26. Waking Up to a Boyfriend

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Some things make me believe that there really is a God, and he has a funny sense of humor.

After I answered, he said, "I couldn't let the day pass by without telling you happy shared birthday," but before I had a chance to reply, he added, "I know it's two in the morning and technically not our birthday, but it isn't tomorrow until I go to sleep and wake up, so happy birthday, Ellis."

He wants to tell me, the creep, happy birthday? "Oh- uh. Thanks. Same to you. Did you enjoy your massive party?" I asked by slurred accident.

"I did... I did."

Hearing his accent made me feel like a junkie finally getting a hit of my favorite drug.

Feeling bold, I said, "Yeah, I bet it would've been a lot of fun," I still had my fingers inside, and they transformed into his larger, rougher fingers.

"Alright, alright. I get that you're hurt, but do you understand why I didn't invite you?"

"Yes." I pushed my fingers deeper to punish myself, hoping the strain in my voice wouldn't give me away. I deserved this.

Through the phone static, I heard a fork clinking against a plate. He was probably gorging himself on second helpings of his Thanksgiving-sized birthday feast, or his giant custom cake. "Good because what you did was so messed up."

"Then why are you calling me?" My heart stopped. He was right, and I shouldn't have gone on the defensive, but my drunk lips kept betraying me.

He didn't even hesitate in responding, "Because I can't stop thinking about hanging out with you that day. Every other morning when I'm working out on the marsh, I look at your Instagram account to see if you've been active before I float past your house. You never are, but I'm hoping that maybe if you are, it'll mean I can see you. That has to mean something, right?"

Jack's shower was still running, and I couldn't care less. Even if he were passed out drowning, I had more important concerns.

"Jayden, are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"I-I don't really know what I'm saying. I'm in the dark, Ellis. I was surrounded by so much family and friends who love me today, and I've gotten so many happy birthday messages that I can't even reply to them all. But the entire day I've just felt... nothing."

"Do you still feel nothing?"

"For the first time today, it feels like my birthday," he said.

Removing my fingers was the best feeling in the world. There's no way he didn't hear the moan that escaped. My throat tightened, and I couldn't get any fresh air. "Jayden, I'm so sorry for what I did. I don't know how you could forgive me, but thank you."

"I tried to be mad at you, but I couldn't. The way being close to you made me feel makes it worth being with someone who would steal my underwear. Course, I find it so endearing that you are just so into me," he said in a way that I could hear his smirk.

My cheeks flushed with heat. "Oh my god. Please don't hold that over me forever!"

"Well, I think you deserve it for at least a little while." Ice clinked against a glass. It was probably sweet tea, knowing him.

I turned on my side in the bed, and the room started spinning. A seltzer-flavored burp jumped out of my chest. "Only one week, please."

"Of course, but tomorrow doesn't count because you're coming with me and Dad to take the boat out for one of the last times before the weather changes."

"Wait, there's other weather besides sweat-through-your-shirt-in-five-minutes-hot?"

One of the last things I remember from that night was hearing him laugh at my joke. I made Jayden laugh. He wanted me, and I was ready to let him have all of me.

My eyelids felt like they had weights tied to them as his voice rocked me to sleep.


The bladder of a drunk person is the greatest alarm clock. Peeling my drool-encrusted face off the pillow, I looked around. Jacob (or was it Jack?) was sleeping shirtless facing the opposite wall. Sunlight rushed through the broken corner of the blinds, and when I removed the covers, the rays of sunlight spotlighted my naked bits. Did we hook up? What happened after Jayden called? Where is my phone? Where is my dignity?

My piss came out like a rocket, and it felt like I was on heroin- it seems like it feels really good in the movies, but I can't be sure. However, being scandalous like hooking up with a stranger the day I turn eighteen may be pushing me closer than I'd like to that reality.

Being hungover and aiming do not go together, but yellow stains already painted the seat, and bending over would likely cause me to throw up, so I didn't bother cleaning my mess up.

When I came out of the bathroom, Mr. J-name was awake and staring at me. I cupped my dick with my hand. It's weird how someone seeing you naked is so context-dependent.

He grabbed his glasses from the bedside table. "How are you feeling?"

I croaked, "Like a million bucks. Got any ibuprofen?"

"Yeah, I'll get you some. Your shorts, shirt, and underwear are folded on the dresser."

"Thank you," I faced the wall while reclaiming my dignity.

"What you did is pretty shitty."

His words froze me. I must've fallen asleep before we could do anything! "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to blue-ball you like that," I said still facing the wall as I buttoned my shorts.

"No, I don't care about that. I mean cheating on your boyfriend."

I was frozen in place. "My-my what?"

His voice sounded annoyed, "You fell asleep on the phone. When I came out of the shower, the boy you were talking to on the phone was calling your name. I hoped you wouldn't think it was an invasion of your privacy, but I picked up your phone and told him you were passed out. He asked me who I was, so I explained where we met. He sounded so hurt. When I asked him what was wrong, he told me that you were his boyfriend and to make sure you got home safe before hanging up on me."

My heart fell out of my chest. "I'm so sorry. I was drunk and you were so attractive," going along with the idea that we were boyfriends was insanely exciting, even at the expense of making me look like a cheating piece of shit. I was getting hard by just going along with the idea. I'd never see this guy with a J name again, so I could live out my dream.

"That's never an excuse," he sighed, "But you're young and learning. Although I think you deserve to be dumped, I hope for his sake, you grow from this and can repair your relationship."

Repair? I can't wait to start building my relationship with my boyfriend, Jayden.

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