT!" Mother Kaziah called out causing him to stop dead in his tracks. "I have my uhm...daughter, she's very shy but she is really uhm...helpful. Why don't you let her accompany you on your expedition?" She asked with an uneasy smile. Abasi smirked and walked back into the kitchen. "Well where is she?" He asked. Mother Kaziah reluctantly looked at her bedroom and then back at him. "Honey!" She called out "There's someone here who wants to take you on an expedition!" After a couple of seconds, Akil walked out the room, causing Abasi to gasp in amazement. Mother Kaziah nodded and smiled wryly. "Abasi this is Nerfiti, my daughter." "Nerfiti" looked at Abasi and waved, in which he reciprocated. He looked over at Mother Kaziah and chuckled. "Well you never told me you had such a beautiful daughter Mother Kaziah," he said. The statement made Nerfiti blush, she was a woman after all. "Do you have a good set of feet on you Nerfiti?" Abasi asked and she sheepishly nodded. "Very well then, we shall find my incompetent friend together," he said while offering his hand to her. She took it and they made their way to the door. "Abasi, one more thing. Make sure my daughter doesn't do anything out of the ordinary she can be a handful," Mother Kaziah said with a stern look at Nerfiti. "I'll protect her," Abasi said assuringly and Mother Kaziah bowed her head. Leading Nerfiti outside in front of him, Abasi closed the door and they were off. As they trotted their way through the village Nerfiti nervously spoke up. "W-why did your friend run away?" She asked reluctantly adjusting to new pitch of highness in her voice. Abasi shook his head and sighed while looking down at the ground. "He didn't know how to keep his manhood in his pants, so now he thinks he can run away and cheat death. The fool that he is...," Nerfiti nodded and cleared her throat. "So is he in trouble or did he just run away for no reason?'' Abasi shook his head once more. "No, he went to your mother's house to get some kind of potion and I guess he was afraid that it wouldn't work so he ran off.'' Nerfiti nodded again and looked around the village. "Well its good he's not here right?'' She asked and Abasi turned to look at her then back to what was in front of him. "Yeah I suppose so. I just hope we can find him before Cleopatra does, or else it would be a lot worse for him." As he finished making the statement, they were startled by a blood curdling scream coming from Cleopatra's house. Nerfiti chuckled to herself but then cleared her throat. "Yes indeed, a lot worse."

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