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"Well...we could stick to our original plan that Xander came up with." Cole spoke up. It was super quiet and it was getting awkward. "No. We didn't find the armory, remember?" Jay said. "What if we just full-on attacked? Maybe take some friends with us?" Kai said. "No! We don't need anyone else getting hurt." Nya said. "What if we blow up the building?! We can divide into two groups and one group will find the Garmadons while the other group sets up the explosives. We would have to sneak in again though." Zane brainstormed as Jay suggested the insane idea and all the ninja turned to him as he ran the numbers. "Logically, that could work!" "Wait, so Jay actually solved this?! Now I've seen everything." Kai exclaimed. "Alright then let's get to work!" Nya yelled with excitement. "Hold on Lloyd, we're coming."


"So, can one you please tell me about my sister?" Lloyd looked at his parents and uncle, waiting with his arms folded showing his lack of patience. Garmadon sighed and walked over to his son. "I guess we owe you that much." He said. They both sat down and Garmadon began describing Leia while Wu and Misako found a place to sit. "Your sister was a very bright young girl. She was always so happy and cheerful. She was very helpful around the house and loved to sing." Garmadon remembered his daughter's sweet little voice singing around the house. "She was tough though. She always stood up for those who couldn't and was an amazing warrior at a very young age." "She mastered Spinjitzu at seven years old." His uncle cut in. "But what was most amazing about her is that when your father lashed out in evil, and when his eyes would turn red, she would be so calm and not be afraid of your father," Misako said. "She always forgave him quickly. She even helped him calm down when nobody else could." "She sounds like she was a great kid. But why do you keep saying 'was' as if she isn't now?" Lloyd asked. Wu looked down and then answered his nephew. "You know how we told you why we didn't tell you about Leianna?" Lloyd remembered. They didn't tell him because they were afraid it would put an even bigger burden on him than he already had. "Well, Leia has been through some very hard things. She was only six years old when your father sent her to me. When she was told she was going to be abducted and there was nothing she could do to stop it." Wu looked down again and his father continued. "When I brought your sister home she had changed. She was very serious and sad, although when we asked her about it she wore a mask of happiness and told us that everything was fine. She had stopped laughing and singing the week after you were born. We didn't know why until we heard her story." They all went quiet. "I feel awful for her." Lloyd said.

"Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon." Sami's voice came from a speaker. "You have been requested by the emperor to be interrogated. See you there." Her voice went away and Lloyd's family was in panic. "Let's just hope this girl is a person of her word and keeps her promise to Leia." Garmadon said to Misako as they all watched Lloyd be chained and taken out of the room.


Lloyd was taken to a small, dim-lit room where Sami sat at a small table and beaconed the others to leave them. "Finally, I have you alone." Lloyd gave a worried look as the girl in front of him pulled out a journal. "I'm gonna warn you...I won't break." She gave a quiet sigh and looked him in the eyes, and he could almost swear he saw a longing, but for what? "I'm not going to. I wanted to inform you on why I'm doing what I'm doing." Lloyd immediately gave a shocked look as she gathered her thoughts and spoke, "I have been undercover for a long time and can get... a little too into character, or possessed. So I want to apologize if any of the Warui has affected any part of your lives." She paused and looked around before continuing, "Leia may or may not have told you about the Neutrality?" She looked at Lloyd and he nodded. "Good. May I say, the one thing I do not regret is disposing of him. It may sound dark but his intentions were even darker." "Meaning...?" The green ninja questioned. "I'm coming! Calm down...The Neutrality once had two children, a daughter, and a son. His daughter contained the powers of good, creation, and life while his son obtained the powers of evil, destruction, and death. His son decided to get rid of his father, but instead of him dying, the father's daughter gave herself up instead. But before she died, she gave her powers to three worthy souls. Later the son was defeated by the father and he too gave his powers away. After, the Neutrality swore to find these inheritors of power and make them his own children. He later called them embodiments." When she started, she had opened her journal revealing pictures while she spoke. "After he found us, he found a way to collect all the powers for himself so that he would be something called an 'all-powerful'. Someone containing the highest powers in all the realms in themselves and the power to revive as many people as desired or even bend the laws of nature. Leia can only bring back two people a year. I was the first he chose to take from, which is what I was warned about." Sami looked at Lloyd who looked like he was following along. "When I betrayed your sister, I felt such grief afterward. The grief turned to guilt over the years. And that led me to where I am today." She started to tear up and continued, "I-I never meant for a-anyone to get hurt! I especially didn't want to kill or torture. But..." She lifted her hair to show Lloyd a chip on her neck. "This device makes me do the emperor's bidding." She said with venom in the last word. Lloyd tried to process what he just heard. "Okay...I believe you. But what do you mean, 'Emperor'?" The girl in front of him shivered at the name before giving him an answer. "He has been the mastermind behind almost every evil scheme that has come to pass. Very little is known about him, and no one has ever seen his face. The only person to have seen him is his daughter. He controls her and possesses and uses her as a warrior o-or even an assassin against the people who defy him..." Sami took a shaky breath in as she clenched her fist. "You are his daughter aren't you." Lloyd looked at her with so much compassion in his eyes, mostly because he knew what it was like to have an evil dad. And it made Sami cry when she nodded. Lloyd was hesitant, but soon gave in and pulled her in for a hug. She tensed up but did not pull away. "Thank you for telling me." He whispered in her ear as she sobbed and nodded. At that moment, Lloyd almost forgot who he was holding, he just wanted to stay like that for a very long time. He was confused because he should not even be helping her, much less comforting her. But he had this gut feeling and it made his heart beat faster. An overwhelming instinct to just protect his 'new friend'. "Weird." He thought. A few minutes later, Lloyd was taken back to the cell they were staying in.

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