📝 Chapter 26. June 19, 2014 olivia cuddles/ shopping in LA

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June 19, 2014

Los Angeles, California

Kitten cuddles/ shopping in La

(Taylor's perspective)

I wake up to Olivia sleeping on my chest,

"Good morning." I said and Olivia meows cutely.

I laughed at how adorable she sounded and I carefully pick her up off of me and place her next to me on the bed.

"Are you hungry?" I asked.

Olivia meows loudly agin at me and I take that as a yes.

I get up out of bed and I walk out of my room.

"Come on Olivia." I said.

Olivia jumps downs off of my bed onto a chair next to my bed and down on the floor and runs over to my feet.

Olivia stumbles as she walks down the stairs following me and walking into the kitchen.

"Hi Meredith," I said to her sitting on one of the chairs in the living room.

Meredith meows angry at me,

"Oh don't act all mad that you are not the only cat around here now." I said.

I pour Meredith's food in her bowl and she comes running over to eat.

"Yeah that's what I thought," I said as she continues to eat.

I pour Olivia's kitten food in her bowl and she begins to eat as well.

I start cooking my food and Elizabeth comes walking into the kitchen,

"Good morning." Elizabeth said.

"Good morning. How did you sleep?" I asked.

"I sleep really good." Elizabeth said.

"That's good. Want breakfast?" I asked.

"Yes I'm starving." Elizabeth said sitting down at the table.

I begin to cook breakfast and I sat down to eat with Elizabeth.

Author's Note

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