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((Me: HI GUYS!!!

Mello: *sigh and glares at Izzy*

Matt: *chuckles* Sorry. Mello's depressed because his GIRLFRIEND hates him. *grins*

Mello: Shut it, Matt! And she's not my girlfriend!

Matt: Sureeeeee she isn't, explain how come you asked her on a date then if she's not your girlfriend. *smirks*

Mello: I swear to God, Mail...

Matt: What ya gonna do, Mihael?

Me: Alright you two, less of that. They're talking about Ash by the way... *glances at Matt* You, stop talking like that.

Matt: No fair...

Mello: HA!!

Me: *sighs* Children...

Mello: You're younger than me! I'm 24!

Matt: I suppose I'm 23 then... I was meant to die at 19 but, you know. 4 years ago... I think. *looks at Mello* When was Death Note set for our deaths?

Mello: *leans against a wall, pulling out a chocolate bar* 2010? But then we escaped, Matt. Remember that. *looks at the reader* Oh thanks for the chocolate by the way Spirit (N_Lawliet), I love it.

Me: *sigh* Boys, in my stories you're both 19... unless it's flashbacks or I tell the age.

Matt: Good enough for me.

Mello: *glares* Stupid author...

Me: Oh! Authors! That reminds me... if anyone wants to take one of my ideas and write it their way, ask. Don't just copy it -.-'

Mello: Ooooo shit's gonna happen if you don't listen, guys.

Matt: Yep, Izzy might be nice but when she's mad... she's like Mello when he's on his PMS.


Matt: It's true!

Me: *sigh* Geez guys... anyway, this is the story of Matt and Mello's first Christmas together at Whammy's Orphanage!

Matt: Why do we have to tell that one...?

Mello: It's not interesting... -.-'

Me: Shh! I don't own anything except the idea for the story anddddd... this is when the duo were REALLY young. You know, 6 or 7? So yeah... Matt's Point Of View... Enjoy!

Matt: *sighs* You will find out how my parents died... it's kind of depressing but Izzy promises there will be a cute Christmassy moment between me and Mels.))

(Mello- 7, Matt- 6, Near- 5)

Matt P.O.V.

Whammy's Orphanage for Messed up Little Smart Bastards Who Had No Family was where I had ended up. Not willingly, of course. But when you get thrown out of twenty six different Orphanages for foul language, fighting, or even just plain ignorance of other people's feelings, you kind of start to hate the places you get sent to. I found it hilarious how adults thought just because I was six, I didn't have the brain capacity or function of a fifteen year old. Okay, I'll admit... I liked showing off at those Orphanages. But this one? It sucked. I couldn't show off without getting murdered by Mello...


That's a weird and complicated subject. I had been brought to Whammy's Orphanage about... six months ago? And a week after, I was threatened to death if I took his spot as second and when I denied that I wanted to, Mello acted as if I was his friend. It had been like that for months!

"Hey Mello."


"Um... So... You wanna go play some video games or somethin'?"

"Shut up, third. Just because I haven't throttled you yet doesn't mean I like you."

That was just this morning! The cheap bastard couldn't even look me in the eyes, just kept his disastrous gaze on some chocolate bar he desired to eat. He acted like my friend when I joined and now he acts like a huge dickhead with something shoved up his-

Anyway, he's so... Bipolar! One moment he's nice, next he's evil! And today? It's Christmas Eve. The day before the best day of the year. I hadn't had a present... or a friend... on Christmas Day since I was 4. I mean, sure... Sam got me stuff. but she didn't understand fully yet. She didn't understand how Dad had died or when... nor how Mum did. I really didn't like to remember, so I didn't celebrate Christmas. Plus it wound me up... Me and Sam had been separated for a year. They let her join this Orphanage only because I begged. She was intelligent- more intelligent than half the imbeciles at the stupid Orphanage-, but she couldn't handle pressure well. I was who she needed. So they let her in. Normal stuff like video games and TV and... and Christmas just flew over her head! So another year of no presents... I could kinda live with that.

