Chapter 15: You Aren't Real

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Lucas, Micheal, and Tintin stared gravely at the Gambino building. The bright lights of the brothel advertisements glowed on their faces with the moon shining on their backs. They stood there, gravely. None of them want to take the first step to what could be the end of their lives.

Pig took the kids to his office before joining the trio. He wasn't sure how safe their house was anymore. Considering they knew where to kidnap Rosa, Lucas wasn't taking any chances.

"Everyone knows what they're doing?" Tintin asked the two of them as he stared at the brothel.

"We could all get killed," Pig stammered as he appeared to shake slightly.

Lucas cracked his knuckles and looked at Tintin, who in turn looked at Lucas. "That's why you're not coming in, Pig. I have a plan, and I need you to trust me."

Tintin narrowed his eyes. "Trust you? Two days ago you were an officer in the mafia."

     "Officer? You never told me you got promoted," Micheal joined in surprisingly.

     "It was back in November, remember? I got you those new shoes with the extra cash." Lucas answered the question proudly, seeming that he forgot who he was standing next to.

     Tintin rolled his eyes as he sighed and paused for a long moment. "I don't want to, but I have no other choice. I trust you, Lucas. What's your plan?"

     Lucas turned to Micheal, who stared at the brothel excitedly. "Micheal, you're not coming in."

     He jerked his head to Lucas. "What?"

     "Sorry, kid. This isn't a debate. I'm not letting you in there. I need you to go with Pig, alright?" Lucas tried to be sympathetic.

     "But-" Micheal tried to argue but Pig pulled him back by the shoulder. Shoot. His first trip to a brothel was ruined. "Fine."

     "What do you need me to do?" Tintin asked.

     "The Gambinos want you, badly. So, let's give you to 'em." Lucas chuckled.

     "What? That's your plan?"

     "Do you want to save Rosa or not?" Lucas stared at Tintin.

     "If there were any other options, I'd take them, but considering I have none, I've decided to trust you. But if you turn on us, I have Pig ready to call the police if we aren't out by morning."

Lucas smiled out of the corner of his mouth. "How keen are you to getting punched in the face?" Tintin cocked his head worriedly.

     Lucas burst through the back door to the brothel, Tintin's collar in hand as he dragged him harshly into the middle of the room. Men looked up from their cards and peered over their cigars.

     Tintin scuffed his feet on the wooden floor as he weakly followed. His nose was still throbbing from the blow of punches he received earlier from Lucas. It wasn't Tintin's favorite idea, but they needed to show a struggle and make it seem like Tintin fought to get away. Blood trickled down his nose and onto his split lips. "Where's Mack? I found that British prick from the bank robbery. You know, the one who's always in the paper?"

     "You saw me in the paper?" Tintin asked quietly.

     "Shut up!" Lucas whispered as he jerked Tintin's collar.

"Well, well. I didn't think you'd do it, Lucas," George chuckled as he got up from the bar. Tintin blinked rapidly as he saw the burly figure walk toward him and ruffle his hair roughly. He whistled and stood back. "Boy, the boss is gonna love you for this one. He's been eyeing you for months."

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