Chapter 23: Troublesome Reality

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-Hwiyoung's POV-

When I arrived at the dorms alongside Hyuk and Haejin, we said goodnight and helped Haejin get back to his room. Then, we went back to our respective beds, and as soon as I was alone, I went towards my desk. I reloaded my hands on the surface while thinking about the things that happened tonight. Besides, Haejin's clinginess due to his drunken state, I focused my attention on the memories I couldn't recall.

Now, I can tell what I wanted to say back at the bar. I tried to remember my friendship with Chani. In this timeline, I don't know him, but we were once best friends. I'm panicking since I realize that my past is erasing from my head. And my body is getting used to this life more than I anticipated.

Write something; try to remember everything you can.

I shook my head, attempting to concentrate on the current moment. Soon, I took a pen out of the desk's drawer, grabbed my notebook, and began writing down. Any memory I could catch, the essential aspects I have to acknowledge about my other timeline, can help me to describe the people I care about at home. My tears began to form in my eyes as the frustration came to me like an old friend, but then, I stopped writing. My head focused on a moment, a sentence Taeyang said before my father took me away that day.

Taeyang cluttered my hair after I told him to enjoy me while I was still there. But when he answered, he said: "and you are always going to be with me. Always because I'm not going to leave you."

-I left you before, and I'm sorry about it. Now, I tend to forget about you, and I don't know if I will remember you at the end of this line. – I murmured while holding the pen tight. And shortly, my tears began to drop on the desk as I started to breathe heavily.

-I can't forget you! Please, no. – I stuttered before covering my face with my hands, trying to contain the emotions inside me, but oddly enough, my senses began to question why I continue to cry. It appears like I'm finding it helpless to grieve for the life that belongs to the old Hwiyoung.

I still love you.

*Next morning. – Camp*

Yesterday's night was one of the worst ones I've experienced since I arrived at this timeline. But I tried to let it all pass and focus on the series, so I practiced the script before joining today's camp schedule. I greeted Haejin and Hyuk, which cheered my day more; after all, I wanted to check on Haejin's condition. Last night, he drank a lot, but it appears that he's ready to work as he promised at the bar.

It's been some hours since the entire cast arrived to continue with our training and multiple lessons. So far, everything's going well, still tiring, though. Currently, I'm practicing the screenplay with Kim Sohyun, the actress with the role of my enemy in the drama. She's a kind person, and she's been helping me a lot during this last hour. This lesson is about bonding with your character and showing raw and pure emotions. Our mentor gave us some advice on anything he notices we can improve, but it's becoming slightly complex to me.

-Take a deep breath; you are doing well. – Sohyun sincerely said before patting my knee.

-I wish I could have the same confidence as you. – I said before drinking some water. Then, I placed the bottle aside, but before we could continue practicing, the door from the room got opened. Immediately, Youngbin-hyung and Taeyang came inside, instantly walking towards our place.

-Hey, how's everything going? – Youngbin asked the mentor.

-It's doing well! Hwiyoung is somewhat struggling, but he's almost there. – The mentor disclosed, which Youngbin nodded for in response. Then, I noticed how he glanced at Taeyang and then looked back at me.

I swallowed once, feeling anxious about the sudden intervention of my manager and Taeyang, but then I looked back at Sohyun.

-Let's resume the scene! – The mentor spoke before Sohyun, and I began to get into our characters. -Action! – The mentor cued.

-Dongsun, you must know that our people never meant to hurt anybody, but Ro Shin was faster than us. – Sohyun spoke, starting to act as Mun Sohyon.

-Our people? You still dare to call them as if you cared about the clan. – I scoffed before reading the following line. -You told the enemy how to attack the people that took care of you! How dare you keep them in memory?! – I questioned, becoming angrier.

-More energy. Hwiyoung! – The mentor expressed. I only nodded before listening to Sohyun's line.

-I got tricked! Do you honestly believe that I wanted to hurt our home? Huh! – Sohyon asked, upset.

-Yes. And I believe you have wicked intentions even now. – I sternly claimed.

-What are you saying, Dongsun? – Sohyon questioned.

-You attacked Ye Minjun, attempted to harm his people, and went against everything and anyone to keep him away from me. – I bitterly disclosed while looking at Sohyun.

-Do you care about Childe Ye more than me? How dare you, Dongsun?! – Sohyon protested.

Ere following my line, I glanced at Taeyang before continuing with the scene. -Listen to yourself, Sohyon! Your jealousy is taking you to dark places, and I won't save you if you fall. – I claimed, my voice solemn and lower.

-Answer me! Do you care about Childe Ye more than me? – Sohyon desperately insisted.

-Yes! Yes, I do! Minjun means everything to me! He's the only one that honestly wants to see me having a prosperous life. He's nothing like you; Minjun does care about my happiness. – I madly spoke, not holding back any of my emotions. Then, I heavily breathed while Sohyun began to tear up. -We were once friends, but you destroyed that bond after selling our people to the enemy. And thanks to you, everyone is dead! – I stuttered while looking at Sohyun angrily.

-Dongsun grabs his sword and leaves the tower. There's when Sohyon realizes that Dongsun's trust lies in Minjun and begins her evil path. – The mentor mentioned and by it, ending the scene.

I took a deep breath while cleaning my tears, attempting to contain the real emotions inside me. After all, I thought about last night's events, which caused me to turn emotional.

-You did well. Now, I'll go to make some retouches to my makeup. – Sohyun spoke while cleaning her tears.

I slightly chuckled. – You too, Sohyun. – I said before we smiled at each other, then she continued to dry her cheeks before standing up and going towards the room's exit.

I closed my eyes while letting the rest of my tears drop, but suddenly, I felt someone cleaning my face. Shortly, I gasped for some breath, attempting to stay steady and show a regular expression.

-You are alright. I'm here, okay? – Taeyang softly spoke, which I nodded for in response. But his words made me remember the Taeyang of my timeline, causing me to press my hands into fists. -Hwiyoung. – Taeyang sighed before holding my hand, briefly pulling me closer to him.

I opened my eyes in surprise, briefly moving away from Taeyang. -I'm okay! It's only an intense scene, hyung. – I said with a subtle smile, slightly panicking after feeling Taeyang so close to me.

-You aren't the best at lying; haven't I told you that? – Taeyang questioned before cleaning my tears with his thumb, and then he smiled. -You can lean on me too, Hwiyoung. – Taeyang assured me, which I nodded for in response, briefly hesitating to keep my closeness. Taeyang noticed my expression, causing him to pull me against his body, then hugging me warmly.

-I'm sorry. – I murmured, wanting to tell the identical words to the Taeyang of my memories but letting it out with another version of himself.

-I don't know why you apologize, but I accept your apologies. Okay? – Taeyang sweetly spoke while caressing my back.

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