Plethora of Personalities

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Hi! My name is McKenzie Green, it's nice to meet you. My birthday is actually in a couple of weeks so I'm out and about getting clothes for that. You know how that goes, your friends find out it's your birthday and they insist you go buy something new right off the bat. But hey we all can't stay in our teen years forever can we? In case you were wondering I'm turning 20, if you didn't know how to take an obvious clue or count. I just got off the freeway about thirty minutes ago, that rush hour traffic is no joke. You asked what was I on the freeway for? I had a doctors appointment. Well not really a doctors appointment but almost like... a therapy session. About three weeks ago while I was visiting my mom from University, we got in an argument. It was really strange because she said I kept referring to myself as some woman named Brionna or something. And that I kept telling her I'm a "grown ass woman". I mean I am a grown ass woman but she said that whenever I said it that was some malice to it. So the next day her and I went to urgent care, wait no. We actually went to the emergency room. I heard her tell one of the nurses "I think my daughter got a little too drunk last night, could you check her out?" Then she said I got even more upset and started shouting that I was "the head bitch in charge" and that I didn't need a doctor. When they took me back into one of the rooms I had seemingly returned to my normal self. In fact I asked my mom what we were doing there. She looked at me kinda funny and told me that I was scaring her and I'm just like "Huh? How am I scaring you mom?" So about a little while later the doctor came in and he examined me and all that and then guess what he told me? Guess? Go on, guess! He told me that it was the early signs of "Multiple Personality Disorder". Can you believe that? I remember the day he told me, I just started laughing and laughing and laughing. I swear if you would've seen the look on my face you would have started laughing too. I looked up at him through joyful tears and I'm like "How the hell did I get multiple personality disorder?" And he's just like "Well, we don't know." I started laughing even harder. That guy might have to turn in his degree because how can some like me get a MPD? Am I Right?
Hey how you doing today? I'm fine, thanks for asking. My name is Brionna Webster and I represent the city of Brooklyn, New York. I guess you're wondering why I'm here, well honey your guess is about as good as mine. Some bat crazy ass white lady tried to take me to the hospital saying I'm insane. Almost slapped that bitch in her face, do you know who I am? You don't? Baby I'm a stripper!! What you mean you don't know me? Even though I'm from New York I'm the finest black stripper in the state of Florida right now. Your ears don't deceive you, you heard that last line right. Even though my skin shows you a nice ever-glow of snow cream colored flesh, on the inside I'm blacker than the midnight sky baby. Dumb white lady took me to a doctor and he tried to tell me that I have "multiple personality disorder". What the hell is that? Maybe he should take that degree (or that piece of thin ass paper because that's what it is) and throw it in the trash. I'm a grown ass woman, not some little teenage girl. As a matter of fact my birthday is in a few weeks, and I'll be damned if I'm gonna let some fake crook doctor tell me I'm crazy. In all my 26 (soon to be 27) years of life, I've never heard of this "multiplied personality" garbage. Just goes to show that you can give a dog a piece of paper and he'll think he's a policed trained K-9, you get what I'm saying right? In my opinion he's just a damn cornball, trying to tell me I need help. Let me light this cigarette, my want one? No? So like I was saying, I left with the white lady who kept trying to tell me that she was my "mother" or whatever the hell she kept repeating. We got to this big ole cream colored house and she tried to tell me to go lay down and I cussed her out about that. "Bitch, I'm grown!! I lay down whenever I feel like laying down!! And that probably won't be until I'm dead six feet underground in a casket!!" I was screaming and cussing and she was just standing there with her mouth wide open so I left that place. I still had my club attire on so I hit the nearest club and waited in line holding my knife in my purse in case somebody got out of line. And then you won't believe this, the damn bouncer asked me for my I.D. I almost smacked him across his strong metal looking ass face. I started screaming and hollering, telling him I'm a grown ass ADULT and he's just there laughing at me!! LAUGHING......AT ME!!!! Eventually the cops came and escorted me out and it's good they did because I was ready to start kicking ass down there in that waiting line. Some people just never learn I guess, but hey that's the world we live in baby, am I right or am I right?