So maybe I should begin. I was sat in me and Mello's bedroom- sharing because of our ranks- playing Animal Crossing on my DS at 11pm, on my bed... with my volume up. You see a pattern here? My. I bought the damn stuff with my own money. The door slowly creaked open and I looked up from my game, turning my head towards the door. And there stood Mello with about six books under his arm and a scowl planted on his face. He stormed in, slamming the books down on the frail desk in the room, before walking back to the door and forcing it shut. Then his gaze went to me.

"Turn that god damn awful music off, third." Wow.

"Um, hi?" My confidence fluctuated as the words I had planned to say abandoned me. I cleared my throat before sitting up properly, back against the wall. Mello walked to his desk- as he clearly pointed out on the day I met him- and sat down on the swivel chair. "Say my name and I will." I grumbled, my gaze dropping to my game again. The room went void of speech, the only sounds erupting from my DS. Glancing up at Mello, I noticed he was looking away thoughtfully, chewing on a chocolate bar that I hadn't seen or heard him get out. Slowly he bit off a chunk, ate it fast before swallowing and looking at me.

"Your name's M..." He paused before smirking, "Marc?"

I glared at Mello. "No."

"Umm... Mavis?"

"I'm not a mother fucking girl! If anyone is, you are!" I yelled, throwing my DS off the bed and lay down. I pulled the covers over my head and lay on my side, facing away from Mello. "Fucking night."

The room went silent before Mello exploded. "FINE! BE THAT WAY, MATT! I WAS TRYING TO HAVE A JOKE WITH YOU!" Mello must have stood up as the swivel chair crashed to the floor. "You don't have to be so... so ANNOYING! Nor did you need to SNAP AT ME!" The covers were torn away from me and my collar was grabbed. I was forced up and soon I was face to face with Mello. "You hear me?!" He snarled and I bobbed my head swiftly. "Good." As fast as a speeding bullet, I was released and Mello was back at his desk, angrily turning the pages of his Sociology textbook. I stared at the boy before groaning and turning away again, pulling the covers back onto me.

"Merry Xmas." I murmured sarcastically and got a 'hmph' in response. Sighing, I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep slowly.

//No One P.O.V. (Matt's dream)//
"Mumm-me!" The young boy, aged 3, giggled as he ran into the hospital room. He was known as a prodigy to his favourite doctor, Dr Hakori, who was a transfer doctor from Japan- the boy was more aware of his surroundings and details than the usual 3 year old. But some words still were hard for the youngster to punctuate. His shaggy, copper hair brought out his green eyes that were full of laughter and happiness, and around his neck lay a too-big pair of goggles. "Mummmm-me!" He giggled, racing towards the woman on the bed. In her arms, wrapped up in a light pink blanket, was a baby- a newborn. A puff of copper hair coloured the top of the bright pink baby, and deep brown eyes were staring at the woman from the bundle. Mail Jeevas stopped in his race, pausing near the bed and going on his tip-toes. "Mummmm..." He began, then his mind caught up with around him. A sterile stench clouded the room, a bright white colour gleaming to him. A constant beeping was echoing through the room, originating from the machine beside the woman.

"Mum... mummy?" Mail was tempted to congratulate himself for the correct punctuation of the word, but decided against it- his mummy was on the bed, and hadn't looked at him. Frowning, Mail crawled onto the bed after grabbing the blanket on it and sat by her feet. "Mummy!" He grumbled, folding his arms like his daddy did when he was very cross or wanted attention from Mail. Slowly, tired green eyes looked from the little girl and travelled to the woman's son.

"M-Mail..." She whispered, a faint smile tracing her lips. Mail cheered mentally, clapping his hands physically for his mother to see. "W-Where's your father?"

"He went to the-" Mail paused, struggling with the word. "Oh, the magic monster."

