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I ran through the park with Nate catching up behind me just like old times. I can't remember the last time I went on a run from him. I stopped, turning around to look at Nate with a gloating smile on my face. "Look at you. Getting slow with your old age." I mocked.

"Ha ha ha." Nate mocked. "It's been a long time since we've been on a run." Nate and I walked towards the cart that sold water.

"Yes, it has. Not since I stopped seeing Chuck....the first time."

"How are things going by the way?"

I couldn't help but smile. "It's like we never broke up, but in a good way. Like we just fit together. I just hope it's not going too well."

"You two have waited long enough. I doubt either of you is going to screw it up again." Nate paid for our waters. "Speaking of your relationships, have you talked to Dan?"

I sighed, rolling my eyes. "Why does everyone keep saying I have to talk to him?" I asked. "It's not like he's trying to talk to me."

"You guys are friends and you are the one who rejected him. I think you should at least give him an olive branch. If he wants to be friends again or not, it will be all on him."

That would be a good idea to get everyone off my back. We were really good friends before everything got so confusing. Ugh, fine. "I need to shower first." I stated walking away.


I let out a deep breath, knocking on the door to the loft. I waited a moment before Dan opened the front door. "Lena, what are you doing?" Dan asked, more confused than anything else.

"I wanna talk." I stated and he just stared at me, not even offering me to come inside. He's making this hard. "Can I come in?" Dan sighed, nodding and opening the door more for me to come inside. I walked in, taking a deep breath in. "Let me just start by saying..." I turned around to look at him. "You're being a baby."

Dan looked at me shocked. "I'm being a baby? Really? That is the first thing you have to say."

"We were friends. Really good friends. And you wanna just throw that away because I didn't feel the same for you."

"That's not true. I loved you!"

"You don't even know me! Did you know that I can't pick a favorite color because I keep flip-flopping between them? Did you know when I was really depressed I would rent out a theater to cry my eyes out to Nicolas Sparks? Did you know that the reason that I made everyone care so much about my birthday is because I didn't really care to have one? Did you know that I stopped talking to my birth father after finding out he knew about me and chose to pretend that he didn't? You didn't know that because we were just friends." Dan paused for a moment, letting out a deep breath. "I'm offering an olive branch. Blair and Sebastian are having a party. If you are willing to get past this and be friends again, feel free to come. If not, it's no longer my fault that you will be sad and alone." I stated before walking out the door. As soon as the door shut I lost all the steam instantly. That was way easier in the moment than afterward.


We made it to the party and it was a nice gathering. I mean, there was good food and who can complain about that. I kept an eye on the crowd to actually see if Dan would show up. It was halfway through the party when I saw Dan come through the door. He saw me, slightly smiled before going to talk to other people. I don't want to say goodbye to a good friendship...even if it is with Daniel Humphrey.

My phone went off and I pulled it out to see a video live on Gossip Girl. It was Serena talking to Diana standing in one of the bedrooms upstairs. I tapped Chuck next to me, showing him the video. "And do you happen to know where he was treated for his injuries? Or his blood type? Do you know the date he was born or where you were on that date?" Serena questioned her. I doubt she knows she's being recorded.

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