Bad Moods

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Damnit!! Why is everyone getting on my nerves today? Like I really don't understand it, my week is shitty enough but today was just on a whole other level like UGH!!! Let me start off with this morning right, my dumb ass alarm woke me up at 5:30 AM, but when I forced myself out of bed I realized that it was Saturday. Which also meant that it was my day off. I threw my alarm clock against the wall and it shattered into a million pieces and I got even more upset. So I went back to sleep with nothing to wake me up other than my eternal clock and the sun and even then that big yellow bitch didn't rise until 7:45 so I was just screwed either way. When it finally did decide to peek from behind the clouds, I ripped my sheets off of me and threw them to the floor. I'll just wash them later, who gives a damn. Then, THEN, my day that had barely started got worse. I go to take my shower and- THERES NO HOT WATER!!! How the hell is there no hot water when I paid my bill on time? I don't get it, you know? Work hard every week, 40 hours with twenty more going towards overtime and I can't take a decent hot shower? So you know what I did? Huh? That's fucking right!! I called my landlord. Before he could even utter the words "Good Morning", I went off on his ass. "Who in the hell do you think you are turning off my hot water knowing damn well the weather can go from hot to chilly in an instant," I was hot. Like white hot. I was so damn hot, until the point I wanted to punch a hole in my apartment, but I didn't. You might think I'm crazy but I'm sure as hell not stupid. So after I hung up on him he turned my water up from cold to lukewarm and I managed to take my shower. When I stepped out of my shower, I slipped and fell onto the floor. Apparently I forgot to lay a drying towel on the floor, so I got even more pissed. When I regained my balance I threw my hair brush at my mirror and it seven different places. Cursing under my breath, I went ahead and continued getting dressed. It was just my luck though because whenever I tried putting my khaki cargo pants on they fucking ripped and now I have a big hole where the seat of my pants are. How am I supposed to do anything with my ass hanging out of my pants? So I went down to the thrift store and got a pair of pants there. Fucking bitch behind the cash register was giving me a hard time about it too. "Why didn't you just get the pants patched up?" Because I don't know any fucking tailors around New York alright? Like jeez get off my fucking case lady. Anyways after I left there, I went to go and get breakfast and that was alright I guess. Sausage, egg, and cheese on a BURNT FUCKING BAGEL. They even had the nerve to overcharge me for the damn thing being burnt. So I cussed them out and threw the sandwich on the floor and stomped on it. So now I had a broken mirror, cold water, ripped pants and now I was angrily hungry. No wonder people commit mass murders. So after I made an episode at the sandwich place I walked over to Luigi's deli and got a breakfast sub that was surprisingly decent. When I left there I made my way down to the bank so I could pick up my latest check. When I walked in I already knew that someone was gonna give me problems and guess what? I was right. Damn bank teller was giving me all these folly excuses so she couldn't give up my money. So to put a long story short; cussed her ass out, called her a fake intellectual skank and demanded she give me my fucking check. Whenever she finally excepted my check she tried to say the date was wrong. So in quite possibly the most serious tone I could muster I said "look bitch, I wasn't born yesterday. I know for a fact that it's July 24th, nineteen ninety fucking nine. Give me my money or I swear to God." That must've scared some sense into her because she forked it over with no hesitation. I don't what's the matter with people today. I've never had a day this bad in my twenty six years of life so why would they start now? It blows my mind to be honest with you. (But wait, there's more!!) So whenever I left the bank I was walking downtown just minding my business, and this police officer stops me. Now I'm not one to be against authority, but considering the fact that all I was doing was walking and I get stopped, was suspicious. When he got near me he started off with the "Hi, how are you today?" shtick and then proceeded to ask me one of the weirdest questions a police officer can ask. "What color are your panties?" I kid you not if you could convert the shock from my face into energy for lightbulbs, you could light the entire state for a whole month. I kicked him in the nuts and took off running so he couldn't catch me and when I was sure I was clear of him I ran into a café. Walking up to the cash register, I ordered a mocha with whip cream and pulled out a five dollar bill. The woman behind the desk looked at me and rolled her eyes so I had to put her in her place. Just like I'd been doing with everyone else it seemed. "Bitch I literally ran in here trying to escape the police and you can't even give me the common courtesy of a smile when I order a drink? Fuck you too then," I yelled causing all the cafe goers to stare at me. I didn't really care though, fucking bitch had it coming. When I got my coffee I flipped her off and walked out proudly, turning my baseball cap backwards as I kicked the door open. I would say it was around 3:15 when I went down to the park and sat on a bench to mind my business. For about twenty minutes it was actually peaceful but then some guy plopped down beside me and started blabbering. Don't get me wrong, I'm a talker myself but this guy was next level. I swear to God I counted at least 250 words in the first three minutes he opened his mouth to me. He talked about everything from birds to food to the time his second wife divorced him and stole all his clothes in the process. He asked me what my name was after fifteen minutes of rambling and when I told him it was "Amelia", this mother fucker rambled for another twenty minutes about how that used to be his cat's name. I had to lie and tell him I caught my period just to have a chance to leave. When I got as far away from him as I could, I made my way down to the metro so I could take my train ride up to Rome so I wouldn't miss my concert. It comes around ever so often an I made it my mission not to miss it this go round. Back in ninety four when it came around I wanted to go but my mom wouldn't let me. "You're way too young to attend anything like that," she told me and I hated her for it. Even though I was 16 at the time I was more than mature enough to go to that fucking concert. I moved out two years later and busted my ass at some cheapskate clothing store to make ends meet and I saved up enough to buy a ticket. One thing I will say is this damn concert better be worth it because if I end up spending $150 and don't get my money's worth I'm gonna be royally pissed off. Hopping on the bus it seemed like my luck was turning over to a more positive sense. There were other people on their way to the same concert and when they found out I was going to the same place, they embraced me a little. A group of metal heads, hip hop fiends, and alternative rockers all sitting at the back of the bus chopping it up. After about 46 minutes we were there, just had to walk a couple of blocks over to the ticket place and join the crowd. It looked weird at first glance seeing all those people naked and smoking weed but it didn't bother me too much. I was just here to enjoy the bands and listen to one particular one I saw on MTV the other day. I don't remember their name but they had this kick ass song called "Break Stuff", and with the day I've had, I sure as hell feel like breaking some stuff.

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