chapter seven

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I waited for Wanda to get to the frat house. As I was waiting I started thinking about her and why out of all the people I could of got a ride home from why I called her.

Since the day we bumped into each other in the halls I don't know what it was I felt drawn to her. The fact we bumped into each other twice now in the halls it's almost like it's a sign. I don't know maybe i'm just drunk but I would like to get to know her more. Wanda seems very deep and like she has a lot of layers. She seems reserved but it seems like the last two encounters she's wanted our conversation to keep going. I'm hoping i'm not the only one feeling like this but hopefully i'll get to know her more tonight.

After about 30 minutes she texted me saying she was down the street in the all black car. I left the house and as I was walking I texted Sam saying I was leaving so she would know where I was. I made it to the end of the street and I wasn't as drunk as I was when I called her I had a while to sober up before she came.

As soon as I got in I turned to her and started thanking her, "seriously thank you so much i'm sorry if I took you away from spending time with your spouse. Everyone else I would of called was either still at the party or not in the state so seriously thank you!" Wanda just started laughing, we haven't drove off yet since I sat down but she's just looking at me. Her laugh is something else i've never heard it before but I want to hear it more. I turned my head to her and chuckled, "you know it's not nice to laugh at your students Mrs. Maximoff!" She opened her eyes while still chuckling, "sorry you are just really cute while rambling." The minute she called me cute I smiled but I could tell on her face she didn't mean to say it and that it just slipped. To try and lighten the now quiet car, "you know you're laugh is very contagious! I like it a lot!" Wanda turned her head toward me and smiled wide. Her eyes sparkled as she looked at me and now I loved her laugh and her smile. She turned the car on and started driving. "So Samantha is hooking up with someone right now which is why you called me?" I started laughing cause I had forgot how specific I was when I talked to her. "Oh my god I forgot how in detail I went. But yes these guys from your class actually came up to us after and asked if we wanted to go to this party with them. I said yes and then Luke and Samantha hit it off immediately when they came and picked us up. Didn't think they were going to fuck right away but you can't control Samantha when she's drunk. She will definitely be feeling it tomorrow." Wanda just laughed as she kept taking glances at me as I spoke. "And you? You were with a guy tonight what happened with him?" I turned my body towards her in the car as I explained. "He's really sweet don't get me wrong and definitely my type but guys at this school all try and just get in my pants at every party. I go to parties every once and a while but not as often as I used too. Everyone at this college sees me as the "hottest girl on campus" so frat guys make bets every year on who can land me first. Which is why I usually leave early or don't go but Dylan wasn't like the usually frat guy which was nice but he got flat out plastered so I just put him to bed and texted him for him to see in the morning." She turns and looks to me with sad eyes, "Brooklyn i'm sorry you shouldn't be treated like an object." I smiled and said, "no really it's fine it's calmed down since i've become a senior but now every where I go I always have eyes on me it's a real confidence boost but also gets annoying having girls and guys drool all over you." Wanda and I both started laughing. "You get girls and guys?" I nodded and continued on, "yeah girls who are straight have tried to ask me out and sleep with me. Don't get me wrong i'm not a prune but I also don't just go around sleeping with everyone who talks to me. I've slowed down after sophomore year." I started laughing as Wanda was very shocked with my answer. "So you've slept with girls and guys?" She asked me. "Yup and let me tell you girls are way better." Wanda smirks and turns to me since it was a red light, "oh i know" and holds up her ring finger. My mouth fell open, "Professor Maximoff! You married a women! I like you even more now!" Wanda started laughing and her face got a little red. "Yes I married a women her names Danyelle but I don't know how much longer I'll be with her." I gave her a concerned look as she just tried to hide the sadness in her face. "I know it's not my place but you can talk to me if you want i'm a really good listener. I can tell you're sad so if you need someone to talk to just stalk me again and "bump" into me in the hall to get my attention." Trying to lift the mood which I succeeded at, Wanda raises her arm and hits me in the back of the hand while laughing. "Those two times were completely coincidental okay?" I grabbed the back of my head, "hey that's like teacher abuse or something! But yes i know you only stalk my social media." I turned to her trying to hold in my laugh and have my hands up protecting myself from her hitting my again.

She stops the car and puts it in park on the side of the road. I was very confused on what she was going to do to me. "Alright if you're going to kill me for that comment hurry up and do it please!" I had one eye shut with my hands still up. I opened my other eye and as soon as I did Wanda took her seatbelt off and started tickling me like crazy. What she didn't know yet was my front of my stomach and neck was ticklish. She was trying to find the right spot and eventually she did which made me start squirming around. "W-wanda stop! oh my god i'm going to kill you!" She didn't stop and she found the spot on my stomach where I'm really ticklish. I tried to push her hands away but it didn't work as she kept going. I was laughing so hard my abs started to hurt and contract. "Okay okay i'm sorry for saying you stalk me!" She didn't care what I said at this point so I had to get her off me. As she started to laugh even harder which made her slow down. I quickly leaned my body forward and pinned her hands to the side of her off of me. She was taken back by what I just did. "Are you done now?" Wanda slowly nodded as I turned back into my seat saying good. Her breathe hitched as I let go of her hands. "You only found one of my ticklish spots as well looks like you'll have to try again another time for the other spot. Also I think your nails scratched my stomach." I laughed as I slowly pulled up my tight shirt revealing my abs. "Look I have scratch marks from you now!" Wanda turns her head looking at my stomach as she saw dark red marks up and down my abs. "Oh my god Brooklyn i'm so sorry how did that happen I was just tickling you!" I started laughing knowing the scratches weren't from her. "Haha relax Wands they aren't from you they are from my dog. She likes to lay on my stomach and sleep but she spazzes in her sleep so she ends up scratching me." Wanda gave me puppy dog eyes almost like my dog does. "You have a dog? Oh my gosh I want to meet her!" I smiled and said, "well let's go right now then my place is only like 5 minutes from here." Wanda asked, "are you sure?" "Yes it'll be fun come on!"

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