14. Last Day of Summer

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The seconds. The minutes. The hours. I felt each, paralyzed by my thoughts as I waited to get my phone back the day after Jayden's party. I woke up too late to catch him working on the boat in the morning, so getting my phone back to let him know that I wasn't ignoring him was imperative. While Dad was at work, I did everything around the house I could think of that would please him. I cleared the dirty dishes from the sink; I even touched the wet food that was stuck on the plates and forks. Vacuuming the floors, doing my laundry, and dusting made up the rest of my desperate attempt to see that text from Jayden. I must admit that I did search through my Dad's room to try to find my phone, but he was too good at hiding things.

Thankfully, my efforts were enough. I greeted him with a genuine apology and let him notice the chores I had done. A lecture and a lot of head nodding were enough to get the phone back into my hands. 

I clicked on the text:

Jayden Kingsley (He's Str8!!): hey bro really glad u came over to the party tonight, your pretty chill and I think everyone liked you, if u need someone to help u find classes or anything when school starts tomorrow lmk send me ur schedule

Jayden Kingsley (He's Str8!!): also, sorry abt Drew idk what his deal was pls dont let him reflect on the rest of us 

I was so relieved that nobody was around to judge my corny smile. My face tingled. Everything about the texts (yes, texts, I couldn't believe he double-texted me) was perfect, aside from the grammar and use of commas as periods, but that would be something I could teach him. It shouldn't have taken 30 minutes to write my response, but I had to get it just right.

Me: Thanks for inviting me, dude! I really appreciated it. The food and swimming was amazing. Sure thing on the classes. I'm really bad with directions, so I definitely will need your help! Don't worry about the Drew stuff. I know that's just how he is.

I could not send that message. It made me sound way too desperate for his attention. Exclamation marks are cringe. I tried again. My thumbs took over for my brain as I let out the frustration Drew caused into the keyboard on the screen:

Me: The party was so much fun. Thanks for inviting me. I'll send my class schedule right now! I'll for sure need help navigating. Thanks again. No big deal on the Drew stuff. I know he's just an insecure little bitch that can't handle the thought of someone new taking any of his attention away.

 There was no way I could send it. I couldn't insult his best friend like that, and I was terrified of what would happen to me if Drew caught wind of what I was saying. I needed to look like the better person.

Me: Yah bro it was fun meeting everyone on the island at the party. I appreciate the invite. I'll for sure need help at school tomorrow. Let me find my schedule. Also, I'm not worried about the Drew thing, dude. Shit happens, and I know he didn't mean to hit me.

The third try mixed enough "bros" and "dudes" to make Jayden feel at home. Saying I needed to find my schedule made it seem like I was nonchalant about school starting when I really had a horrible case of butterflies. Truthfully, I did not need to find my schedule as I had changed the background of my phone to a picture of it for easy access. Send. 

I waited for what felt like an eternity. I saw texts in a group chat from friends back home, but I opened them and swiped away just as quickly. A text back from Jayden was all that mattered. 

20 minutes passed of over-analyzing my response, wondering what I said that scared him off. Then, my phone chimed:

Jayden Kingsley (He's Str8!!): Nah Drew was a dick, i'm pretty sure he drank before coming over, but yuh send me ur schedule bro, i stg we better have some classes together

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