Melody Jeevas weakly laughed, looking amused. "Magic monster, hey?"

"Like from BVG!" Mail giggled, clapping his hands. He looked down at the hard hospital bed, smiling. "But the one daddy went to gives cough-hee."

Melody raised an eyebrow before looking away and coughing. Her fragile body shook dangerously and soon she calmed down, Mail looking at her concerned. Ignoring his look, she placed the little girl that was in her arms onto her lap, supporting her. "BVG? And do you mean coffee, Mail?"

"Batman Video Game, and yeah!" Mail nodded enthusiastically and turned his attention to the infant, leaning against his mother. The infant inspected the boy that was staring at her, brown eyes curious and one question clear: 'Who are you?' Mail scowled and looked at his mother. "Who's that?"

Melody decided not to comment on the strange game choice her husband had chosen for Mail, knowing he was in fact a gamer himself and trusted his decisions. 'This..." Melody's voice became so quiet Mail had to strain to hear it, "Is Sienna. I named her because of her beautiful brown eyes-"

"-Why didn't you call her Mud then?" Mail asked, a frown line appearing on his forehead. Melody paused then chuckled so quietly it was barely recognisable as one.

"Why mud?"

"Because it's brown."

Melody smiled at Mail's innocence and shook her head softly. "Sienna's a pretty name. You do want your sister to have a pretty name, don't you?"

Mail considered this. "That's debatable."

"Is it now?"

"Yes. I might want her to have a pretty name for family reasons, but I might not because I want to be the one with the special name!" He pouted, folding his arms and glaring childishly at his mother. Melody laughed under her breath, sadness clear in her eyes. The machine's beeps grew further apart as Melody's life force grew weaker, unnoticed by the child. "You will protect her though, won't you?" Melody whispered.

Mail frowned. "Maybe."

"That's your mission, Mail Jeevas. Protect Sienna with all your heart... for me?" Melody asked. She stopped, waiting. Mail nodded sighing and Melody smiled. "Thank you." She whispered before her eyes drifted closed. "Lets... lets play a game, Mail. You hold onto Sienna- support her head, mind you- because I've been cursed by a witch." Mail gasped at this and quickly pulled Sienna to him, whispering that he'll protect her. Melody smiled before continuing, "Count to twenty, three times... don't stop, not for anything. And once you're done, the curse will be lifted."

Mail nodded and began counting, looking down at Sienna. His younger sister grabbed hold of Mail's hand when she noticed him and made a childish grin appear on his face. Melody departed the world listening to her son's angelic voice, counting the numbers like she asked. And that's how Mail was found by his father- sat on his mothers bed, holding his sister and counting, whilst Melody lay there, an angel that could no longer withstand the pull to heaven.

The dream swiftly changed to when Mail was 4, sat at the chimney with Sienna. It was Christmas Eve, nearly midnight. With the children was Mail's father's good friend, Soichiro Yagami, sat on a large leather chair. He smiled at the children, aware that their father would walk through the door any moment dressed up in a Santa costume, beard and all. Once done, Soichiro would return home to his wife, infant daughter and infant son who were in their holiday home, deciding to spend Christmas in England.

"I can't wait!" Mail announced, staring at the chimney in awe. "SANTA is coming tonight, Sienna!"

Sienna just smiled at her brother, sat between his legs and leaning back against him. At 1, she showed the high intelligence her brother did, but it was more raw than the defined he had. Mail used his intelligence when he wanted to, deciding to be childish instead of influenced by his brain power at only 4 years old. "I know..." Sienna murmured, her words shaky but pronounced correctly. Mail had been teaching her.

"He'll bring presents! And awesome stuff and-" Mail was cut off by a very slurred yelling outside.

"We wish you a mother fucking Merry Christmas!" The man yelled, stumbling on his own doorstep dressed as Santa. He slurped the rest of the whiskey that was in a bottle, in his hand, before throwing it at the outside wall of the house. "And a shitty New Year!"

