*when katie and harry arrive*
I see Harry's car pull into the parking lot and smile uncontrollably when I see a blindfolded Katie in the passenger seat. Harry gives me a thumbs up, but his attention snaps to Katie. I see him tell her something. Harry jumps out of the car and motions for me to get the door.
My heart is pounding in my ears and I feel a thin line of sweat forming at my hairline. Why am I so nervous? I wonder. I take a breath and open Katie's door and press my lips together. I grab her hand and she gasps. I bite my lip and guide her out of the car.
Holding her hand feels so nice and just... right. I don't know. I really like her hand. It's soft and girly.
We walk up a ramp to get on the sidewalk and I pat her back as if to congratulate her. She starts glaring around and I laugh. Harry laughs too.
"Harry! I'm feeling uncomfortable!" She yells. I jump but then I feel a whole new type of love for her. Her voice is like angels singing. I'm not even sorry, her voice is perfect.
We walk through the two large double doors and she takes out a headphone and turns into me, almost knocking me over.
"Harry, I'm feeling uncomfortable." She says, quieter, but still cute as fuck.
Harry looks around but rushes over to me saying, "W-We're almost there, though! Just put the head phone in and we'll be there before the next song is over." She stops glaring and puts the headphone back into her ear. I breathe a sigh of relief.
We walk through the doors to our dressing rooms and I look at Harry. Calum and Michael are standing there. Calum pats my shoulder.
"This is it, mate." I press my lips together and nod at Harry. He tugs at her headphones.
"About fucking time, you sack of shit. don't you ever do that again." She says. I stifle a laugh and so does everyone else. Her hands rip the bandana off her head. Her eyes widen and her face pales slightly.
"What a way to greet us, Katie." I say, my voice a little shaky. She didn't seem to notice, though.
"L-Lucas." She breathes. I feel my palms start to sweat and nod.
"Katie!" I exclaim, putting a huge grin on my face. Calum pushes past me and gives her a giant hug.
"C-Calum?" Her voice is shaking. "A-And Michael!" She says, when Calum lets her go. Mikey smiles and then she finally starts smiling. Her smile is literally breathtaking. I can't breathe. She looks back at me and pauses. Her smile doesn't leave her face, and I'm glad.
"S-So, hi." I say. Her smile grows.
"Hi." She replies. I bite my lip.
"Hi." I say, quieter.
"Just fucking kiss her already!!" Michael yells, even though we're all right here. I give him a look and look back at Katie. Her smile falters a bit.
"W-We don't have to-" She cuts me off by hugging me.
Her arms squeeze around me and her face is hidden in my chest. My arms wrap around her and I hold her tightly to me. She smells like strawberries. I never knew that was favorite smell until now.
"I'm sorry," She whispers so quietly, I barely heard it. I rub her back.
She pulls away with a slight blush across her cheeks.
"S-So, I guess this is your silly concert?" She says, smiling like an idiot. A pretty idiot.
"Obviously." Calum says. Katie playfully glares at him and he laughs.

social media » l.h
Fanfica story in which an annoying stranger and a random girl fall in love over social media with complications of a growing band, growing friendships, and everything else that could go wrong. - (edited to a point. i did pretty average editing bc im busy...