CHAPTER 1: Begining and Background

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This is the story of a family. A family broken and divided by destiny and darkness. Between the sides of good and evil. You may be a little familiar with this story for it begins with the First Spinjitzu Master...

Long ago, the First Spinjitzu Master created a realm called Ninjago. It was there that he raised his two sons, Garmadon and Wu. Garmadon was the oldest and had a small temper. Wu on the other hand was the youngest and sometimes a little stubborn. As we all know, the two were very close and they were both equally loved by their father. The time they spent together was a peaceful and wonderful time. But all good things must come to an end.

One day in their monastery, the two brothers were sparing with katanas that their father gave them. He had said not to go over the walls of the monastery for a growing evil lurked. So, the two children agreed to these terms and went along playing. Then the infamous story began. Wu lost his hold on his katana and it went over the wall. "Go and retrieve it, Wu! Before father finds out!" But Wu was afraid of the evil that lurked beyond the walls and refused to go. "Fine! I will go and get it for you. But you owe me little brother." the oldest said with a smirk. And so Garmadon climbed the wall and searched for the katana.

He then found it tucked away, hidden under a bush. When the boy reached to grab it a snake known as the Great Devourer bit the unsuspecting child and he fell into a deep sleep like no other. By the time his father found him it was too late. Do not worry, for he did not pass away. But something much worse had happened to Garmadon, for the bite of this snake was prominent for turning the purest of hearts evil and there was no cure.

Years passed and their father passed with them. The boys were now men and they had a war on their hands. In the beginning of Ninjago's history, the First Spinjitzu Master created people and Serpentine. The two peoples had been at peace for many years. Of course, tensions were always present between the two peoples; but now they had escalated to proclamations of war. Garmadon's heart was not yet black for it took many years for it to turn. So he was virtually the same.

Now, in every family, there is drama and hurt. This family's division started with a woman (After the snake bite of course). Her name was Misako. Both brothers had feelings for her and competed for her heart. But now in the time of war, the two brothers had split. One to train under a new master and one continued to rally forces.

Garmadon trained under the evil master Chen, a crooked man who sided with the snakes. One day, he summoned Garmadon to his quarters and spoke with him, already knowing of the growing division in his relationship with Wu. "It seems your brother has feelings for the woman you do too! What was her name again? Misako?" "What do you mean?" Garmadon replied, unknowing of the trap he was in. "My sources have intercepted a letter written by Wu to Misako. The words sound straight from his heart and they will win her over for sure! But..." "But what master?" "But, he did not sign the letter! Showing the fool he is! What if you signed it?! You would win Misako and make Wu pay for trying to steal what was not even his in the first place!" Garmadon took the letter from his master. "Wait a minute! I did not write this letter...I shouldn't even be reading it!" He threw it down onto the table.

Then a strange voice started to whisper in his ear. "You know that if you do not sign it, you will lose Misako to Wu forever and regret ever leaving the opportunity! DO IT!" And so, Garmadon gave in to the evil in his veins and signed the letter.

A few days later, Garmadon left Chen and went to the battlefield to fight alongside his brother. Eventually, the war was won... leaving the Serpentine trapped in tombs and peace throughout Ninjago once again. But, an evil lurked inside Garmadon that he knew would eventually become uncontrollable. 

Hello!!! I know for most people who read Ninjago fanfics this is old news but I just wanted to give a recap with a small twist.. 

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