Chapter 3: Don't Look Nervous

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"Are you ok, Rosa?" Tintin asked concerned as he put his hand on top of hers. He leaned closer to her seat on the plane and she jumped slightly at his words. She had seemed on edge all day.

Rosa was surprisingly reluctant to want to visit her hometown, complaining that it would be too crowded or too cold, things like that. But every single point she brought up, Tintin talked her out of it. He seemed really excited to visit New York, and Rosa hated to see him disappointed, so she hesitantly agreed despite her better judgment. The plane ride was silent, consisting of Tintin reading a mystery novel while Rosa stared out the window. She watched the fields of the countryside fade away as the cold blue horizon of the ocean covered every inch of the surface below, wishing she was there. Anywhere but where they were heading.

Normally, Rosa would be talking up a storm to Tintin. During the cold months of the previous winter, the two of them would stay inside and tell stories for hours on end, retelling books they read or shows they heard on the radio. But now, there was silence. It tugged at Tintin, making him question himself if he caused her sudden lapse in conversation. Was I being too forward? Should I have asked her to come? Maybe it's too soon.

"Hmm?" Rosa looked up from her window for the first time in minutes. "-Oh, yes. I'm fine. I'm just a little tired, I guess." Her face was drained of expression and she began shaking her leg up and down. Tintin squeezed her hand.

"You're worried about something. What is it? You can tell me." Tintin tried to get her to look at him.

What could she tell him? Her nervousness would make no sense to him, it barely made sense to her. Going back to see her family after all this time, knowing how she left, made Rosa's chest ache from the thought. But Tintin wanted to help. The words formed in her mind but froze as they were seconds away from being spoken. Tintin watched her think, looking at her body language.

Her shaking leg, her repetitive silence, her lack of direct answers, bothered Tintin not knowing what she was thinking. She was nervous, scared even. Was it the plane? Was she scared of flying? It made sense after what happened the last time she flew on a plane, the crash in the desert. No, that wasn't it. She was fine flying back to Belgium from Bagghar.

"" Rosa stammered as she tried to explain her strange actions. "I'm... I'm just nervous about going back. I'm sure things have changed there and..." She gave up. She couldn't tell him. Looking into his innocent eyes made her clam up and reabsorb her words. He wouldn't understand. "It's just going to be weird going back."

"I bet your family missed you," Tintin said sweetly and Rosa dug her nails into the armrest. She concentrated on keeping calm, she couldn't let Tintin know how nervous she was.

     "Nah. They hit the road years ago." She slowly let out her breath. Tintin seemed appeased that she was talking more, but the feeling in his stomach continued.

     "Could you tell me about your family? I'd love to know about your parents." Tintin held Rosa's hand lightly, unaware of her other hand digging aggressively into the armrest.

     "My dad worked in a steel factory and my mom stayed at home until..." she stared at the seat in front of her. "... until she got a job as a seamstress." What the hell am I doing?! I can't lie to him like this! But if I don't... I don't have a damn choice. Rosa tried to change the subject. "So, what did you have in mind for us? Anything fun planned?"


      The plane landed a few hours later and Tintin excitedly walked down the steps, suitcase in hand. Rosa, however, slowly shambled down to the pavement, pale as a ghost. Tintin looked back to make sure Rosa got off the plane alight but dropped his smile as he saw the state of her.

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