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"Ugh! Ow!" "Again." It was a month into training and she had made a small bit of progress. Leia could get through half of the training course that was installed in the monastery, but right before the part she had to perform Spinjitzu, she froze and fell. "You are allowing fear to well up in you. Is there something you would like to tell me about Leia?" "No uncle." She totally lied. Something was inside her and it welled up like crazy when she fought. It was almost like energy was surging through her and she tried her hardest to bury it.

Again and again, it was the same thing. "Hmm. Take a break, Leia. You may go see Mrs. Maya and help her with her children for the day." "Really?!" Leia beamed with joy and it made her uncle so happy to see her like that. "Yes. I have some meditating to do." As fast as she could, she ran out the monastery gates. "Ok! Bye, uncle Wu!" He laughed at her speedy getaway then turned and his face went all serious.

"Dear brother,

I bring news of your daughter's training. She learns fast and is by far the most talented and best student I have ever had. But something seems off about her when she fights. Almost like she is holding something back with all her might.

I hope this letter finds you and Misako in good health.

Your brother,



"Hi, Leia! How are you?" Kai yelled from across the field. Kai was only a few months younger than Leianna so they naturally got along. "Hi Kai! I'm good. I came to spend the day with your mom and Nya." He beamed with joy that his best friend was going to be at his house all day! The two had become so close in the last few weeks that you would have thought that they were siblings at first glance. "Hello, Leia! I hear you will be staying with us for the day." "Yes, I am!" She said smiling. "Well then, could you help me get Nya out of her crib? I need to go help, Mr. Ray." "Of course!" Leia made a beeline for Nya's room and got the toddler out of her crib. "LeiLei!" That was what Nya called Leia and she had honestly grown accustomed to it.

Suddenly, Leia felt a sharp cold pain in her back. "Don't move." Said a voice from behind her. The voice was harsh and rough. 'OK, Leianna. Time for some practice.' She said to herself in her head. She quickly neutralized the weapon in the stranger's hand and flipped him onto the floor. He looked surprised and he smirked. "So, you're the one everyone in town is talking about. I don't see why though." He picked up his dagger and Leia put Nya down. "I do not know who you are but you need to leave! NOW!" Suddenly he dashed for Nya and Leia couldn't hold it in anymore. A blast came from her hands as she put them in front of her, sending the scoundrel flying through the wall.

"Oh no...nononononono." Leia panicked and the two adults ran into the room to see Leia's back bleeding and the intruder. "Nya! Leia! What happened?!" To Leia, Mr. Ray sounded mad and that was all she needed. "I' sorry!" She ran out the hole in the wall and quickly dashed for the forest-covered mountains that were outside. "Leianna! Wait!" Maya called out for the girl. People soon started to gather outside and the village guard locked up the man and he maniacally laughed and yelled out to her, "That's, the right puny embodiment of life! Run away!" 

Her uncle raced down on his dragon as soon as he heard the news. "RAY! How could you just let her leave?!" Wu ran into the house and saw Kai comforting little Nya, who was crying from all the excitement, while Ray and Maya were yelling at each other. "Ray, Maya...Where is my niece?!" "We don't know Wu. But we must find her quickly, she had a wound from the intruder. He stabbed her on the back while they were fighting." "Well, then we must leave right away! Come, let's get the children to the monastery. They will be safe there."


It was dark in the mountain's forest. Shadows crept up behind Leia while she walked. Once she could have sworn she saw her father's red eyes glaring at her. "Leianna Jade Garmadon." A voice came from the darkness and a tall man stepped out from it. He looked very old but good for his age. He wore all gray robes and spoke very softly, "Leianna, why are you here by yourself?'' "Who are you? How do you know my name?" She started to panic. "Don't be afraid. I am the Neutrality, the giver of the power of life and death, creation and destruction, good and evil." Leia couldn't believe her ears, mostly because she was a six-year-old with no idea what the man was talking about. "You, my child, have been given the power of life. Hence you are my child." "WHAT!? I'm sorry but I already have a daddy and I like him." He laughed. "Oh my. Well, you see, you belong to me because of the powers you possess. The law will change when your brother is born, but he will never know you. I will come back for you the week after he is born. Don't say I didn't warn you...and enjoy your new powers!"

As soon as he said those words she fell to the ground and felt a pain like no other. A bright light came from her body and she blacked out. "Over here!" She heard someone say. She felt a warm embrace and someone carrying her. "It's okay now Leia. I've got you." It was her uncle! She wanted to warn him about the strange man that claimed to be her 'new' father. She wanted to ask him about the power that hurt her, but she couldn't. She was trapped in her mind.


Sorry! I know the chapters are short. I promise they will get longer.

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