Drunk, Soichiro thought rapidly, standing up and blocked the view the children had of the outside, on his daughter's first Christmas.

Mail looked at Sienna, already knowing what was happening. "Sienna, let's count to twenty." Sienna nodded slightly, trusting her older brother. "Let's say it together, yeah?"

"Yeah." Sienna agreed, grabbing her brother's hand.




A gun shot fired from outside.




A thump occurred outside.

"What comes next, M-Mile?" She couldn't say his name properly at her young age.

"7, Sienna."

"Oh... then?"

Soichiro ran to the front door, throwing it open and freezing. On the front step was a bleeding Santa, a gun wedged in his hand and a grim smile on his face.



//End of Dream//

Mello P.O.V.

Sociology... not that interesting a subject. But, if I wanted to beat Near... I sighed and glanced over at the sleeping form of Matt. I felt bad for yelling at him before but... He started it! Quickly I turned away and looked at the desk clock. "Midnight." I gaped, staring at the clock.


I spun around and faced Matt, grinning. "Matt! It's..." I stopped, sighing. He was fast asleep... or so I thought.

"Mmm..." He murmured, turning over in his sleep, "Mummy..."

I snickered. Who called their mother 'mummy' anymore?! It was then that I stopped. If he was saying that, then...

Newbie nightmares.

Quickly I launched out of my chair and crouched beside Matt's bed. "Matt... Matt!" I hissed, watching him. When I got no response, I shook him gently. "Oiy! Matt!" He didn't move or even look at me.

"Damn you!" I growled and got up, going back to the swivel chair. Slouching in it, my attention was back on the textbook. If he won't answer... I won't try. I smirked confidently to myself, just before my confidence was shattered by Matt's desperate sob. Spinning around fast, I stared at the boy I had tried to wake up only a couple of minutes ago. He was on his side facing me, leaning on his elbow and a hand on his face. "Matt...?" I whispered and his hand dropped his mouth to stop another sob. "You alright...?

"I'm..." Matt whispered, closing his eyes, "I'm fine."


Matt glared at me and in the lacking light, I could see the glistening in his eyes. Groaning, I lifted myself up and off of the chair before walking to my bed. "What're you doing...?" Matt whispered, and I sighed.

"Matt. I know you won't want to talk about what you dreamed of but... this might cheer you up." I murmured and pulled a wrapped up box from my bed before walking back to Matt. He watched me accusingly before looking at the gift in my hands, eyes widening. "Merry First Whammy's Christmas." I grinned and passed it to him.

Gently, Matt's fingers ran over the paper before he looked at me. "Mine...?" He whispered, shock evident in his voice. I nodded smirking and he beamed, a tear falling down his cheek. Calmly it fell onto the wrapping paper and Matt wiped it away with his thumb. "This wasn't my first orphanage." Matt glanced at me, as if trying to convince me. I stayed silent. "But you're my... second friend."

"Second?" I questioned, readying a glare. Matt was my friend...

"Yeah, Ash."

"Who's Ash?"

"She joined around when I did- surely you remember that." She?

"Nope." I'd never heard of her.


"I can still take that gift back..." I teased threateningly, a serious glint in my eyes. Matt's eyes widened and I snickered mentally.

"Sorry sorry!" Matt hurried before ripping the paper off the present. Inside was the game I used my chocolate funds to buy for Matt- some COD game or something. I wasn't really interested. Matt shook lightly as he stared at the game before he looked at me. "M-Mello..."

"Merry Christmas Matt- just remember, you always have me, right? Best Friends Forever."

A grin lit up Matt's face and he quickly shoved it off his lap before pulling me into his arms. I stiffened for a moment not expecting it, before I hugged him back grinning slightly along with him.

"Merry Christmas Mels... I'll get you a present as soon as I can." Matt whispered and I chuckled quietly.

"You gave me friendship- I couldn't ask for anything better."

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