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I was finishing up lunch with Beatrice. I know that I don't like her, but she was nice after I lost my baby. Plus, trying to get along with Beatrice was one of Louis' terms. "I hope you don't mind the imposition." Beatrice said and I smiled at her.

"Not at all. With Louis at his bachelor party in Monaco, it's a comfort to have a Grimaldi by my side, and your kindness, while I recuperated, is very much appreciated." Half lie.

"I wish it wasn't something so sad that brought us together. But now we get to focus on happier things, like your wedding next week. How can I help?"

"Well, you can get yourself to Vera Wang's to try on your bridesmaid dress."


"We all make mistakes, but I would be happy to have you stand with me next Saturday." Half lie.

"I feel so honored."

"So hustle to Vera's, because my bachelorette party is tonight, and you need to be free at 5:00."

"A real American bachelorette party? I've only seen those in movies."

I smiled, shaking my head. "Sorry to disappoint, but this won't be it-girls gone wild. Serena has planned an elegant and intimate party. First, dinner at Le Charlot, and then off to the Tiffany suite at St. Regis for Kir Royales and Kiki de Montparnasse."

"Even without the male strippers and a penis cake, I cannot wait."

"Wonderful. Now if you'll excuse me, I don't wanna be late for Father Smythe." I stood up from the table walking towards the elevator. My cheeks hurt from all the fake smiling. Longest lunch of my life.

I stepped into the confessional with Father Smythe, letting out a deep breath. I think I'm going to have to start small. "Forgive me, father, for I have sinned. I pressed the close button on an elevator door when I saw a woman running to catch it."

"Why did you do that?"

"It was a long ride down to the lobby, and she was wearing too much perfume. Diddy called it 'Unforgivable' for a reason."

"Technically, that's not a sin, but okay. What else, my child?"

Okay, time for the big one.... "My dreams at night..." I couldn't get myself to say it out loud.

"Yes, my child?"

"They may not be about the man I'm going to marry." I looked down at my hands.

"Go on."

"I know that I'm going to marry Louis, but I fear the devil on my shoulder."

"Which devil is that?"

He should know that, but whatever. "Chuck Bass, of course. I know I need to honor my pact with God to protect him, but I'm growing weak. I'm afraid I might break. Father Smythe, you are the only one who can keep me on the straight and narrow. As long as Monaco must have a royal priest, I want it to be you instead of that horrid Cavalia." I rolled my eyes even thinking about him.

"Cavalia isn't that bad, is he?"

I scoffed. "While I'm loath to discredit any man of the cloth, he's the biggest snake in Christendom since the one that bit Eve. To have you as my royal advisor will mean that you can be with me at all times."

"You'll find strength in prayer. Five 'Hail Marys' and a 'Glory Be'."

I nodded. "Thank you, father." I stepped out of the confessional, making my way out of church. Something didn't feel right when I walked out. I just don't know what it is that is bothering me.

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