"What if he gets so famous, he forgets me and moves on?" I cry. Harry and I have gotten very close since our meeting in the stair well. Currently, we're sitting on the edge of my bed.
"He probably will, you know. but if he does, that just means his bitch ass wasn't for you. And that's a good thing." Harry says, patting me on the back.
"I want to be with him though." I look up at Harry with tears in my eyes. "Harry, I feel like, when I talked to him, I forgot the world and was just a bit happier. Has that ever happened to you?"
"Now let's remember that I'm the gay boy with a boyfriend. I was just happy at first to find another gay boy."
"I miss Luke though." I look in front of me and stare at nothing. "Lucas..." I sigh and I feel Harry's worrying stare. I don't want him to feel sorry for me. I'm just a little upset over a boy I've never met.
Luke just took away the loneliness when we talked, though. He wasn't anyone special. If Ashton has such a problem with us talking, he could just learn how to deal with it.
I don't understand, though, Calum said they were going on tour soonish. Doesn't that mean they're fine?
I feel Harry rubbing my back, but I don't acknowledge it.
What if Luke really is better off without me? I probably am, too.
Maybe this is a good thing.
I feel like this story is gonna be pretty short. and that is okay. I know how I'm ending this. I know.

social media » l.h
Fanfictiona story in which an annoying stranger and a random girl fall in love over social media with complications of a growing band, growing friendships, and everything else that could go wrong. - (edited to a point. i did pretty average editing bc im busy...