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Sophia's P.O.V
Hey, my name is Sophia I'm 16 and I'm 5'1, light skin, natural curly hair that falls to my butt. I have deep dimples I also have curves. I'm mixed my mom is white and Puerto Rican my dad is Black and Mexican. My mom and dad split up about a five years ago, because of her drug addiction. So I now live with my father. My mom was such a sweet lady then she just started hanging around the wrong people. I still love her though. Whenever I try to see her she try's to beg me for money for drugs. I give it to her sometimes. She always ends up lying she says she need it for food but im not that dumb. Me and my dad lives in Oakland one of the richest neighborhoods. But I still attend a ghetto school. My dads a doctor. We get a long well.

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