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I made it over to the table sitting across from Serena. The table was quiet because she wasn't talking to me. "I told you that I'm sorry. I-I don't know what came over me. I'm not sure it even was me, because why would I ever kiss Humphrey?" I asked.

"Oh, so that's your excuse-- multiple personality disorder? Or did an alien take over your body?"

"I would never do anything to hurt you."

"Too late."

I sighed. "Look, it was a mistake. What do you want me to do? Self-flagellate? Wear a hair shirt?"

"If you're referring to the hideous fur vest you wore yesterday, I'm the only one that suffered because I had to look at it. Can you pass the salt, please?"

I grabbed the salt shaker, but it was too light to have anything in it. "Looks like we're all out." I stated.

"I go get more." Rose said.

"And I'd like some more bacon. Crispy, please." Rose nodded, turning to walk out of the room.

"Oh, why don't you just take mine? You don't seem to have a problem doing that." Serena stated.

"How much longer can you go on?!" I yelled at her.

"Enough!" Rose shouted and I felt myself slightly jump. "I can't take this!" Rose shut the door to the dining room and Serena and I looked at each other. I quickly stood up trying to open the door.

"No, she didn't." Serena stated and I sighed.

"Oh, yes, she did."

"Rose, come on!" Serena shouted.

"Let us out, Rose!" I demanded.

"You not coming out until you work this out! I don't care if it takes all day!" Rose shouted back and I turned around looking back at Serena.

"Don't look at me. She works for you." Serena walked away sitting back down at the table.

I went over sitting back in my seat. There was nothing but silence...and silence...and more silence. "This is ridiculous." I stated, finally breaking the maddening silence. "And I haven't seen Dan since Valentine's Day."

"Which proves my point. Whenever you have feelings for someone that you can't deal with, you avoid them." Serena said and I scoffed.

"I am not avoiding him."

"Okay, well, then if you don't have feelings for him, then spending time with Dan shouldn't be a problem for him or you."

"It isn't. And I'll prove it to you."


"By hanging out with him all day." I stood up walking over to the door. "Why don't you come with me?"

"I'm not spending the day with you and Dan. And what would that prove anyway?"

"That he and I are nothing more than old friends. I'll point out the sadness of his hair, clothing, Brooklyn roots, and he will decry my constructive criticism as snobbery. We'll share our views on recent French cinema. And there will be no kissing!" I pounded on the door. "Open up!"

Rose opened the door, but just enough to peek her head through. "Everything fixed?"

"Not even close." Serena said and I sighed.

"It will be. Now I have to gather up Dan's DVDs and go see him because he's just my friend!" I walked out of the room.

"Send pics!" I heard Serena shout and I just rolled my eyes, heading back towards my bedroom.

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