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Louis was sitting on the bed reading one of his pregnancy books. I was in the mirror looking at myself. I understand that pregnancy is supposed to change your body, but I don't like it. I need to go shopping for better outfits. Ones that don't make me look like I got a boob job or scream 'I'm pregnant'. "Do you think you can tell that I'm pregnant?" I asked, looking at Louis. He clearly wasn't listening because he didn't say anything. "Louis!" He looked up at me, shutting the book.

"Sorry, darling. I was just reading about how some pregnant women have mood swings. Apparently, they didn't know you before the pregnancy." I rolled my eyes and he stood up kissing my cheek. He looked at me, putting his hand on my stomach. "I can't wait to tell the whole world the good news." I nodded slightly. "My mother and Beatrice arrive tonight."

"And I asked my mom and dad to join us for dinner at the Consulate. And then we'll tell everyone together. I still have to tell Serena, but I haven't been able to get her alone. I told Blair and Sebastian. Alanna should be back tomorrow and I can tell her."

"That's quite a list."

I slightly shrugged. "I want them to hear it from me before Gossip Girl or the press start throwing things out there." I sighed. "You don't think your family is gonna be upset, do you? I don't want them to think of me as the star of some trashy MTV show like 'Unmarried and pregnant Princesses' or, I don't know, 'Royally Screwed'."

"My mother will be over the moon. The job of any princess is to provide an heir to the kingdom. And that is exactly what you are doing."

I smiled slightly. "An heir. How very Shakespeare."

"A comedy, not a tragedy, I hope." I smiled at him and I heard my phone go off.

I picked it up, seeing a text from Dan asking to meet at the Van Der Woodsens. "I just have an errand to run and I will be back." I missed him before walking out of the bedroom.

I was walking to Serena's when I saw Chuck across the street walking Monkey. I felt a knot in my stomach, but when he saw me he smiled. "Hello." Chuck greeted me and I petted Monkey before looking at him.

"Do you know what this summoning is about?" I asked, skipping over pleasantries.

"I do but I can't say. I'm sworn to secrecy."

"Since when do you bite your tongue?"

Chuck lightly chuckled. "I'm learning."

I scoffed. "Well, isn't Humphrey becoming quite the Drama Queen?"

"Isn't that usually your role?"

"I prefer Drama Princess now."

"How are you, by the way?"

I felt this pressure hit me like a wave. "I'm okay. Thanks for asking."

Monkey pulled Chuck, moving past me, and Chuck slightly bumped into me. It's the closest I've been to him since we said our goodbyes. We both chuckled and Chuck moved back from me. "Sorry. Squirrels. Shall we?" I nodded, walking with him towards the building.

Lily, Rufus, Nate, and Charlie were already waiting there when we showed up. It was long before Blair and Sebastian walked in and then Serena. "What are you guys doing here?" Serena asked.

"We must have all gotten the same text from Dan." Sebastian stated.

"The last time he was this secretive, he showed up with a baby." Rufus stated with panic in his voice.

"Don't worry. You're not about to become a grandfather, though Dan is about to give birth in another way." Chuck said. I find him not sharing to be very annoying.

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