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((Mello: 7, Matt: 6, Near: 5.
Set after the BB Los Angles Murder Case, BB confessional sort of thing.
Warning- Insanity. Murder. Killing. Mentions of Blood. Grimness basically... I was in my depressed slump when I wrote this... I think I need a therapist, this is from the killer's point of view so it's making me worry xD

This also kind of has warnings about putting yourself in a dangerous situation. I altered BB's murders to fit my story and they warn in a way the most extreme possibilities xD



It all started with A's death.

Well, no, it didn't. It started long before then. I've always had the thirst for it- and who could blame me? My parents were crack addicts. Of course that messed up my whole chemistry, plus my soul was fucked since it came from another realm. At least, that's what I was told. I knew my eyes did- I have the eyes that can see death. Nevermind that though. I'm meant to be doing a confessional, not rambling on about my background. L could find that out on the internet.

Yes. L could. So why am I telling you all this, I wonder? Why do I need to confess? Is it the fact that he does not know? Has my superior intellect surpassed his- I know something he doesn't? Well, I must even the playing field. Games aren't fun when not everyone knows the facts.

It started with a spider. I was just fascinated with it, really. A was asleep on his bed so I didn't need to pay attention to him... he wouldn't do anything in his sleep. So it was okay. I watched it for about half an hour- watched it spin the web and climb up to a safe spot, waiting for a fly to be caught. I watched it stay still, keeping my eyes on its furry legs; tiny body; multiple eyes. It was strange. My eyes gave it a death date. The spider had thirteen days, twenty hours, forty five minutes and a few seconds remaining. With a small scowl, I stood up from my position of sitting on the floor of the bathroom, stood on the toilet and looked directly at it.

And then I caught it in my hand.

It looked at me.

I looked at it.

It was so alive.

And I squished it to death, smirking sickeningly as I felt it become crushed, a bit of blood leaving it.

I felt powerful. I felt in control. I wasn't just the backup. I was Beyond, the guy who killed a pathetic spider. I can't tell you why I decided to crush it. I also can't tell you why I walked out of my room, downstairs to the basement... and experimented killing more insects in different ways. I watched the little splatters of blood like they were jam, my mind absolutely in love with the feeling of empowerment. They died. I chose how they died. I was a God.

I kept this up for weeks. My back hunched over into the same position L had. My hair became more dreadlocked, sticking up randomly. The bags under my eyes increased. And yet I kept my grades up. I kept up appearances. I was B- good B, the Backup. The boy who cared for A and made sure he didn't die. The boy who L never saw.

The boy who stood alone at A's funeral.

The boy who isolated himself.

And eventually.. the boy who was surrounded by dead insects in his room, trying to be L. I was L. The New L. I would beat the original. But killing insects was boring. I knew their anatomy off by heart from the times I pulled them apart. I knew their DNA samples. I knew how the closer to their death date it was, the more their anatomy changed. I was bored.

So I killed a mouse that had four days, six hours and thirty seven minutes until it's death date. I found it in the basement and ended up dissecting it. It was interesting, really. Especially when I put it back together again with a quick stitch after rearranging and looking at it's (her) insides. I skipped Biology that week. I gave C- the new backup- the mouse as a welcome-to-the-role gift. She screamed. I smiled.

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