* two days after dad's death *
lucas katie?
katie what
lucas katie, calum told me about your dad... is he okay?
katie he died two days ago.
lucas oh..
katie yeah.
lucas do you like still not want anything to do with me..?
katie wtf, luke. my dad literally just died and you're worried about how i feel about you? shit dude.
lucas right, sorry. I hope things get better.
katie very fucking original, luke. i haven't heard that one before.
lucas what the fuck am i supposed to say, katie? i haven't been in your shoes. i don't know how to help you, okay? i just know that i want to...
katie i dont need your fucking help, okay? okay. just give me some space.
lucas okay... for like how long?
katie i don't fucking know. forever?
lucas are you serious?
katie i think it's best we just stop rn, okay? like obviously this isn't going to work out and i really would rather that we didn't. you're in a band. i sit on my ass all day. you'll find someone better.
lucas but i want you.
katie well i don't want you.
hi guys!!!
so this seems like it's escalating too quickly to me. omg. but oh well. this is ending quickly. stay tuned.

social media » l.h
Fanfictiona story in which an annoying stranger and a random girl fall in love over social media with complications of a growing band, growing friendships, and everything else that could go wrong. - (edited to a point. i did pretty average editing bc im busy...