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I've decided that I'm completely over the idea of handling this whole 'who's the daddy situation'. It was a dumb idea. I'm more of a wait and ignore until the problem just goes away. That's basically what I did with Dan and he practically didn't exist. So I am just going to lay in bed reading my Grace Kelly Biography and I just happened to lock the door. There was a knock on the door, I know it has to be Rose. "Go away. I'm preparing for my interview with Hello! Magazine!" I yelled at her.

"But doctor office call again. They have test results."

"Hang up, or I'll tell the reporter you're undocumented!" That got her to leave me alone. As it should. I'm not going to leave my room until I have to. Best way to avoid any future problems.

It was all going as planned until Rose told me that Serena was back. Then I actually had to get dressed because I don't want her to ask any questions. I made her too worried and she will go to Blair and Blair will tell her 'I think Lena is pregnant' and then all hell would break loose. I made it downstairs to see Serena cheering, "You're back!" She smiled at me as I hugged her. "Oh, I thought I'd lost you to the land of pole dancing classes and gluten-free foods."

"Look who I brought with me." Serena motioned towards the dining table and I saw Charlie standing there.

"And why?" I asked confused.

"She's hit a rough patch with her mother. You know how that is. I thought maybe she could stay in the guest room until we figure things out."

I don't really want a stranger in my business, but she's Serena's "I'll allow it. Welcome back."

"Well, thank you for letting me stay at your place. I love your apartment." Charlie said and I went over sitting down.

"Oh, you should have seen the place I found Charlie living. 'Squalor' is too nice a word. But now you have heated bathroom floors and the future Princess of Monaco as your landlord." Serena looked over at me. "Speaking of which, Lena, where's your prince?"

"Cologne for a charity event. He'll be back tonight." I stated.

"Which is why Miss Lena must be going. Many things to do before he returns." Rose stated and I shot a look at her.

"Like the possibility of finding a new maid." I snapped before looking at Serena and Charlie. "I hate to run off, ladies, but I have an interview today, and I need to go over my talking points." I stood up from the table, walking away.

"Wait. No, no." Serena stopped me. "Does this mean you're not going to the Jenny Packham show tonight? We were finally invited to model together."

"Well, as much as it pains me, I guess you'll have to storm the catwalk without me."

I walked out of the room and Rose followed me. "Now time to do thing you swore to Mr. Humphrey you do before prince home." Rose whispered.

"If you mean shopping, absolutely." I stated walking away. I'm not going to do it. I've decided not to do it. What's the worst that can happen? Scratch that! I don't want to think about that either.

I was about to walk into a store when my phone started ringing. I looked at it to see it was Dan. I sighed as I picked it up. "Hello, Humphrey." I answered.

"Did you pick up the test results?"

"I'm just opening the door to the doctor's office." I was opening a door, so it's not a complete lie. "I'd better hang up, though. It's so rude to talk on the phone--" I felt someone grab my arm and I looked over to see Dan.

"Oh no." Was all I could say as he pulled me away. He got me away from the store, looking at me again.

"All right. Come on. Hey, take a deep breath. Let's open that bad boy."

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