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"So, what are you gonna do now?" Lloyd asked his sister as they both sat at the edge of a cliff leading to Jamanakai. "I don't know. I think I'm gonna stick around and try to become part of our family again. Maybe I'll even join your team?" "YES!" Lloyd shot up and started to happy dance. "What are you doing Lloyd?" He stopped and started to stutter. "W-well I-I was hoping you would stay with us. I was counting on it actually. Now Cole owes me 5 bucks too!" "Wait. You guys bet on me staying!?" She made a sharp sarcastic gasp and side-hugged her brother. "Come on green ninja. Let's go home." They both formed their dragons and flew toward the monastery.

When they got back Nya was waiting for them. "So what did she say! Is she staying?! We really need another girl around here!" She whined. "Haha! Yes Nya, I'm staying!" "Yes!" She hugged her new teammate tightly. "Come on! I'll show you your room!" She started to push Leia to the other side of the monastery. "Lloyd, don't forget your parents and master Wu want to see you in the kitchen." "Oh yeah! The kitchen!" He ran to the opposite side of the monastery while Nya showed her new friend around. "And this is your room! Master Wu had it ready for you when we were in the Sea of Sands." "Wow, it's beautiful! Is your room like this?!" "Yeah, except everything is grey and blue." Nya chuckled. Suddenly a loud crash came from down the hall. "What was that?" The girls went running to the kitchen. "SUPRISE!" Everyone was gathered in the kitchen and a large cake was on the counter. "What's all this for?!" Leia asked with surprise in her tone. "Well, your dad told us that the week you were with us, man it seems like ages ago, was the week of your birthday! So, we are gonna celebrate! Even if it's late." Jay exclaimed excitedly. "Guys! You didn't have to! This is amazing!" The team then presented her with a gift from each and had her sit at the table. "Leia," master Wu started, "your parents and I would like to give you this." He gave her a large white box with a sparkling jade green ribbon. "Thank you uncle. Thanks guys." She opened the box to reveal a light jade gi with golden accents and in the middle was a yin-yang pendant. "The pendant is from your mother." Leia looked at her mom as she came over and put the necklace on her daughter. "Thank you mom. It's beautiful." Everyone gave her a hug and grabbed a piece of cake before going to the living room to watch a movie. "You coming?" Nya asked. "No, that's okay. I'm tired, so I think I'm just gonna turn in for the night." "Oh ok! Good night." Leia chuckled, "Good night Nya."

In her room, Leia put her gifts away and changed. She laid down and started to fall asleep. "You forgot so soon?" She sat up. "Who said that?" "We are coming for you..." "Who are you!" She pulled out her Katana from the side of her bed. "Your never goes away." "What?" "You are worthless! You're not important anymore! Just a simple elemental now...just a nobody....just a nobody..." "No I'm not! Leave me alone!" And with that, Leia fell asleep in tears.


Oh my gosh, it's done!! Thank you so much for reading this all the way through. I kind of lost interest so if the plot went to quickly that is the cause :) Thanks again! 

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