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I was in my room waiting for Louis to come back. When I thought I heard him, I stepped out of my bedroom. "Louis?" I asked and instead, I saw Chuck standing in the foyer. "Rose's obviously become lax in announcing visitors."

"There's no need to reprimand the help. Louis invited me in." Chuck stated and I rolled my eyes.

"I should have known you'd manipulate someone."

"How can you blame me? You won't respond to my texts or calls. I just wanted to be there for you after the baby."

"Well, as you can see, I survived without you. And I intend to continue that way, so you should go."

Chuck looked at me with both shock and confusion. "That's it? I'm just cut out of your life without any explanation?"

"My New York wedding is in less than a month. I have to keep my priorities in order."

"We were your priority. What happened, Lena? What changed after the accident?"

"Did it ever occur to you that there's no such thing as an accident?" I snapped, trying my best to keep my voice down.

"Well, it certainly felt like one when the car hit the wall."

"Or it was the universe's way of pointing out what's really important."

"How can you say we weren't important? We were the only thing that matters."

I shook my head. There is no way I can keep talking to him. I need to leave. I need to leave now. "Well, you're obviously not leaving, so I will. Tell Louis Bergdorf's stayed open late so I can finish our registry." I stated walking towards the elevator. I didn't let myself look back at him. I couldn't look back at him. I wouldn't be able to handle it.

I ran to the only person I could talk to. Someone who wouldn't try to talk me out of what I had to do. Someone who would just be there. So I made my way to Brooklyn. I wasn't there long before there was a knock on the door. I hid in Dan's room and I could hear Chuck's voice. He wants information. I get why he wants his answers, but I wish he would just let it go. Dan walked into the room and I let out a deep breath. "Chuck can never know the truth." I stated, hugging Dan. This is the hardest thing I will have to do. But I have to do it. It's the only way.


I was looking into the mirror at my dress and I could feel myself getting ready to just fall apart. It was a beautiful dress, but I just wanted to rip it off with everything I had. "There you are." I heard Dan's voice and the worker helping me walking away. "You know how many brides I had to peek in on to find you? Yes, it is possible to lose too much weight before the wedding." I turned around, looking at him. "Not you, though. You look perfect."

"I can't get married in this dress." I admitted.

"I'm sorry. All right, let's get you out of it, then." Dan walked over, standing behind me.

"It's beautiful, but Vera designed it for me before the accident, and now all I see is everything I lost."

"Seriously, what is the point of making these things so tiny and complicated?"

I shook my head feeling a tear slide down my cheek. "It's too late anyway. Do you know how many months of work went into this beading? A bride can't just change her mind weeks before the wedding." I quickly wiped my face.

"Yes, she can, and she can also change her mind about marrying Louis." Dan stated and I turned around to look at him.

"I can't. That's the end of that." I stated and Dan nodded.

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