Queen of the Jungle

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"Scope out the perimeter, make sure there's nothing over there." Tyson looked over his shoulder to see the members of his tactical research group. The year was 2054, and the world looked terrifyingly different. Artificial intelligence roamed the streets like normal civilians and performed advanced intellectual and scientific tasks. One of which was creating human animal hybrids, or more specifically the reason Tyson and his team were out and about now. All together it was him, his cousin Joe, and female rangers Roxy, Sarina, and Brittany. Commander Farid was going to send more males but feared that immaturity and incompetence would've out shined basic responsibility. So Tyson and his cousin found themselves outnumbered by the women of the group. "You find anything?" Tyson asked. Joe shook his head in annoyance, an act that was mimicked by Roxy and Sarina. "Nothing here man, just a bunch of bullshit." Tyson scoffed and lowered his sub-machine gun down a little. "Better bullshit than to have something surprise us from behind these trees," he replied as he scratched his beard. "Yeah but what if the thing is just watching us from above? It could be anywhere right now." Tyson furrowed his brow. "What exactly is this 'it' you speak of cousin?" Joe pulled a cigarette from the pocket of his cargo pants. "From what I've heard, it's some kind of 'cat-woman' hybrid that those robot bastards cooked up. For some reason they let the thing escape and it's been roaming the woods ever since. Said before it ran off it was extremely aggressive towards the machines that looked like men, but the female machines were left untouched. Real freaky shit," he explained as he lit the cigarette. "Aggressive towards to the men huh," he said with a chuckle and he was approached by Brittany. "He's right Tyson, said the thing was tall and possessed super-human strength. Had it not been for the female scientists AND the female machines, it was believed she could've easily mauled anything in sight." He laughed in her face, causing Brittany to frown as she twirled her knife in her hand. "Look doll, that might be a cool fairy tale and all but we're human, alright? We're trained to fight and we fight to kill, human, hybrid, or whatever. So if the genetically mutated pussy wants to try their fare against us..then let them try, yeah?" Tyson smiled mockingly causing her to shake her head in disgust. Sighing she nodded in agreement and walked back over to the other two women. "Now c'mon, it's not getting any earlier we need to get this thing neutralized and back to the commander so we can put it down." He raised his gun back against his shoulder and looked keenly through the scope, motioning for the others to follow closely behind. There was a patch of mossy grass with what looked to be blood seeping through and around the ground. Tyson held up his hand as a motion to stop and he kneeled down to examine the bloody grass a little closer. Joe pushed passed the women to get directly behind his cousin. "What is it Tyson?" But before he could add to the question, he was swooped up by something unseen in the trees. Tyson yelled out in confusion and drew his gun close once again. "What the HELL!?!!" He exclaimed looking over at the three women from over his shoulder. He frantically looked around as the scrambled to figure out how a fully grown man could be shoveled up in the air in the snap of a finger. Silence and the crackle of leaves filled the forest as they all waited impatiently and they were startled at what came next. A terrifyingly unpleasant scream rang through the area like a nuclear siren, followed by the cracking and breaking sounds of the human body. Tyson wiped a tear that escaped from his eyes and looked around the trees in horror. "What the hell," he started, "WHAT THE HELL?" He screamed loudly. Still there was no answer, only dead and raspy silence. The three women looked on at their leader with confused frowns. Joe was just standing near them all not even two minutes ago, now he was gone, presumably crippled....or even dead. Tyson's tearful shouts had now transformed into malicious rage as he pointed the muzzle of his gun towards the trees and began angrily calling for the prey to come out. "I know you're here you fucking freak, SHOW YOURSELF!!" He screamed and the rustling of leaves started to become louder, almost as if what they were hunting was directly near them. They only looked around a mere couple of seconds before it finally descended from the branches above. Emerging from the bushes, the four of them were amazed at the sight that greeted them. What looked to be a cat/human hybrid, the creature walked up to the group and just...stood there, glaring angrily, as if they were trespassing on private property. Upon closer examination, she was an anomaly. Ivory skin that was covered in fur with dark wavy lines accented all across and bright green feline like eyes that burned a whole right through Tyson's chest were a dead give away. She was unusually tall, almost 9 feet, with hair that reached well below her spine. The body of a woman with the features of an wild and ferocious cat. She was the perfect monster. The initial shock and awe of her arrival caused them all to drool in curious amusement, but they snapped out of their trance when she growled loudly. Tyson cocked his gun and pulled the trigger, shooting this "thing" directly in the stomach. The creature let out a loud wail and fell down to her knees. Nervously, he quickly ran over and began tying her up, or attempting to so they could take her back to the lab. "A little help here?" He said through gritted teeth, causing Roxy and Sarina to trample over for help. As they tried to tie the creatures arms behind its back, Brittany stood and watched. She was frozen in fear as the creature looked up at her with blood rushing out of her mouth. She wasn't dead, nor was she going to die....she was angry. Standing up against the pressures of Tyson, the creature picked up the two women and threw them across the jungle floor. Landing with a thud, they could only look as Tyson grabbed his gun again and pointed towards the creature's skull. "Hey!!" He called out, "You are outnumbered and overpowered. The last shot didn't kill you but this one sure as hell will," he warned. The creature stood there almost with a mocking smirk and before Tyson could pull the trigger, the creature grabbed the gun with her hand and proceeded to bend the metal, easily, and render the gun unusable. Tyson gasped in fear as he looked down at his disfigured weapon. Thinking fast he punched the woman causing her to moan low and aggravatingly, and he took off running leaving the girls in dust. He ran through the jungle looking back to see if he was being chased, but was stopped dead in his tracks as he felt a inhumanely sharp pain ripple across his back. Falling to the ground he cursed as he quickly got back up and took off again, before falling back down to his knees from the pain of the sharp swipe. He reached around his torso to feel and let out a grotesque groan as he felt the deep gashes of skin from beneath the holes of his shirt. Blood oozed down like a rapid waterfall and leaked onto the ground like miniature streams. Crawling, he tried to will his way back to his feet but was thwarted again as the creature seemingly flew down from above once more, this time landed directly in front of him. Defeated, Tyson stood up on his knees and held up both hands. Her hand had grown, her fingers showing signs of elongation and the ends bloody with claws as long as Tyson's ring finger. The creature looked at him, her eyes still filled with rage, the hole from the bullet still leaking from earlier. She grabbed Tyson by the throat and easily lifted him high off the ground with one hand. He tried fighting her off, scratching at her arm to no avail. She lowered him just enough to where their gazes met each other and smiled. "Your kind no welcome here," she said in broken English and she swiped harshly across his lower abdomen causing his guts and other internal organs to spill out onto the ground like animal waste. Throwing his body hard against the ground, she was met by the three women who unwittingly only had knives for weapons. They looked at her with frightened expressions and watched as she waltzed to a nearby patch of bushes. Pulling them back so the women could see, they were met by the gazes of dozens of other women who looked to be self domesticated themselves. The creature softened her expression and motioned for the three women to come inside. Terrified and worried that they die if they said no, they obliged and walked past the bushes to join the group of women in the secluded area. As they disappeared out of sight, the creature took one last glance at Tyson, whose corpse had began to rot and be devoured by buzzards, and purred approvingly before dissipating behind the bushes itself.

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