Chapter 12: After Coming

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-Hwiyoung's POV-

I stepped away from Taeyang, reminding myself that he isn't the same guy from the other timeline. So, I limited myself to smile back at him, holding my emotions together as I watch this new Taeyang in front of me. Briefly, both of us started to walk beside each other. However, at this point, I don't know what to say. The only thing I can do is glance at him, hoping for some words from his part.

-Thanks for the kind welcome, Hwiyoung. I thought you didn't miss me after the last time we met. – Taeyang spoke, a lively tone in his voice.

-Has it been long? – I asked curiously.

-A few months, I guess. We saw each other at a fashion show and hanged out before you needed to get back to Seoul. – Taeyang said, to which I listened carefully.

-Oh, right, I forgot about that. – I nodded before we stopped walking further, standing in front of the parking lots of the apartment block.

-I noticed that; you are an actor, and you still forget things. That's unique. Anyway, are we taking your car or mine? – Taeyang asked while looking at me.

-Let's take mine. – I told Taeyang, which he nodded for in response. -Is there somewhere you would like to go? – I questioned.

-Ah, somewhere to talk privately. Remember that the press can't see us together because of the upcoming drama series. – Taeyang pointed out. I didn't differ with his words, so we began to walk inside the parking lots.

Am I acting with Taeyang?

I'm thinking about the current situation, attempting to act my way out of any small conversation Taeyang might start. After all, he's the one in his timeline, and he knows what's going on around us.

-Hwiyoung, I saw your latest movie, and I have to say that it didn't seem like your first time acting for the big screen. – Taeyang praised, making me feel surprised at myself.

-Ah, thank you. It was a challenge, but I'm glad everything came out as the director visioned. – I spoke, covering up my lack of information about the matter.

-You are becoming better with each play you do, so I hope this drama will be the cherry on top. – Taeyang smiled, which I nodded for in response.

-Do we have any updates about the drama series? – I curiously asked, seeking more details about our job in common.

-No, everything is still the same. The meeting is for tomorrow, and the only disclaimers of the director remain as a BL drama series based on fantasy videogames, action, and romance. – Taeyang explained.

BL? Is he serious?

Before we could talk some more, Taeyang stopped in front of a car. I deduced it was mine, so I took out my keys and opened the door, luckily looking well while doing so. And then, we got inside the vehicle.

*Moments later*

I drove to a pub with Taeyang, and when we arrived, both sat down together and ordered some coffee. My partner began to talk about his days. He explained what he's been up to since the last time we met and continued to speak about his latest projects. It made me happy to know that this Taeyang is happy and full of passion; after all, I believe he's the perfect copy of my Tae.

Currently, I'm listening to Taeyang while drinking some coffee. I feel in school again by the amount of focus I put in every word Taeyang recites. I know that I can't miss any information since this timeline will be my home for some time.

-When I went to Daejeon to film the commercial, I met with Kim Inseong, and it was a pleasant encounter. Now, I know why you two are so close; he's honestly a great person. – Taeyang admitted while smiling at me.

-Yes, Inseong-hyung is like a teacher to me. He's so passionate about everything he does, and I wish I can become like that someday. – I disclosed, remembering the SF9 Inseong I know. But then, I grew curious about Taeyang's lifestyle. I want to understand if he's the same in this timeline. -Taeyang, do you still wake up at night to text me? – I questioned curiously.

-No, have you forgotten that you told me to stop? You said that I needed to sleep, so I decided to text you before I go to work. – Taeyang disclosed, making me chuckle slightly.

-I'm glad you still remember. – I smiled while holding the cup of coffee.

-I'm older than you, so I only listened to your request because I wanted to take care of myself. – Taeyang claimed, which made me roll my eyes immediately.

I drank some coffee before smirking at Taeyang. -Sure, hyung, I don't doubt that it was because of that reason. – I teased, waiting for his reaction.

Taeyang chuckled. -Hwiyoung, you always play around with me. But I'll get you in the drama shooting, and when I balance you over the wires, you're going to remember this day. – Taeyang spoke, causing me to chuckle at his words.

Somehow, I began to recall some old memories that I didn't know I had. It makes me believe that they are from this timeline's Hwiyoung, so I took it all in and tried to stay focused on the current situation.

Secondary effects? Why? This timeline shouldn't mess with my consciousness.

-I want to see you try with the long hair you'll wear the entire shooting. – I mocked, using one of the memories that I got. We were inside the meeting room of YB's label, talking with Youngbin-hyung and the drama director. The short remembrance seems so genuine, clearing out my doubts about the secondary effects.

These memories are what Hwiyoung lived in this timeline. There aren't secondary effects; remembering the past is something gradual that would happen eventually.

I heard Taeyang's laugh, taking my head away from my thoughts. I stared at him and noticed the pleasant time he's having right now. I was glad to see Taeyang like this; after all, I left his other self in misery back home.

-You are lucky that your hair grew so much, Hwiyoung. And honestly, it fits the aesthetic of the drama so well. – Taeyang said before touching my hair gently.

-Yes, the last film I made required my hair to be slightly longer. So, I kept it this way for the time being. – I disclosed, reciting another memory I remembered.

Taeyang nodded at my words before looking down at the cup of coffee. I stared at him, waiting for him to say something else.

-Isn't it odd that we are under the same agency, but we barely chat with each other? – Taeyang questioned, a subtle smile showing on his face.

-We are busy most of the time, so I get why we can't meet so frequently. But now, we are going to be together for a long time. Now, I recall that the drama series will have fifty chapters in total. That's a lot of months if you ask me. – I pointed out before Taeyang looked at me and nodded.

-That's right! And let's see the answer from the audience, remember what the director told us. If it's a successful drama, there might be another season. – Taeyang pointed out before I chuckled slightly.

-That might be a problem. – I admitted.

-Why? – Taeyang asked, confused. I smiled at him, trying to see if he could guess what I'm thinking about right now. Briefly, Taeyang pointed his finger at me, moving it up and down while chuckling. -That won't happen. – Taeyang claimed.

-Want to bet on it? – I questioned while raising my eyebrows.

-Sure. – Taeyang grinned before we sealed the bet, both looking at one another with mischievous intentions.

There's one dream, nine boys. My favorite thing to do is to rap and share the stage with my members. But now, am I supposed to follow another mindset? Should I focus on this life and leave my past aside?

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