Chapter 20: A Haddock Becomes a Jacobs (End)

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                     SIX MONTHS LATER

     Rosa stared in the mirror, fixed on making sure her hair was perfect. The ringlets that lined her cheeks had to be just so. She fixed her makeup while she was at the mirror, fidgeting with the eyeshadow brush before she managed to do anything. Her leg began shaking as it bounced up and down on the floor in her heels. She sighed as she tried to collect her thoughts. She recalled what had led her to this moment, all the trials and tribulations she fought through. The absolute chaos that was planning a wedding, visit after visit to the doctor to test for any remaining fertility, going through a grueling few weeks of the police academy, it seemed like she couldn't take a break for anything.

     But now, as she sat in the silence of her changing room, she missed the hustle and bustle of her usual day. It made her forget about what today was.

     It's going to be fine. I'm alright. It's going to be great. Nothing to be nervous about. She consoled herself as she stood from her chair by the mirror and stood, making sure her dress looked good. No stains, no tears, nothing caught on it, it was alright. She twirled around in her dress a few times as a nervous smile patched itself onto her face. She looked at the dress one more time. "Ah, Mom. You would've loved this dress. Wish you could've been here. Tell Dad I said 'hello.'" She said to the mirror.

     The room was empty. No one was there to wish her luck or fix her make-up or tell her how beautiful she was. She was alone, but that was ok. She traced the scar on her stomach through her dress with her finger. She remembered how she got it, how much had happened that day. She smiled warmly. She never had to wonder again. Never having to wonder if she was thought about or loved. Never having to wonder where her next meal was coming from. Never having to wonder if this was the last day she'd be alive. The only thing she wondered right at that moment was if Tintin was going to like her dress.

    She looked at the mirror closely before grinning and brushing a lock of hair behind her ear so her birthmark was visible. She nodded. "Perfect."

     The door to her dressing room opened slowly. Rosa jumped as she heard a voice behind her. "Almost perfect. You can't go out there without- Woah!" She heard Micheal enter the room and begin to speak before he registered what he saw. This wasn't the scrappy older sister he grew up with. This wasn't the girl who robbed a clothing store for change. This was a lovely young woman and man would be perfectly lucky to snatch. "You look... beautiful."

     "Micheal? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be standing with Tintin and Lucas?" Rosa picked up her dress and walked to where Micheal was standing. He pulled something from behind his back. Rosa nearly reared up as she saw it. It was a simple crown of flowers, not that dazzling to the eye, but it was worth more than gold to Rosa.

     "Sorry, it took so long. You would not believe what it takes to get freesias in New York. I thought you'd want something special." Micheal handed her the crown.



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