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I was in my bedroom with Louis with our parents waiting in the living room. It was time to tell our parents. I'm so nervous. Even with Alanna having a baby so young, my mom doesn't want another grandchild any time soon. She even banned Sebastian, who is married, from having a child for at least a couple of years. She's going to freak out. "I hope they take it well. Nothing matters more than our child being born into a big, happy family." I stated and Louis smiled at me.

"Are you ready?" Louis asked and I nodded. He held my hand as we walked out to the living room.

They both were worried, waiting for an answer. "We're gonna have a baby." We both said and shock traveled through the room.

"A baby? You're still in college!" My mom shouted.

"Mother." I stated.

"How wonderful!" Sophie smiled.

"Wonderful?" My mom asked, shocked.

"Wonderful." My dad stated. I think they body swapped.

My mom looked like her entire being was struggling. "It's a wonderful surprise. . I'm going to have two grandchildren. What is the record for the youngest grandmother on the Upper East Side, again?"

Sophie stepped over to us. "I am thrilled without reservation as long as the baby is born after you are married, of course. The last thing this family needs is another bastard." She hugged us both and I looked over at Beatrice.

"Thank you for keeping my secret." I whispered to her and she smiled at me. I honestly thought she would have spilled it by now.

"What are sisters for?"

I noticed Serena walk over to the elevator. "Oh, Serena," I called out walking over to her. "can you stay for the celebration? The bun in the oven is a big hit."

"I would love to, but I have to get to work. Looks like you have plenty of people to celebrate with, and you can tell me about it after. Or I'll just read about it." Serena stated, walking away. I don't know what the hell that is and I don't want to.

I sat with Louis and my parents going over the plans. I need them to understand that we know what we are doing. "And Eleanor will alter the dress to hide the baby bump. And Louis and I will fly back to be close to Dr. Crane for the third trimester. A honeymoon can wait." I explained our plan.

"Good. You've got it all figured out." My dad said and I smiled.

"I still think I might pass out." My mom stated, rubbing her forehead.

Sophie and Beatrice walked over sitting with us in the living room. "Lena, have you thought about the hospital you plan to deliver the baby in?" Beatrice asked.

"Lenox Hill, where I was born, as was my mother and my nephew." No other place I would rather have my child.

"And for school?"

"Well, I've already sent a copy of the sonogram along with an application to Constance/St. Jude's."

"Lena received an exemplary education." Louis stated.

"While a New York education may be adequate for a non-royal, Grimaldis always attended boarding school in Switzerland." Sophie stated. "Furthermore, the child must be born in our wing at the Princess Grace Hospital Center in Monaco." I could instantly feel myself getting overwhelmed.

"You can't seriously expect to dictate every detail of my grandchild's life." My mother asked, getting protective already.

"But this baby is not just your grandchild." Sophie stated.

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