3. Who Are You?

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It took my dad and me well into the night to finish unpacking things. We devoured the pie. We were so exhausted that it served as our dinner. Neither of us had ever heard of or had it, but it was absolutely fantastic. Our house sat on the end of a marsh which was odd because we were separated from the other houses that lined the marsh. The new home was very different than the ones surrounding it. For starters, ours was only one story whereas the others were two-story minimum. My tiny house also did not possess the dock and boat that the others did. As such, I almost felt ashamed of our white one-story house.

 The marsh looked beautiful under the light of a full moon. The houses lining the marsh were dimly lit which reduced the light pollution allowing nature to really put its beauty on display. Looking out at the marsh's natural beauty reminded me of the display of natural beauty in the gas station earlier.

With a plan in mind, I went to my room after presenting a dramatic yawn to demonstrate that I was tired to my dad. Before I could begin my research, I hung up my Panic! At The Disco poster along with a few Polaroids of me and my old friends just so I could feel a little piece of home. I found myself being a little sad that I probably would not see my friends again. The memories started to overwhelm me, so I hung only a quarter of the collection of photos that I wanted. I would be lying if I said that a few tears didn't ignore my desperate attempts not to cry. A few were all I had time for because there was not enough time for crying. I had a job to do. The steps of my social media stalking masterclass went as follows:

1. Look up the name of the company that was on his hat

2. Learn that the hat belonged to a shrimping company his family owned thanks to a picture of his family being displayed right on the front of the site site. I recognized him in it, but he looked to be about 9 years old. Update your social media presence, Kingsley Shrimp Company, geez.

3. Get his (hot) dad's name from the Our History tab and look him up on Facebook

4. Go through his dad's Facebook to find an account or name for the boy

5. In my search, I found a post his dad made bragging about his son's baseball game where he mentioned his name: "Congrats, Jayden! We are gonna run out of room for these trophies soon! Thankful our lord has gotten us this far. He has great things planned for you, Jay!" The post was utterly disappointing and cringy, but I got what I needed

6. I took this discovery to Instagram where I typed in his name: "Jayden Kingsley" to find his profile.

I was elated to find that he was a public profile because I would not have to debate requesting to follow him or not. He had a ratio that made me think he cared about that type of thing with 3,000 followers while only following around 500. I was also very pleased to see that he was a somewhat frequent poster. There was no shortage of shirtless pictures either rather they be of him fishing, driving a boat, on a baseball field, or hanging with friends. My heart fluttered in a way it never had before as I looked at the beautiful boy. He also looked incredible in a full suit in the pictures from his junior year prom. I would be lying if I said I wasn't preemptively planning our wedding after seeing him in a suit. Taking extra care not to give myself away by accidentally liking any of his posts, I spent at least an hour going through his pictures, comments, and people he had tagged in his posts which averaged at least 450 likes each. I felt pathetic as I was proud of the one time I was able to muster 80 likes on a post. I guess that's the difference between being from a prominent family in a small town and being just another face in a place out in Vegas.  After totally stalking Jayden's life, I believe I formulated a solid reading on him. 

Jayden Kingsley is definitely the most popular student at Osprey Watch, the high school I will be attending in the Fall, and he seems to be well-liked by his peers as he gets a lot of affection and compliments from them in his comment sections. He is a star baseball player for the high school as well which makes him so much hotter. His truck and house suggest that his family's business is doing very well. His last name is also the name of the Island, so I assume that his family has a political history within the community which could also attribute to his wealth. Interestingly, he had no pictures with a girlfriend, and I did not see any potential girlfriends in his tagged photos. 

There is no way he could be gay, right? I figured he just had higher standards for women than this little town could offer. The clutches of a crush slowly began to penetrate my skull and chest, grabbing my brain and heart. My defenses were waning, but I knew that a crush on a straight boy that probably would never know I existed was not something that I needed to deal with coming fresh off of a breakup. I screenshotted a few of his posts to show my friends my new crush. My phone alerting me that I had a low battery distracted me from looking at his abs and bulge which was very visible in a picture that featured him wearing a wet bathing suit. My phone's distraction made me realize the growing issue in the front of my jeans. Fantasies about Jayden filled my brain that night as I dealt with my growing arousal. Maybe Kingsley Island wasn't the worst place on Earth

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