50 - Goodbyes (pt. 1)

56 3 1

March, 1993 - Japan

Haruka wasn't very surprised when she learned that Akia's parents had divorced, but that didn't make it any easier to drop the girl off at her house for the last time. Her car rolled to a stop in front of Akia's house. Inside, everything was in boxes, and they would all be out within a day. In the passenger seat, Akia was quiet. She looked out at her childhood home, and then her gaze fell back into her lap.

"I wish I could stay here with my mom." Akia's voice was reserved and quiet. She hadn't spoken about her parents' divorce to Haruka since she had told her it was happening. But now, in their last moments together, they might as well discuss it.

Akia's father had won custody of his daughter during the school terms, and he had decided to move his daughter miles away from her mother. In truth, Haruka thought it was quite selfish. So what if he didn't want to see his ex-wife anymore—couldn't Akia at least be close to her mother?

Haruka wished she had something comforting to say, but she knew nothing would make Akia feel better. She was moving away from all of her friends, switching schools, and practically losing a parent. It turned out she didn't need to say anything, as Akia hopped out of the passenger seat to retrieve her bag from the trunk.

Haruka unlocked the car's truck, and then got out to help Akia with her bag. Then they both leaned on Haruka's car, silent. They were going to miss each other.

After quite some time in the silence, as they watched the sun begin to set, Akia let out an exasperated sigh. Shouldering her bag, she mumbled, "Well, I guess I should go."

Then she stepped up onto the sidewalk and began toward her house, but Haruka caught her by her bag, saying lightly, "Hold it. What's our agreement?"

Akia sighed loudly once more, but this time there was a grin she was fighting off. "I'm not quitting guitar until I become a rockstar."


"Because it's stupid and near-sighted, and I can't take the easy way out on my dream."

"Why else?"

"So you can design my album covers."

"Good. And?"

"You get free tickets to my shows."

"Good. And?"

"I have to remember to visit you every time I come back to Konoha."

"Good. And?"

"I can't pose naked on magazine covers."

"You got it." Haruka nodded with finality. Her eyes shining in the setting sunlight, she announced proudly, "Now, off into the world, young grasshopper."

Akia exhaled and rolled her eyes. Of course, Haruka wasn't expecting her to find that very funny. But she wasn't expecting the girl to come forward and hug her either. Without a word, Akia shrugged off her bag and crushed Haruka into an embrace. She didn't hold it for very long, but Haruka smiled nonetheless.

"Thanks." Akia's voice was stiff and uncomfortable. She hoped Haruka knew how much she treasured her. The older girl chuckled, trying to swallow back the sadness in her stomach.

"Of course."

When Akia disappeared behind her front door, Haruka let out a long sigh. Trying not to focus on all of the unhappy thoughts that were beginning to swirl around in her mind, she moved to get back into her car.


Akia's father had just returned home. As he locked his car, he made his way over to her. It wasn't easy to read the expression on his face. How should he be feeling? Glad, having ended a relationship that wasn't right for him? Or sad, as he was splitting his family apart?

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