Chapter 16: You Trusted Me

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Lucas looked down at Tintin as he hit the floor. It almost made him laugh. Almost. Tintin righted himself and stared at him angrily. Lucas slammed the door and walked down the hallway.

"Betray his trust? Pfft. He should be thanking me," Lucas grumbled as he walked up the stairs into the main room behind the brothel. It was getting late, and men were starting to take their leave. Except for George, of course. Lucas rolled his eyes and sat next to him at one of the card tables as George concentrated deeply on his piss poor game of solitaire.

George stuck his tongue out slightly in concentration as he gasped and laid his Queen down triumphantly. "Yes!"

"How long did it take you to figure that one out, George? Ten? Twenty minutes?" Lucas chuckled as he moved his seat closer to the table.

"Shut up. Solitaire is hard," George tried to defend himself. He stroked his patchy excuse for a beard and laid another card on the table. "So... do you know what Mack wants with the British guy?"

Lucas leaned on the table. "He's Belgian. And Mack thinks he's a threat to our location. He's been known to take down whole organizations pretty much single-handedly. It's good that we have him where he can't do any damage."

"Ah. Bet the boss is gonna give you a right party for this one."

"Wouldn't be surprised. I think I pull my weight pretty well around here." Lucas grinned and leaned back in his chair as he watched another man pick up his coat and leave the room.

"YOU'RE NOT REAL!!" He heard Rosa scream from her room down the hall.

"That girl is something else." George shook his head as he placed a card, but picked it back up shortly after.

"What are you getting at George?" Lucas raised an eyebrow as he ran his hand through his hair.

"She's crazy! She bit Frank like six times, kicked Matthew in the stomach, and she almost gutted Will." George exclaimed. "I'm tellin' ya' it's going to be so much quieter once she's dead. Just wish the boss would show up already and deal with her."

Lucas scowled and got up from his chair. "I need a drink. I'll be back." He walked over to the bar and poured himself something that looked like scotch. He brought the bottle over to the table and gave George the bottle. There were a few inches of the golden liquid left.

"Hey, atta boy! Now you're speaking my language." George happily grabbed the bottle and swigged the remaining scotch. He winced and laughed as the burning liquid ran down his throat. Lucas sighed and put his glass on the table, still full.

"Is anyone else gonna be here, or is it just gonna be us for the night?" Lucas questioned.

"If I remember correctly, it's just us until around 4 o'clock. Shouldn't be too much longer now." George pointed to the clock on the wall as it read 11 o'clock.

"Wanna play poker?" Lucas broke the silence after a few seconds of the two of them refusing to talk.

"You? Cards? Now that's not like you at all." George joked as he swirled the bottle looking for a few more drops of scotch.

"Very funny. I'm bored as hell already. How about we make it fun?"

"How do ya mean?"

"I mean, after every round, the loser takes a drink." Lucas picked up his glass and held it in front of George's face.

"Alright, you got a deal. The first person to get smashed is the loser and has to do petty jobs for a week."

Lucas winced playfully. "Ouch. You got me... Let's play."

Across The Pond: A Rosa and Tintin Adventure (Sequel) Where stories live. Discover now