Chapter. 29

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It was around dinner time, and it almost felt weird being at Hogwarts. Umbridge had been putting the entire school through complete torture for the entire year now. You were on your way to dinner, and you walked alone, and sat alone in the dinning hall. The twins had gone home not finishing their wizarding education, and Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny and Luna were somewhere doing what ever they might be doing.

They had spent the year being a part of Dumbledore's army, as well as you, but right now they were nowhere to be found. You decided to just keep your head down for the rest of the year, after all you would be leaving Hogwarts for good after this year.

After dinner you was about to walk back to the Gryffindor tower, but you saw some familiar faces; Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Neville and Luna came walking towards you with someone behind them. They looked visibly upset, and as they came closer you could see who was behind them. It was Dumbledore, Remus and Tonks, what was Remus and Tonks doing at Hogwarts?

You started walking towards them, and as they all saw you their facial expressions saddened even more.
  "What are you guys doing here?" You asked when they were all close enough that they could hear you. The question was mostly directed towards Remus and Tonks.
  "Ms. Black let's talk in my office." Dumbledore said, but you kept looking at Remus trying to decode what was going on. He suddenly looked away, and you could tell this was bad.

Remus was here, and Tonks. Harry had obviously been crying, everyone looked at you like what they were going to tell you would break you. You looked between Tonks and Remus, Dumbledore's army, the order of the phoenix, your dad. You started to piece it all together.
  "Dad?" You as a question than an answer. Your question made Harry storm away, Remus let out a small sob and Tonks grabbed his hand. Their reaction showed that your guess was correct.
  "No..." You sob, as you fell to your knees on the cold stone floor. Remus was immediately by your side pulling you into a tight hug. You felt Tonks place a hand on your shoulder for support, but the rest of the group silently walked away giving you space.

You held Remus tight like your life depended on it.
  "I want to go home." You finally whispered, when you were able to speak again. Remus looked at you for a second like he was thinking it through for a moment, but then he finally nodded.
  "Lets go home." He added helping you up from the cold floor and towards the Gryffindor tower to get your stuff.

You walked into Grimmauld place with Remus carrying your stuff.
  "You should probably write to Fred and George; they will hear about it tomorrow in the prophet." Remus said barely above a whisper, and you just nodded sadly before going to your room immediately. You didn't want to write to Fred and George, you didn't want to write or talk to anyone. You fell asleep crying on top of your bed.

Waking up you could hear the distant talking of Remus and Tonks. Judging by the sun outside your window it must be the next day. You didn't really want to go downstairs, but you didn't want Remus to worry too much either. Slowly making your way down wearing George's quidditch sweater, you could hear the voices become louder and stopped to listen to their conversation.
  "I am worried about her, she had just gotten her dad back and he wanted to try and make amends, and now. That will probably never happen." Remus said the grieve clear in his voice.
  "What about you? How are you doing?" Tonks asked Remus.
  "He was my best friend, and I blamed him for something he didn't do for years." Remus said the grieve clear.

You decided to stop eavesdropping and entered the kitchen instead.
  "Good morning y/n, would you like something to eat?" Tonks said with a fake smile. You nodded, but then something on the table caught your eye. It was this morning version of the prophet, you picked it up before Remus could remove it. The frontpage read; The murderer Sirius Black finally found dead.
  "I am not hungry anyways." You said before walking back up to your room. On your way to your room, you saw the door was open into what used to be your dad's room. You walked in and saw a letter laying on the desk, addressed to you.

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