Chapter 12: Rock Bottom

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Tintin sighed sadly as he ran his fingers through his hair. He looked out the airport window one last time as we waited to get on the plane back to Belgium. The skyscrapers seemed to have lost their marvel. He pulled the ring from his pocket and fiddled with it as he moved up a spot in line. She was always so distant. Why did I never notice? I should've known she was hiding something. How could I have been so stupid?

     Tintin hammered his brain with countless thoughts of him and Rosa. Some of they were happily laughing and sipping tea by the fire as they read mystery novels. Others were sad, he was holding Rosa as she cried in his arms after a nightmare, or she was holding him after his car crash all those months ago. But the memory that would haunt him forever played through his mind: he was walking away as he looked at Rosa's beautiful face one last time.

     He shook his head as he felt his eyes start to burn. He moved another spot in line.

     Micheal pushed past another man near the door, jumping up every few feet to see if he could find a crest of red hair. He had been searching all night for Tintin but had no luck except for hoping he would be on the first morning plane to Belgium. He only had a few minutes until eight o'clock. He had to hurry. He tripped again as he apologized to the janitor for accidentally kicking his broom away. Come on, kid. Where are ya?

     He couldn't let Rosa slip away again. He just couldn't. He never got to show her how he learned to write right-handed or chop celery like a chef from the deli. He knew the Gambinos wouldn't keep her very long. Lucas told stories from work about prisoners and their very short stay at the family building. He couldn't let that happen to her. She hurt him, he knew that, but she didn't deserve the Gambinos.

     "Name?" The woman at the counter shouted slightly. She had been calling Tintin for a few moments but he was lost in thought.

     "Hmm? Oh! Quentin Jacobs. Eight o'clock flight to Belgium." Tintin handed his paper to the woman and she stamped it with red ink before giving it back. His heart hurt as he entered the next section of the airport without Rosa. He was supposed to be holding her hand, a new ring on her finger, a new life ahead of them... no. She lied to him. She hurt him. He shook his head again and walked forward.

     "Watch it!" Micheal shouted as he ran through the main lobby. He scanned the room and saw a glimpse of red out of the corner of his eye. Without a second thought, he sprinted towards it. Hoping, praying it was that stupid European idiot. His feet slid as he turned the corner and saw the back of Tintin's trench coat. He looked up and gazed at his striking red hair. "Tintin!" He called, completely out of breath.

     Tintin jerked his head as he heard his name. He hoped with everything he had that Rosa was going to run up and hug him any moment. But that moment never came. He saw Micheal leaned over on himself, panting as he stumbled forward. "Micheal? What are you doing here?"

     " Let's go," he managed to get out during his gasps for air. His lungs burned from the running.

     "What?" Tintin raised an eyebrow. Confusion racked his brain as he was trying to understand why Micheal showed up and not Rosa.

     Micheal inhaled deeply for a few seconds as he coughed. "I think.....I might throw up." He whispered. He shook his head and straightened himself as he walked forward and put his hand on Tintin's shoulder. "The Gambinos. They took Rosa right off the street. I think they're keeping her somewhere."

     Tintin felt his heart drop into his stomach as the color vanished from his face. "What?"


     Lucas pushed open the heavy door to the Gambino building with a huff and closed it behind him. The morning sun was still hot on his neck as he put his hands in his pockets and walked past small circular dining tables of men smoking cigars. Gross. He hated smelling their smoke all day. They needed to get a better hobby.

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