Hello, it is the lovely Maxine Walters and I am proud to welcome you to the wonderful world of euphoria and psychedelics!!! It is certainly nice to meet you on your journey to a higher dimension and you've come to the right expert to explain all of the pros and cons. Would you like to hear my story? Of course you would that's why you're reading the book silly!! So it all started around the time of my birth. About forty years ago (I know, I'm beginning to turn into an old geezer!). But when I was a small child I begin to have all these "hallucinations" or whatever. My mother used to always tell me that I would turn into "different people when I had them and that I'd be walking around talking all crazy you know? She said one day I was parading around the house saying I was a stripper! Like really? Look at me, I'm too old to be taking my clothes off for anyone, unless it's for a shower. So one day she tried to take me to a doctor and he proceeded to explain that I had something called "multiple personality disorder" whatever the hell that means. He tried to give me some kind of medication but I told "nah man, I know you and the government are just trying to get in my head" and I refused. Big Pharmaceutical will never use me as their puppet, I'm perfectly fine. Besides, Mary Jane is all the help I need.
Hello baby and we welcome you back to Kiss 107.3 for another broadcast of sensuality and timeless romantic love songs. I'm your host Jaqueline Masters and I'm so happy that you could join us today as we travel back in time to relieve some classics from the golden age of Soul and R&B. Before we get into the the broadcast I would like to get something out of the way. Tomorrow I probably won't be here because I have a...uhm a doctors appointment. During a recent visit to the hospital it was determined that I may have developed "multiple personality disorder". Basically what that means is that I have different people or "personalities" inside of my body and they come out whenever they feel like it. This is a first for me because I've never heard of this version of a mental health disorder. Been in this radio station since 2000, when I was a young teenage girl and not once have I been anyone else but Jaqueline Evelyn Masters. So it just saddens me that a doctor would label me a patient and try to prescribe help for something I don't even have. But hey, that's life for you am I right? It shouldn't take long anyways, all I have to do is talk to a psychiatrist about what's been happening with me the past few weeks and then I'll come back here and give you that same sense of sensuality and good old loving for the soul baby!
Hello, my name is Samantha Grace it's nice to meet you. I guess you wonder why I'm here huh? Welp it was determined that I have this so called mental disorder. I think they deemed it "multiple personality disorder" or something like that. Seems like a big sham to me and all the hospital wants is my money. Don't get me wrong I'm not broke or anything but I'll be damned if they're gonna get my last paycheck by telling me I have something I don't. It was told to me that the range of "people in my body" included a young 23 year old girl, a stripper, a radio host, and an old hag pushing 40. It just doesn't make sense to me. Never in my twenty six years of life have I ever considered myself to be anyone else other than Sam Grace. I don't play with barbies, go to strip clubs, or host a radio show. I just sit at home and listen to my retro vinyls that I bring home from my record store. What do I listen to you ask? Uhm I mean it's a wide variety to be honest with you. A lot of 70s soul, 80s funk, 80s techno, 80s Metal, and a lot of 90s lyrical rap. I actually just brought an "A tribe called Quest" vinyl in today. I haven't bothered to put it on the vinyl because I've been trying to plan out this doctor visit. I shouldn't even go but my mother called me last week and was on my ass for skipping the last appointment. She told me "Mckenzie these people are trying to help you" and all I could do was sit there and think; who the hell was Mckenzie?
Hello beautiful reader of this book, my name is Alexis Brown. I'm the girl that this joke of an author is writing about. He's trying to make it seem like I struggle with multiple personality disorder but in reality I'm just a gal from North Carolina that he felt the need to put in his little book. The ages aren't even accurate in this story if we're being honest here. I turn 23 on November 11th, and I have a degree in social work. I don't have any other personalities other than the lethargic and square personality I display everyday at work. So this whole story is nothing more than a lie written by a phony writer on phony software. I bet if you asked him he would even tell you he's unfit to write a college essay, much less an actual book. I'm setting the record straight right now, there is no McKenzie, or Brionna, or Maxine or Samantha. I don't even know who those people are so what you've been told is void of any truth. I'm already the cousin of Susan Smith, I get enough shit from that alone. Now to have someone like this accuse me of having MPD??? What is that?!?? Like who would do such a thing? I'm just here at my office innocently minding my business and then some guy decides to write a story about me? Just goes to show how miserable some people are in life. Anyways if you'll excuse
me I have to give my doctor a call to set up an appointment with a psychologist. It was nice meeting you, and if I were you I would burn this book. You'd be better off doing so.

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