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(camerons pov)

I ran out of the hospital room where my soon to be wife is, yes i am gonna ask her to marry me i was going to ask her before we had sex. Well now we have a child and i love her very much and i know she loves me too but i dont know how much she loves me i am scared that one day she is gonna leave me and take Valire with her i reallg dont want that to happen they complete me and i dont know what i would do without my beautiful soon-to-be-wife and my sweet, cute little girl. I am going to text nash ask for some advice about this.

(n=nash c=cameron)
C: Hi nash i want to ask what i should do about this problem i am having with Skylar i want to ask her to marry me...

N: Bro finially i have been waiting for you to ask althougj i thought that you might if wanted to ask her before u had a kid but can we meet somewhere and talk face to face but still in private?

C: Yeah bro how about that one place we used to go when we were little our little bit of sunshine as u used to call it .

N: i haven't been there in forever yes that will be perfect!  Hows noon?

C: yes by nash talk to you tomorrow!


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